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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tutorial: Reversible Patchwork Bag

Something I've wanted to do really bad... A new sewing tutorial!!

It really makes me happy that you guys enjoyed my sewing tutorials
and made beautiful fabric baskets, camera cases, and pen cases.
My finding is that you like easy & quick projects like I do!
How about this reversible patchwork bags that are easy and quick
to make and can be lovely little handmade gifts?

Cut out 32 of 2 1/2" squares. (I used 16 different kinds of
fabric, 2 squares from each different fabric)

Arrange to make 2 sets of 16 x 16 top layers.

Sew each row consisting of 4 squares.
(Seam allowance: 1/4" throughout the process unless otherwise indicated)

4 rows completed!

Press seams to one direction, making sure ones next to each other
are pressed to opposite directions.

Now let's sew all the 4 rows together.

Press seam open.

Do the same for the rest of 16 squares and now
you have 2 patchwork tops complete!

Sew them right sides together.

Cut out the bottom 2 corners.

Turn the bag out. Yeah! This is a fun part!

Cut out 2 pieces measuring 8 3/4" x 1 1/2".
These will be casing for cords.

Fold the edges like this. Fold 1/4", press, fold 1/4" again, press.

Fold the pieces in middle, wrong sides together and press.

Sew them onto the top part of the patchwork bag like this.
(Sew very close to the edges.)

Cut out 2 squares measuring 8 1/2" x 8 1/2".
This will be a reversed version of the bag, so pick cute one!

Sew them right sides together, leaving an opening in the bottom.
Cut the two bottom corners like you did with the outer bag.


Place the lining inside the outer bag, right sides together.
Sew the top edge so that the lining is attached to the outer bag.

Turn the bag right side out through the lining opening.
Then, press the top edge of the bag. Hand-stitch opening closed.

Prepare two 22" long craft cords. (can be found at Michael's)
Thread one cord through casing and knot ends together.
Thread second cord from a different casing opening and do the same.

Now your reversible patchwork bag is complete! Hooray!!

Reversible patchwork Bag
Enjoy making! And add your pictures of bags to
this flickr group and share with us, if you wish ;)

Reversible patchwork BagReversible patchwork Bag
These bags will be listed in my shop tonight.
When buying these, tell me in the note to seller
that you came from this blog and receive a little
piece of cute Japanese fabric!

Thanks for looking!!


  1. Thanks for making this tutorial! I saw your drawstring bag in flickr and have been wanting to know how to make one too! Off to find the perfect fabric : )

  2. yes thanks for another tutorial, I check your blog everyday and was thrilled you added this! I love an easy sewing project!

  3. after making your great basket i will have to give this a go...love your tutorials they are so easy to follow...

  4. very very cute! thanks for another great tutorial. I'll have to try this one out soon as well.

  5. thank you for taking the time to write and illustrate this! I hate my sewing machine, but I might have to break it out to make one of these :)

  6. thank you for taking the time to write and illustrate this! I hate my sewing machine, but I might have to break it out to make one of these :)

  7. too cute.....can't wait to try this one out....thanks!!

  8. Thank you such another cute and easy tutorial. I can't wait to try it.

  9. lovely. do you have this in pdf format?

  10. Y'know, a bigger one would be an excellent storage bag for potatoes or onions in the pantry.

  11. DARLING! Perhaps I'll find time to make one today.

  12. I'm so happy you made this tutorial! I've wanted to make this bag since I saw it and now I can! Thanks!


  13. Thanks for this great tutorial - I love the bags you have made, can't wait to make one of my own!!

  14. thanks! I need to make a new bag for my daughter to keep her diabetes supplies in the gym and i think this will fit the bill!!! Thanks again!!!! Love your stuff!

  15. This was very kind of you. I just happen to have extra material lying around the house. Guess what I'm doing this weekend?

  16. Great bags! I can't wait to give this a try!

  17. You are so wonderful for sharing with us all. I love your tutorials. These are just the perfect bags for a gift or really anything. You've done it again. Gave us something to make that will spread like wildfire through blogs. I see your baskets EVERYWHERE. Super idea.

  18. Very nice and simply bag!! Thank you!
    Super this blog!

  19. Great tutorial! Can't wait to try it :)

    BTW, check my blog and you'll see the favicon I added :) Although I realized afterward that you can't see them using IE. And most of my family and friends are STILL using IE. :(

    But at least I can see it :)

  20. Great tute! Now I know what to do with my unfinished patchwork placemats. Thank you, very well written.

  21. I am tickled to death that you made this tutorial. I've been admiring your drawstring bags :D

  22. that is such a cute little bag - and a great tutorial - so easy to understand and follow!! thanks


  23. Wonderful tutorial. Thank you very much! The bags are beautiful!

  24. Thank you for the wonderful tutorial....I am making Christmas quilts for all my grandchildren and then buying them a toy to go with it...I think I will make them all a bag to put the small toy into. It will also be fun for them to have a cute bag to carry stuff around...

