and that is what we are having in central Illinois today. The temp is 38 degrees right now to climb up to the mid 60s.
And speaking of Illinois…I just hate it when our state is pronounced ill-a-noise instead of ill-a-noi’. Very irritating. Some commercials are being run now on television by our local gas/electric provider for central Illinois. These commercials are supposedly telling us how Ameren IL is helping its customers to save money on their utility bill. That is all fine and dandy but one lady pronounces Illinois with the noise ending. I probably shouldn’t let it irritate me but it does. My own thought is lady, you don’t live in Illinois if you can’t pronounce it so why are you in this advertisement?
Il·li·nois 2 (ĭl′ə-noi′) Abbr. IL or Ill.
A state of the north-central United States. It was admitted as the 21st state in 1818. The area was explored by the French in the late 1600s, ceded by France to the British in 1763, and ceded by them to the newly formed United States in 1783. Springfield is the capital and Chicago the largest city. Population: 12,900,000.
Il′li·nois′an (-noi′ən) adj.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
And this is my rant for Wednesday! Thank you all for the birthday wishes for my son and the very nice comments about my brother in law and niece.
Have a spectacular day! Stay safe and be happy!!