Showing posts with label asheville street team. Show all posts
Showing posts with label asheville street team. Show all posts

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Etsy + LAAFF = Asheville Etsy Street Team

Check out the latest article, Etsy in Action: Upcoming Events September 6 - 12, 2008 in THE STORQUE, featuring Asheville Etsy Street Team + LAAFF.

Many hugs and kisses to Etsy Teams Administration for funding the Asheville Street Team demo postcards!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Team updates

We have two new Asheville Street Team members:

Window Seat
Such dreamy paintings!

Oooh... more OWLS!

So welcome! We are so happy to have you on board with us. Our team currently has seventeen members. Viva Asheville!

Also, I sent in (new) member updates to the Admins at Team etsy this morning, so don't fret if you don't see yourself on the Team listing. It will be there soon - promise. It will also reflect the shop name change for Delena of The Flying Trapeze (formally

Thanks for your patience!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I spy with my little eye...

A new member to Asheville etsy Street Team.

Wow, and check her out! Loads of cool Asheville themed goodness in her shop, and I especially love this through the viewfinder photo titled "All The Stars Came Out."

So welcome Dandy Tree! We are excited to have you join us.