  25. You have the best illustrations............thanks

  26. Awesome tutorial! Thanks for taking the time to show us how you made the reversible patchwork bag :)

  27. whoo - christmas is now sorted!!!! Thanks very much ;)

  28. I love your site. Thanks for the great tutorial. They are so easy to follow.

  29. I have wanted to know how to make something like this for a long time. You really spelled it out beautifully! I cannot wait to give it a shot! Thanks for sharing this and for doing such a nice job with the pics and directions!

  30. Fabulous bag, fabulous tutorial - thanks for taking the time to share this with us! I finished up 2 more of your fabric baskets today (that's 15 so far, LOL) - I'll give this bag a try this weekend!

  31. I love this. Definitely going to try it soon.

  32. Wanted to let you know that I saw Ali's version of your little fabric basket last week and just had to make one!Very clear instructions---Thank you!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Hello Ayumills , this tutorial is great!!!! , I think I'm going to cheer the stock market has done, I love it. You always have good ideas, a kiss. Zigazaga

  35. I found you from One Pretty Thing...wow this is a beautiful little bag! I just made my first bag two nights ago, and I'm VERY VERY VERY proud of myself. I want to try this one too! I love all the pictures in your tutorial. It's very easy to follow, and a beginner like me can actually make something like this thanks to you!

  36. Thanks everyone for nice comments!! You guys rock! If you make this bag, let me know..I would love to take a peek!

    sorry I don't have this in the PDF.

  37. I LOVE this bag!!! Thanks so much for the tutorial.....

  38. Hello Ayumi! This is my first time leaving a comment but I’ve been enjoying your blog for a while now.


    I just started sewing, and my first project was this reversible bag! I wanted to let you know that I posted the pictures on my blog! Thank you for the tutorial and I look forward to reading your future posts!


  39. oh thank you for posting!! of course i was secretly hoping for a tutorial for these bags to pop up here! yay!

  40. Ok, I finished mine yesterday and I am so dang proud of myself I can't stop looking at this bag! It's the first time I have ever attempted patchwork and now I am HOOKED!

    I didn't have craft cord, so I just used ribbon and heat sealed the ends with a lighter. But I threaded mine threw so that when you pull on the ends away from the bag at the same time the top closes. I hope that makes sense, but it makes it easy to work the drawstring. Basically you take one cord (or ribbon) and thread through one casing then continue threading it through the other side. So that both ends are now hanging out of the casings on the same side. Then take the other cord and do the same, but start threading the ends through the casings that have the ends sticking out.

    I hope I explained that well. I plan to post it on my blog in case I thoroughly confused you! LOL

    Thanks again for the tute!

  41. Wow, this looks great! Thanks for this tutorial, I am sure it will be useful very soon.

  42. oh my! i love this!!! i have to try it!!!

  43. Thanks for the great tutorial!

  44. Thanks for another great tutorial. I made a drawstring bag - not at all as nice as yours - for a swap just a few days before I found your tutorial. Wish I had this then. I have made several baskets from your other tutorial and love it! Also love your blog.

  45. This is just amazing. I love all your things, this is just perfect.
    This will be the perfect Christmas gift for my daughter.

  46. I LOVE this! You are very talented and I love to watch what you do.

  47. this bag is fab thanks so much for the tutorial!

  48. Wow! I just checked out your etsy shop too! I have been wanting to learn to make a bag like this, and I love that this one is patchwork and reversible! Thanks for the tutorial.

  49. Great Tutorial! I need to make one of these with my fabric scraps!

  50. Your patchwork bag is gorgeous. Just wanted to let you know that I'm passing the link along to a friend who loves to do patchwork and quilts. She's older and disabled and she'll absolutely love making some of these.

  51. I love it!!! You make is look so easy!!! This will be a fun project for my daughter and I !

  52. Ummmm that bag is CUTE!!! Your tutorial is clear and easy! Good job! thank you!!!

  53. This is a great tutorial - thanks! Just made three of them and will blog about them!

  54. omg!!! what a wonderful tutorial!
    i'll be trying this out soon, finitely. thank you! ^_^

  55. Lovely bag :)
    Can I just ask, where do you get your fabric?

  56. Thanks everyone!!!

    Most of the fabric I used for this bag is from Japan.
    You might be able to find fabric like this here;)


  57. A wonderful and easy to understand tutorial. Great clear photos.

  58. Just what I need for an upcoming exchange. Thanks for the tutorial.

  59. Hi Ayumi, I've only just discovered your blog but love what I see! The drawstring bag is lovely - think I might have to make some for presents!

