I was looking through one of my garage sale purchases, a cook booklet from Life services Network of Illinois. The recipes are contributed by residents in different nursing homes in Illinois. As I am looking through this book I am thinking, most of the folks contributing recipes are most likely much older than I. I have a friend in a nursing home in my old city. I know first hand how lonely these people get and how much they appreciate a visit from someone.
The following is a recipe from this book submitted by Nora Boggs, Piatt County Nursing Home, Monticello, Illinois.
I chose this recipe because my mom used to do the same thing if there was ever any left over cornbread. With 8 kids this didn’t happen too often.
Fried Corn Bread
This was one of my favorite breakfasts during the depression days and still is. Break leftover cornbread into pieces and add to skillet that has oleo or bacon grease in it. Cover with milk; season with a little salt and cook until the milk disappears. Serve plain, with butter, ketchup or syrup. ~ Nora Boggs ~
I couldn’t find a date in this cook booklet but there were some coupons in the back which expired in 1995 so I am guessing this book is close to 20 years old. Ms Nora is probably someone’s guardian angel now. Dear Nora, thank you for making me think of my mom.
And speaking of my mom who has been gone a long time now; she was always sending me poems and quotes through the mail when Jim and I were first married. She sent me the following quote.
“The difference between ourselves and others is that we don’t tell half of what we know while they don’t know half of what they tell.” ~ Josh Billings ~
I really like that quote. Hits the nail right on the head as my daddy would say.
I hope you all have a great weekend. Stay safe and be happy!!