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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Around Here | July 2015

Summer is half over and we are sort of just starting to find our groove.  The kids main camp that is part of their school is over.  Now all they have is every other week Nature and Science Camp.  I like getting to spend all that time with them.  But sometimes it does get completely overwhelming.  The baby is fascinated with water play.  Which is great when we head to a splash pad almost every day.  Not so great when he realized we have a bunch of water installations, at perfect toddler height all over the house.  So yeah, I have to watch that the bathroom doors are shut like a hawk.  Not that easy with all the potty breaks being taken by the older two.  Fun times.
I have started a new exercise regimen with some friends, so it gets out of the house early every morning.  This often segues to swimming or some other outing.  I even did a craft with the kids this week - just painting those cheap wooden blocks from Ikea, but it was fun.  The kids are finally getting to the age where they don't always make a huge mess with paint.  That helps.
We also went out west (haha) to check out the Johnson City Science Mill and Exotic Animal Zoo.  They were both really great, but in totally opposite ways.  I love visiting a museum when everything is shiny and new and not smudged by a thousand grubby kid hands already.  I wish I could have taken a little more time at each exhibit to explain more of the science to the kids, but it never seemed to work out.  The zoo was a really interesting experience too.  I was happy to sit back and take pictures, so I'm glad the other moms were game to feed the animals with the older kids.  It was pretty amazing to get so close to zebras.  The ostriches just had this crazy look in their eyes that scared the heck out of me.  I was basically cowering in the wagon.
I'm not sure that life gets any less crazy once school starts but I'm glad we've had a lot of adventures already.  I am super excited about it not being 100 degrees out every single day though.  After all the flooding I'd never thought I'd say this, but we need rain!!

I've also been hard to work at my Cocoa Daisy pages this month.  Check them out if you get a chance.  Are you happy or sad that summer is half over?

1 comment:

  1. Very fun to see your post pop up in my Feedly and see the picture from the Hill County Science Mill! My kids had a blast there and I was surprised how well the stop kept both the littles, age 2&3, the bigs ages 7-13, and everyone in between, seven kids total, entertained and happy for an entire afternoon. We had a great time in TX last June.


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