  60. Your tutorial is great! You have a talent for putting together simple, clear photographs with just the right notes that people need. I want to try this.

  61. Could anyone suggest how I might convert this bag to a backpack? I have seen drawstring backpacks similar to this bag and thought I might try it

  62. thank you for this great tutorial. I love your drawstring bag! a perfect way to use up all the scrap fabrics.

  63. Thank you!!!! This is amazing!!!

  64. Thank you for the wonderful tutorial. I am not a sewer but I think that I can master these adorable bags. I hope to make them to put the members of my spinning group's Christmas presents in (ceramic sheep and handknit dishcloths). Thank you again for providing this tutotorial

  65. I just made my first drawstring bag! I love charm packs and they are perfect for this project. Thanks for an awesome tutorial.

  66. This is great. Thanks for the tutorial!

  67. Congratulations from France ! I do adore this bag and I thank you for the tuto :)

  68. so cute !
    biz (=kisses) from Brittany and Normandy to you !
    kind regards ;o)

  69. I love it, seen in Ervilha... I plan to do a cushions something like that, for mi niece :) Thanks!!!

  70. What an excellent tutorial! I've done a similar bag, but love it with the patchwork. Your pictures are great. I'm going to link it!

  71. Thank you for this wonderful tutorial! Your instructions and photos are so helpful and the bag is really fun to make.

  72. Such a cute beg that my daughter decided to make it last week on her day off of school. She is 15 and did a great job. I posted a picture on my blog at


    Thanks so much!

  73. I LOVE your blog. You make such cute stuff. I made a patchwork drawstring bag today. Check it out at http://projectsbyjane.blogspot.com/

  74. What a great tutorial! I want to dive right in and start sewing one up. In fact, I think I will!

  75. Thnak zou for a gret tutorial. I used it to make this first aid bag

  76. This is a great tutorial! You make it look so easy. I am going to give it a try. Thank You!

  77. Thank you for the tutorial. I made four of these this weekend to hold some small gifts for my nieces. They came out great!

  78. Thank you so much for this tutorial. It's so well done and very much appreciated! Now off to sew a quick gift - cheers!

  79. sooo adorable!!!

    my roommate bought a panda bag!
    She is just THRILLED with it and can’t put it down.

  80. I loved your blog and this tutorial! It really helped me making my post about patchwork in the clothes. thanks :*
    oh, and your blog is soo cute :3

  81. I love this ..I need to look at the directions like you presented them .. can we make coppies of this and put in a book so I can watch it slowly ..kindergarden level I have a disease called RSD and it is hard for me to remember... thank you my email is anita1953r@yahoo.com

  82. thankyou so so much for this!!
    i just completed my first one, and even though it's a little bit wonky, it's still perfect!!

  83. ooww..this is so much fun...I must try it one of this day. It's perfect for swimming bag.

  84. Thanks for this great little design. I'm going to make one each for my 4 grand daughters for Christmas and add socks for the 2 younger ones and makeup and perfume for the teenagers. No need for gift wrapping either!

  85. Thank you so much for the tut for this adorable bag! I've made a couple and will be making some more. I blogged about it here: http://sunnysidey.blogspot.com/2009/10/reversible-patchwork-bags.html

  86. Thank you so much for this tutorial, I made one and it´s so nice!!!

  87. Thank you for this great tutorial. This morning I needed a fast gift wrap - and your bag turned out very nice!

  88. Thanks for fantastic tuto! Definitely will give it a try!

  89. I am so excited to try this pattern! I am planning a trip to Kenya in August and these will make lovely gifts for some of the ladies over there! Can't wait to play with my fabric selections! Thanks for sharing!

  90. this is great have to try it

  91. You should make a tutorial on how to make a phone case, ive been wanting to make ne for ages but just cant seem to get it looking right, or for my phone to actually stay inn it... Love your tutorials btw.

  92. This is great! I just finished mine and I LOVE it!


  93. Thanks for this great little design. I'm going to make one each for my 4 grand daughters for Christmas and add socks for the 2 younger ones and makeup and perfume for the teenagers. No need for gift wrapping either!
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  94. THAT IS SOOOO CUUUTE >.< i wanna hav a sewing machine. xD

  95. Great! Thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial!

  96. Too cute. can't wait to get any one of these. thanks! canon pc430 personal copier


  98. Thank you everyone! I hope to see your patchwork bag in this flickr pool!

    It will be about 8"x 8" ;)

  99. its really very nice and beautiful art. thanks for sharing this with us..

