Showing posts with label My Brightest Diamond. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Brightest Diamond. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 October 2011

My Brightest Diamond - Be Brave (Prefuse 73 Remix)

Massive Prefuse 73 remix to Shara Worden and her Brightest Diamonds 3rd album "All Things Will Unwind" first single.

Listen | My Brightest Diamond - Be Brave (Prefuse 73 Remix )

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Audiopleasures Mixtape,Christian Fennesz & Ryuichi Sakamoto,Tim Hecker,Lone ,Anders Ilar,Daft Punk,My Brightest Diamond,Goldfrapp,Xman

New Yorker

Audiopleasures Mixtape

Mp3 | AGF and Vladislav Delay - Break Doors
Mp3 | B. Fleischmann - buzz
Mp3 | Bjork - Wanderlust [ Ratatat Mix ]
Mp3 | Can - Spoon [ Sonic Youth mix ]
Mp3 | Electric President - Ten Thousand Lines
Mp3 | Loka - Beginningless
Mp3 | Lymbyc Systym - Birds
Mp3 | Morton Valence - Bad Times for the hare Krishna
Mp3 | NonStop - Hydration Explosion
Mp3 | Outputmessage - Glintz
Mp3 | Parataxis - Atomos
Mp3 | The Long Lost - Woebegone [ Flying Lotus king cosby mix ]

Download fullMixtape

Christian Fennesz & Ryuichi Sakamoto
" Cender " - Touch - 2007
Ambient / Electronic

Cendre was recorded between 2004 and 2006 in New York City by Ryuichi Sakamoto and in Vienna by Christian Fennesz. They came together for the mix in New York City in February of that year. Fennesz would send Sakamoto a guitar or electronic track and Sakamoto would compose his piano piece. This process was also reversed - Sakamoto initiating the track with a piano composition and Fennesz responding. Meanwhile they met for live shows, or communicated via digital means to compare notes, swop ideas and develop themes... And the cyclical process continued right up until the final mix.

Ryuichi Sakamoto and Christian Fennesz blend the unstructured and imaginative qualities of improvisation with the satisfying sculpture of composition. Sakamoto's piano, his style reminiscent of Debussy and Satie, perfectly complements Fennesz with his powerful blend of shimmering guitar and passionate electronics.

Together they have combined to create 11 tracks of satisfying and challenging possibilities... Touch

Mp3 | Christian Fennesz & Ryuichi Sakamoto - Oto

Tim Hecker
" Harmony in Ultraviolet " - Kranky 2006
Electronic / Ambient / IDM

Harmony in Ultraviolet is Tim Hecker's sixth album. It is a continuation of Hecker's interest in spectral communications, noise, impressionist musics, thresholds of listening pleasure/pain, and the limits of digital composition. This album is a significant development of his song-craft, challenging the usefulness of descriptors such as ambient, drone, metal, noise and even electronic music. If references are necessary it could be described as a sonata for the elements, songs of crackling embers, tidal pools, spruce skylines and autumn winds. Gerhard Richter's abstract paintings are also a fair orientation. Materially speaking, it is a record of whirring drones, whispering fissures, dense disintegrating chords, late-night noise and truth-telling harmonics. Yet this record follows no overarching process, no underlying narrative. It is both a homage for the Italian partigiani and also not at all. It is songs about ghost writing and midnight whispers but then again it isn't. In many ways this album can be viewed as a work of total destruction, embracing indeterminacy as an aesthetic ideal. Kranky

Mp3 | Tim Hecker - Dungeoneering

" Lemurian " - Deal Maker - 2008
Electronic / Downtempo / Beats

if you're into the whole Flying Lotus / Samiyam / Rustie / Lukid thing - this is just the ticket. Deriving its name from a lost, mythical continent, Lemurian has little to do with lost undersea cities and the like, although there is something ever so slightly fantastical about these heavily compressed instrumental hip hop productions and their evocative song titles: 'Lens Flare Lagoon' conjures up the glistening, watery effect suggested by its name, and 'Buried Coral Banks' has a Boards Of Canada-meets-Jacques Cousteau feel that's hard not to love. Incongruous with all this, interlude tracks like the gratuitous '80s soul sampling of 'Green Sea Pageant' steer the tone in a different direction, but divorced from the implied Jules Verne elements of it all, Lemurian makes for a sick collection of bass-heavy beats and quasi-ambient textures. Really good stuff - highly recommended! Boomkat

