It's that time of the year....

It's that time of the year....
Showing posts with label Computer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Never never land…

That is where I have been for the last few days.  A good friend of mine sent me along a message with good intentions and a link to something that we had both been talking about.  Oh my, what a mess I have had on my computer.  A lot of malware which Malware Bytes cleaned up nicely for me .  I am left however with pop up adware on my blog.  To say this disturbs me very much is not quite adequate in describing the way I am feeling.  This is only when viewed on the Chrome Browser.  Everything is fine when viewed on IE or Safari.  I am thoroughly sick of GOOGLE and I can’t figure out how to stop the crap.  A thorough malware scan of all files on my computer shows clear now as does a virus scan.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to get rid of adware?????  If any of you have my gmail address please change it to exactly the same but instead of  If I can get that all changed over I will be closing out a lot of my blogger stuff.


On the bright side…Paul asked me to thank everyone who visited his blog and wished him happy birthday.  Arlene did take him out to celebrate.

When I get this computer mess figured out I will be around to visit you all.  Please bear with me.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thirteen years ago…

in December 1997 I bought my first home PC.  Prior to that I worked with computers at the AF Base, strictly with data input.  I knew nothing about home PCs.  I had one friend that was halfway computer literate and he went with Jim and me to buy my first computer.  It was a Packard  Bell and it was approaching the $2,000 mark with the printer included.  I am self taught with the help of some online friends.  The first one to help me was a lovely lady by the name of Rose from Texas.  We have talked many times on the phone and she is my friend to this day.  Thank you Rose. 

What has brought me to this subject is the fact that when I first started on the computer the big thing was to get stationery for your emails.  That is how I met Rose.  She had a beautiful stationery site and I sent her an email to thank her.  Now it is so easy to get backgrounds for our blogging sites.  All of them except wordpress.  There is not much you can do with wordpress as it is so blah.  I don’t even like to post there although I know that some of my blogging friends do follow me there.

The snow here is about an inch, Peoria has several inches and where my son lives is much more snow.  I am getting ready now to go out with my niece to the post office and out to lunch.  I hope you all have a great weekend.

Red heart  Beth