at 67 days! It is bright sunshine here today and the temp is 28 degrees. It is predicted to warm to the upper 40s today which is a tropical heat wave. I was just reading one of my blogging friends posts. She lives in Tasmania and she said her temp there today is to reach 98 degrees. That is a bit hot for me although in the summer in central Illinois we usually have quite a few days when the temp is that warm.
I have been forgetting to mention that my doctor visits on Friday were fine. I did have to have some lab work done while I was at my primary care doctor’s office. I met the nicest ‘young’ man who was 86 years old and his wife who was waiting there for lab. He was a World War II Veteran and he was telling me all about how his ship carried the soldiers to the islands where they were needed. He was telling about Pearl Harbor Day. It was awesome just listening to him. Such a wonderful guy and such a lovely wife. I wanted to hug them both but I didn’t and now I wish I had. I do so appreciate our veterans. The number of our older vets is getting to be so small and they have such stories to tell. When I see a veteran I stop and thank them for their service for our country. May God Bless them all!!
I am making potato soup today. I haven’t made that for a long time and it sounds pretty good.
I hope you all have a blessed day. Stay safe and be happy!!