Mp3 | Lone - Banyan Drive

Anders Ilar
" Sworn " - Level - 2008
Electronic / Experimental / Techno

Anders Ilar from Sweden is definitely one of the world’s most versatile producer of electronic music today. From deep, frosty ambient scapes up to cold and academic abstractions Ilar seems to be able to produce everything. Like on the 12inch “Organza”, that was released on level records in 2006, Ilar’s fifth Full-length-release “Sworn”; has a mostly warm sound design, which fits perfectly with the label. The eight new tracks on Sworn have a romantic and sublime feel and combine a wide range of musical styles: you will find sparkling electronica, abstract IDM-ish parts and deep clubby tunes with slices of acid and Chicago house in it. Despite the many different influences the result is a very coherent one as everything is embraced by Ilar’s enigmatic and unique haze of sound. On “Sworn”, undoubtedly one of Ilar’s finest works to date, sophistication and blissfulness go hand in hand. The CD also includes three more highlights of Ilar’s and Level Records’ shared history - his outstanding contribution to the recent Level compilation „Top Ten“ and two tracks originally released on “Organza EP” in 2006 Level

Mp3 | Anders Liar - September Nights

MP3 | Daft Punk @ Coachela

Illustration by Johnnie Cluney

By happenstance a night or two ago, there was a network broadcast of “Santa Claus: The Movie,” the classic 1985 holiday vehicle starring David Huddleston (Kevin Arnold’s grandpa and the wealthy Jeffrey Lebowski) as Saint Nick, Harry and the Henderson’s John Lithgow and Dudley Moore, on the television. The post-dinner viewing, refresher course of this two-hour piece of cinema brought back many of the plot points that had been weakened in the memory in the years since. We bring this up today, in this essay about My Brightest Diamond, only for the similarities that sometimes come from the leftest fields when the restrictions are lax. Sean Moeller Daytrotter Read more Here

Mp3 | My Brighest Diamond @ Daytrotter [ Dec 2008 ]

Mp3 | Goldfrapp - Session Noir 2003

Xmen Origins: Wolverine, The OFFICIAL Trailer!

In this spin-off movie Logan struggles to find the secrets to his past.
Thanks to Charles's Xavier psychic powers Logan overcomes his mental barriers reaching his past life.
But the full truth of his origin is a far from being a gift: pain and loneliness once forgotten are awaken.
Logan remembers the role of Victor Creed (who will later become Sabertooth) in the death of his girlfriend, and how he ended up to the mutant Weapon X program which tried to transform him into a killing machine. Wolverine Blogspot

Watch | Xmen Origins: Wolverine

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Thursday, 1 May 2008

Flying Lotus , My Brightest Diamond , Sankt Otten, Diego Maclean, Will Murai , Michael Fakesch, Chad Pugh, United Visual Artists, V-Scratch,

On June 10, Flying Lotus will release Los Angeles, his second album and highly anticipated debut for Warp Records.

"Los Angeles is a special place to me for obvious reasons, but for the majority of my life, I hated living here," he says in a press release. "I only realized that by leaving and being able to check out new places, new vibes, and to chill with different folks." Flying Lotus doesn't feature many guests on Los Angeles -- the best known vocalist, relatively speaking, is Daedelus' longtime collaborator and wife Laura Darlington. "With my projects, I try to have a visual narrative happening. I like the idea of my albums being movies," he says.

Album Sampler
Listen Flying Lotus - Parisian Goldfish
Listen Flying Lotus - Roberta Flack

My Brightest Diamond announces the birthdate of the new album, A Thousand Shark's Teeth, June 17th on Asthmatic Kitty Records!