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  100. wow I never thought I could make a reversible patchwork bag this easy! I am really amazed and happy as well for the result, this is a great tutorial and I recommended it to my friends!

  101. thats very inspiring me to make ones.Thank u Ayumi..

  102. Hi, this is my first time visit to your blog ^^
    I would like to make one, but i am not so understand about this ><

    "hread one cord through casing and knot ends together.
    Thread second cord from a different casing opening and do the same. "

    Anyway, i will try ^^
    Thanks :)

  103. Thank you, everyone!

    I think you'll be able to figure out once you get to the point because it's pretty simple :) Ir basically means that one cord goes through the casing, and the other cord too but the other one will be inserted from the other side of the bag. I hope this helps!

  104. Hi! I just found your blog, and thank you for sharing all the tutorials!!

    I have a question. Maybe I'll understand once I make it, but for the casing of the cords, first sew it on top of the bag, and is that it? That would make it hanging at the bottom, right? (not sewn) but at the later pictures I see it as complete - how does this happen? I tried to imagine it but couldn't.

    Thank you!

  105. Lala Lili Lulu-
    If you make sure to sew the casing in the way that the long raw edge is aligning with the top edge of the bag, it will be fine. When you sew lining to it with right sides together, a miracle happens as you can see :) It's fun :)

  106. I am happy to find this very useful for me, as it contains lot of information. I always prefer to read the quality content

  107. This is a great idea!! I will be going out to buy one today!!
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  108. I just made another one of these as a gift bag. They are so easy and fast. Thanks again.

  109. Pretty nice post. I simply stumbled upon your site and wished to state which I have truly enjoyed searching your blog ford turbo. In any case I’m going to be signing up for your give food to as well as I hope you create again quickly!

  110. I came across this blog by mistake because I was trying to get ideas for patchwork things to make on Google images! I was so impressed, as a learner sewer, at how easy the instructions were to follow! I am now (after 5 whole hours of cutting and sewing) a proud owner of a draw string patchwork reversable bag! Many many thanks!

  111. thanks a lot for making this tutorial!!! I was needing to make one of this little bags for arranging sewing little stuff, and followed your tutorial, is easy to follow (I didn't make the patchwork thing here, cause I was in a hurry for sewing :D) This bag you made here, is particularly neat, I love it :)
    Thanks again!!! So useful!!!

  112. I was needing to make one of this little bags for arranging sewing little stuff, and followed your tutorial, banner design . Its very nice and interesting post.

  113. hey hi....m from india and i just sooo loved wat u hav put up.....m definately making one :) thanks alot

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  119. oh thank you for posting!! of course i was secretly hoping for a tutorial for these bags to pop up here! yay!

  120. Thank you, everyone!

    If you make more of them, your drawstring bag will turn out great too!

  121. Nice pictures. Full of colors. Thanks for sharing.

  122. Hi Aymui - Love your blog - all the pics are really cool. keep it up!

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  127. I wanted to let you know that I posted the pictures on my blog! Thank you for the tutorial and I look forward to reading your future posts!

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  130. I just love the selection of patches. I hope you are not using new pieces to make this bag because they are so original and matching. I go and buy cut offs from a local designer for pennies.

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  132. That is some awesome and useful information right there. I cannot wait until the little people go to sleep so that I can concentrate and work some of this stuff out.

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  140. Great work here! You bags are very original and colorful!

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  146. Wow! Really like the final output. Nice tutorial but I think its definitely not going to be simple for a fresher.

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  153. wow, that's pretty creative, i'm a guy, itd look kind of off on me. but it's a nice bag.

  154. Wonderful tutorial. I really like it. So creative it inspires me to do more with my art skills. I will bookmark your blog for future updates.

  155. Great, its very easy even i can do it, but you have made very attractive bag with easy way, nice sharing thanks for it.

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  161. Wish I had this then. I have made several baskets from your other tutorial and love it! Also love your blog.

  162. This is really a nice bag, and you have shared a nice idea to create this bag. It is really easy to create a reversible patchwork bag.

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  166. I have been wanting to learn to make a bag like this, and I love that this one is patchwork and reversible! Thanks for the tutorial.

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  168. I have been wanting to learn to make a bag like this, and I love that this one is patchwork and reversible! Thanks for the tutorial.

  169. thank you very much for this helpful tutorial.


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  181. Press seams to one direction, making sure ones next to each other are pressed to opposite directions.
