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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Back to School| First Grade

Avinash started First Grade this week.  (And graduating from high school in another blink.)

We were prepped.  A school tour in the spring to see the chicken coop and classrooms (in that order). New clothes were bought on sale (at Tea Collection!) earlier in the summer. We bought new shoes weeks ago from H&M.  A tiffin lunchbox from the Indian store, hoping to cut down on plastic bags and tupperware to pack food in.  A muffin breakfast the week before to meet the teacher.  A new haircut and new Star Wars backpack purchased the weekend before.   

We planned to take pictures and I set up the chalkboard the night before, but we ended up barely getting ready to make it to school before the second bell rang.

 I walked him in to the cafeteria.  His friend had saved him a seat, but he was so nervous about sitting down.  Unsure if he was in the right place or not even though I stayed right beside him.  I'm glad we live in the age we do because there were several other moms there who wouldn't put their cameras down either.

I walked with them the whole back to his classroom.  His teacher very graciously invited me inside to stay as long as I wanted.

First thing, he very proudly told his teacher about how much he the glitter she gave him helped him sleep the night before.  The second was opening a new pack of crayons.  

Fresh pencils are the best thing.

 I had to get at least one picture with him!

After school I brought some poppers with me for a surprise because confetti makes everything awesome.

 Had a lot more time in the afternoon to set up some photos by the front door.

We continued the poppers at home.  Lakshman loves them just as much as they do, especially those little bundled ones that you throw on the ground.

Avinash came bursting out of school with a big grin and on the lookout for his friends in other classes.  He eagerly told me all about the friends he had so far (four), his lunch (cheese ravioli with a cookie and chocolate milk) and his favorite class (art).   I made a little video too because it is so easy to forget these little details. 

On the second day everything was back to normal, ha! 
  • Avinash wore the same pants and I didn't say anything.   (I totally didn't realize until the afternoon.)
  • There was no mention of breakfast, let alone fried eggs.   
  • At pickup, instead of getting out of the car, I used the carpool lane which was suddenly empty.  Good thing too because I had house only sweats on.  
  • No pictures and no confetti, but he was still excited to tell me about his day (as long as I wouldn't make him talk too long so he could go back to listening to Harry Potter on tape.)

Next week the younger two start pre-school.  Lakshman for the first time!  We are so excited.


  1. Sounds like he had a great first day. That's awesome that the teacher let you stay for a little while. Munch was off and running to sit with his class so fast, I didn't get any pictures in the classroom. Next year I need to make a list and be more prepared.

  2. Great pics!! Hope it was a good first day!!!


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