Originally meant to be a more classical, string quartet affair, A Thousand Shark’s Teeth slowly evolved and refined itself over a period of six years. The record, which was mixed by Husky Höskulds (Tom Waits, Elvis Costello), was recorded in Berlin, Los Angeles and New York City, and features twenty different players all contributing little bits of musical magic. Influenced by artists such as Tricky, French composer Maurice Ravel and Tom Waits, in addition to the star exploration themes of Anslem Kiefer's paintings, the imaginary landscapes of photographer Robert ParkeHarrison, films by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, and Alice in Wonderland, A Thousand Shark’s Teeth is a musical snowglobe that sparkles each time you touch it. The songs, whose themes broach intimacy, kisses by moonlight, laundry, lost friendship and more, marry vast instrumentation – marimbas, harps, clarinets, French horns, rabid guitars, vibraphones to name a few – to create an unequaled amalgamation of style and color. In simple terms: it’s beautiful, and there’s nothing else quite like it.

Mp3 | My Brightest Diamond - Inside A Boy

Sankt Otten
From the opening track of ‘Wunden gibt es immer wieder’ Sankt Otten make their intentions known. Stephan Otten`s echoing rhodes piano falls over golden drones as Oliver Klemm drapes his elegant trademark guitar through the track like a neon waterfall.
The album represents a marked progression from the bands earlier output. It draws upon the heart of their previous forays into dark melancholic trip hop yet discards the form. In doing so the band have managed to present a musical vision that is even more epic, cinematic and noirish and distinctly their own.

" Wunden gibt es immer wieder " - Hidden Shoal - 2007

Mp3 | Sankt Otten - Mit Guter Laune Ins Elysium

The Blackbird video is a collaborative music visualization project by Katjas Chweiker and Thomas Frenzel. Both are working with an experimental approach on intermedia projects, striving for content generated designs.

This artwork was done for Michael Fakesch audio-visual project called VIDOS—a collection of music visualizations based on Michaels latest album DOS. The video‘s design is based on visual samples that quote Michaels auditory style and mixes analog with digital elements—metaphors of the real and the immaterial. It‘s about trying and failure—trying to leave behind, trying to live in a forward-turned way, trying not to resign or surrender, trying to get aware

Watch | Thomas Frenzel - Blackbird

Old Punk Will Murai

If you are on the prowl for some fine inspiration today look no further then Diego Maclean. Diego’s work is refreshingly different and experimental. He has somehow managed to create a reel that doesn’t look like all the countless others out there. Currently residing in Vancouver finishing up his last year at Emily Carr University where he is (obviously) studying animation. If this is any indication of the work going on at Emily Carr then we already in the industry may have to step up our game! Motionographer

Watch | Diego Maclean

This piece inspired the login illustration that vimeo commissioned from me for their redesign earlier this year; it is still in use throughout the site. The video is a condensed time lapse of screenshots over a several month period. Total physical drawing time is close to 40 hours and I'd add an equal amount of time for concept time and readying the print. A screenshot was taken every 5 seconds, which actually results in a full 18 minute video. I'll upload that for posterity later. Chad Pugh

Watch | Chad Pugh - Science Machine

United Visual Artists have created a new site specific work for the Oyane Plaza, in the Roppongi Hills district of Tokyo, to mark the opening of UK-Japan 2008. Contact is a responsive floor based installation which allows visitors to use their kinetic energy to generate audiovisual forms that will interact with the user, and communicate with each other. Contact marries advanced computer vision techniques, physics simulation and a unique display surface to create an experience that aims to highlight the results of peoples interactions with each other, and their environment.

Watch | Video of the installation in situ.

My name's Valerio Spoletini.
I'm a graduating student at the University of Art & Design Lausanne in Media & Interaction unit. V-scratch is my diploma project. As i've been into scratching and vjing for several years, I had the opportunity to combine these interests in one : V-scratch

Watch | Valerio Spoletini V-Scratch

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