Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Works in Progress..........Hierro Mittens.

I'm back today with my regular Work in Progress, sharing with you what's on my needles. I'm knitting my first pair of mittens, I've crocheted a pair of arm warmers before but never mitts or gloves with fingers/thumbs.

I'm knitting these Hierro mittens by Kelly Ashfield, this pattern is another one from Pom Pom Quarterly, Issue 6, I love the stitch definition with the cable and bobble combination.

These are for Paige, when they're finished, I'm using Drops Lima in a wool/alpaca mix, as you can see it's a pretty grey which has a slight marl effect to it. I've had to go down a needle size from the pattern so I'm using 3.5mm.

The other project I'm working on is my Ardvasar hat, I'm on the home run now and well into the decreasing, I'll definitely have a FO to show you on Friday. As usual I'll be joining in with Ginny's, Yarn Along and I'm three quarters of the way through The Beach Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club by Gil McNeil.

I've got to say, I'm thoroughly enjoying it, it's an easy  read, nothing deep, just a quick to read, chick lit. I love the fact that she mentions yarn brands like Rowan and the knitting show at Alexander Palace, it would of been good if she had shared the shawl pattern that is talks about in the book, like Debbie Macomber does in her Blossom Street series. Check out what others are knitting and reading this week, here.

Don't forget to check everybody's WIP's over on Tami's blog, too.

Happy Knitting

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

My First WIP Wednesday of 2013.........Baby Cable Sweater.

Hello there, wishing you all a Happy New Year, did you all enjoy the New Year festivities ? We had a quiet one around our friends house, enjoying good company, good food and drink, playing games and lots of laughs.

Yesterday, was a lazy day as we didn't get to bed until 4am, so I sat watching T.V. and knitting, which brings me to my first WIP Wednesday of 2013.
I got some gorgeous Rowan yarn in the sale last week at John Lewis, which was less than half price, I bought some Cashsoft 4ply, Amy Butler Belle Organic Aran, Cashsoft DK and a couple of balls of Pure Wool Aran.

I wanted to start a new project and was flicking through The Ultimate book of Baby Knits by Debbie Bliss. There are so many gorgeous patterns in there and I had all this new 4ply yarn, I normally knit for little girls but was drawn to the little boy's Cable Sweater, it is so cute.
I had bought some navy yarn which is a colour I wouldn't normally buy but was perfect for this little jumper. I'm not sure who I will give it to yet but my sister is having another baby, she is having a scan tomorrow and will find out what sex she is having. Maybe, after 3 girls she is having a boy and that is why I had this urge to knit for a boy, I will let you know !!!!

I started it on Friday and managed to do the front, back and neck, it isn't very often that the three of us are all in the house together so have made the most of it. I have loved just sat with them doing nothing but watching films, Paige reading Harry Potter and me knitting, we are so rock 'n' roll.

Yesterday, I started the sleeves so I might get it finished this week, today a few of us are going to my friend, Lyn's house for lunch and some crafting, so I can carry on with it round there.

If you pop over to Tami's blog, you can check out what everyone else is working on.

I'll let you know tomorrow whether I will be knitting for a boy or a girl, I'm so excited to be an Aunty again, I will be planning a Baby Shower for my sister, soon.

Have a good week,

The Handmade Sock Society 3 by Helen Stewart

Hello there, I just wanted to let you all know that Season 3 of  The Handmade Sock Society  is available for pre-sale  here  with an Ea...