PS- New York pictures are on the way . . .
Monday, March 31, 2008
Happy Birthday to me!!!
PS- New York pictures are on the way . . .
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
All I want for my birthday is . . .
. . . to be on CASH CAB! Does anyone else but me and my family watch this show? I am obsessed! Its a hit tv game show that takes place in this guys taxi cab in New York City. As unsuspecting tourists hop in the cab, suddenly they are surrounded with flashing lights and casino like music. Once you accept the rules of the game, all you have to do is answer the questions right and you can win hundreds, even thousands of dollars on the way to your destination. When I get to New York on Friday, my plan is to ONLY ride in the mini-van cabs in hopes that I'll find the Cash Cab and win back all the dough I blew! Wouldn't that be a "Happy Birthday to me!"
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Crown Plaza Hotel
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter.
I still remember those Easter mornings, years ago, when I couldn't wait to run downstairs and see what the Easter bunny had brought me.
Some of the eggs he hid were real eggs, some were plastic ones filled with candy, but the best ones were always filled with nickels and dimes!
Sometimes that sneaky bunny would hide them in really hard places, but I was always too smart for him.
After we found all the eggs at our house, we would go to Grandma and Grandpa's house to see what the Easter bunny left us there.
One year he brought my cousin Chad and me these giant bunnies.
And another year he brought me a real bunny. His name was Vanilla.
Oh what I wouldn't give to enjoy those years of being a kid all over again.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Easter Dinner at El Adobe
Friday, March 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Peter & Jason!!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
First day of Spring.
Kauai . . . check!
Pretty soon I can check this destination off my list. I bought my plane ticket for Kauai! I've never been but always wanted to go. I've actually been to every island but this one. I've kind of been saving it for my honeymoon. But, since I'm not going on one of those anytime soon, I've decided to just go!
My girlfriend Emily invited us (me, Tory, and Kristin) to stay with her for a week in June at this great time share at the Hanalei Bay Resort . . . for FREE! And get this, we found a flight for $129 from San Diego to Kauai. What a deal! Kauai here we come!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
So, do you wanna know what happened?
What does this picture have to do with anything? Read on....
First of all, let me just say that it was so fun for me to see all of your different opinions as to how I should proceed with my little dilemma. I hope you all don't think I'm a drama queen because all of this was just in good fun. So, that being said...I decided to finally text him back...a day later. Here's how it went (and don't forget, the name has been changed):
Aubrey: "Hey Matt. Sill working for Fari. What's up?"
Matt: "Can you talk for about 2 minutes?"
Aubrey: "Sure."
Okay, so right about now I'm thinking in my head..."2 minutes. All he needs is 2 minutes. Its definitely a favor. Well, whatever, I'll just answer the phone and see what he needs. Make it short and sweet and be done!"
...the phone starts ringing..."Oh crap!"
So I answer the phone and he doesn't waste any time. He pretty much starts off by telling me he has a favor to ask of me and that Fari, the company I work for, was the first name to come to mind (notice how he didn't say that my name was the first name to come to his mind). Anyway, I totally called it! He then starts telling me about this fountain project he's working 0n and how he needs the number of a high end stone mason to help with his job (hence the elaborate fountain picture.) So basically I tell him I'll have to get back to him at work tomorrow when I have more resources in front of me.
Then, he tries real hard to make small talk..."So what have you been up to? How's work? You been staying busy?" Of course I'm polite and ask him the same, and then brag for a second about my upcoming trips to New York, Vegas, and Kauai. Then, its so funny that I even analyze these things, but he says "Hey, can I get your work e-mail?" For real? He probably wanted to make sure he wasn't sending any type of signal by asking for my personal email, right? Well I say good for him for keeping it all business. I mean, you gotta give the kid some props for having the guts to call up a girl who he took out and never called again. Who knows, maybe this is the start of another business/platonic/guy/girl relationship. (Like I really need one more of those in my life.)
Then, he tries real hard to make small talk..."So what have you been up to? How's work? You been staying busy?" Of course I'm polite and ask him the same, and then brag for a second about my upcoming trips to New York, Vegas, and Kauai. Then, its so funny that I even analyze these things, but he says "Hey, can I get your work e-mail?" For real? He probably wanted to make sure he wasn't sending any type of signal by asking for my personal email, right? Well I say good for him for keeping it all business. I mean, you gotta give the kid some props for having the guts to call up a girl who he took out and never called again. Who knows, maybe this is the start of another business/platonic/guy/girl relationship. (Like I really need one more of those in my life.)
But after all said and done, I'm glad I text him back. No need for this kid to think I'm some self-righteous punk who won't acknowledge his text because of some stupid little incident (that really wasn't even an incident) over a year ago.
The End.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
What would you do?
So, today at work, over a year later, I get this text message from this guy that says: “Hey its Matt. Do you still work for Fari? Have a question for you if you do.”
Ok, so my first thought was “Wow, random. I haven’t heard from him in forever. I wonder what he wants? I should text him back.”
Second thought, “Wait. Should I text him back? I mean, I haven’t heard from this guy in forever and then suddenly he’s gonna’ ask me for some kind of favor or something?”
Third thought, “I’m not texting that (insert your choice of evil man bashing word). He burned me! Now I’m gonna’ burn him.”
Fourth thought, “I better blog about this and see what you guys think before I make any rash decisions.”
So, what would you do?
Monday, March 17, 2008
The First Impression Rose
I would never. . .
. . . get out of the limo and dangle the hideously large ring on my ring finger while saying to the bachelor "See this ring here, this is just a place holder 'til you give me the real thing." (Yes, this was acutally said last night.)
. . . bring my clarinet with me and whip it out during a one on one sesh and suck on the reed while telling him "I have to suck on this to make it nice and wet so it will vibrate as I play." (Gross! I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.)
. . . get down on my knees and arm wrestle a 6'5" Enlgish man in hopes of winning over his admiration and affection. (Who are these women?)
And finallay, I would never. . .
. . . no, not ever . . . get so plastered that I'd stuff my lacy white undrewear in his pants pocket with the thought that maybe, just maybe, he would be turned on enough to see past my psychotic brain malfunction and give me a rose. (What the???)
What would you do to get the first impression rose?
The Four Leaf Clover
Sunday, March 16, 2008
And who says nothing good ever happens after midnight...
Saturday night after a great BBQ in Huntington, a little group of us grabbed our longboards and headed to an empty parking structure at the University of California Irvine for a fun night of longboarding.
Taking a break on our boards.
Taylor, Kristin, Peter, me
Lookin' good kids.
Watch yo back Taylor, I'm gaining on you!
Trying for a few extra style points.
Tristen and Peter using a less conventional way to reach the bottom. Hey, it worked.
The elevator ride back up to the top floor.
I've been riding old faithful here since my days at BYU-H. She's sure been good to me.
There are so many other blog worthy pictures (and videos) that I hope to post a little Peter and Taylor actually longboarding and spooning down all 5 floors, as well as a sick video of Taylor's wipeout! Until then, hope you enjoyed these.
Friday, March 14, 2008
DHHS Lacrosse
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Crazy Sign Lady!
Of all the memories I have of my trainer, Sister Erin Cox, this is by far my favorite! Here's the brief history...Sister Cox and I served for 4-1/2 long months together (you agree right sister...they were long) in Regina, Saskatchewan and for the first few months it was cold, frigid, and well, cold. But as things began to warm up and the spring flowers began to come out, so did the loons! This loon was our absolute favorite! Her name was, well, I don't think we ever got her name. She was just known to us as "crazy sign lady." For weeks, maybe months, as we would tract the streets of Regina we would pass by this wonderfully crazy lady, give a smile, and wave to her as she went on with her nonsensical ramblings. Every time we walked past "crazy sign lady" Sister Cox would say to me "I need a picture with that crazy lady before I get transferred." So, long story short, here it is. The famous picture with the "crazy sign lady." Oh, and it was just our luck that she happened to be wearing our all-time favorite, red-leafed, Canadian sweater. Isn't that sweet!
So why share this? Well, its just one of the many random memories that passed through my mind tonight as I reunited with my wonderful sister, now Sister Erin Wall, at the Newport Beach temple, with her sweetheart Brad, and their little bun in the oven. As I sat in the temple with Erin I couldn't help but be reminded of all the wonderful early morning Endowment sessions (5:30am every P-day) that we attended together at the Regina Saskatchewan Temple. For a moment in the session I closed my eyes and my mind was flooded with all the wonderful times she and I shared together teaching the people of Canada.
I am so incredibly grateful for Erin (even though at times on the mish I thought I was sent a Nazi, not a you Erin). But she really pushed me to be a great missionary and taught me how to work hard and WALK FAST! Thanks for all the memories Erin. Here's to many more!!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
FREE TIME? What free time?
This week I started our new Book Club book. Its called "The Late Bloomer's Revolution" by Amy Cohen, and I'm finding that I relate to this mid-thirties, single and cynical woman, a lot more than I ever thought I would.
Here's Amy's hillarious take on what its like to have so much free time as a single woman:
"It wasn't that I had so much free time; it was just that unlike my married friends with children I had very little to show for it. In fact, if I added up all the time I spent setting up the first date, choosing what to wear, meeting for drinks or dinner or cofee or brunch, coming home not sure I was into him, but wanting him to call anyway, getting the call, anticipating the second date, choosing what to wear again, going on the second date, deciding I kind of liked him, going on a third date, deciding I really liked him, going out a few more times, fantasizing about our bike trip to Italy, getting more serious, feeling happy to be alive, wondering if things were getting weird or whether it was just my imagination, obsessing over why things didn't work out, chastising myself for not trusting my instincts in the first place, loosing a week or four to mild then extreme depression, slowly feeling better, vowing to forge ahead and not getting jaded, starting the whole process over again, I could have gotten my M.D. Read all of Proust. And written an opera. In German. Twice. Thats what I wanted to say when these women asked me what it was like to have so much free time."
Here's Amy's hillarious take on what its like to have so much free time as a single woman:
Monday, March 10, 2008
The New Jaguar XF Supercharged
There's a new car around town...too bad its not mine! Today at 4:30 the first new Jaguar XF Supercharged luxury sports car to hit Southern California pulled into our parking lot at work. Meet my boss' new baby (his last baby was his new I-phone). As he watched the car pull up, in his authentic South African accent he said "Dang, that is one HOTTTT car!" Oh, and it is!
The interior is what sold me on it. I sat in the passenger seat as my boss pressed the start button and the engine just started purrrrrring. It was like a lullaby. Ugh! So hot!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Long Beach Art Walk
Photographic Works of Art from the Members of PADA
I've always been a lover of the arts. So, Saturday night I went out with one of my good friends Briana from work, along with her roommate Sabrina, to see an Art Exhibit in Long Beach. The exhibit featured the photography of one of our co-workers, Mark Tanner, who did a showcase on form and space. His work was amazing! If you have a minute you can view some of his work HERE or by going to
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Faraday's Law Live @ Starbuck's
Friday night a group of us went to the Starbuck's in Laguna Niguel to enjoy some swooning from Justin and Mike. You boys make beautiful music!
Later that night Charity, Kristin, Peter, and I crashed the "unofficial" San Clemente 5th ward campout down at the San Mateo campgrounds in San Clemente. I opted out of staying the night. Partly because I knew I had to be on my way to a funeral the next morning at 8am. And partly because I don't really love camping. Blame it on the bad back.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Manhattan Temple
I've been tagged by Charity...along with the rest of our Book Club...
2 NAMES YOU GO BY: Aubrey, Aubs
2 THINGS YOU ARE WEARING RIGHT NOW: A white linen skirt from Anthro and a pair of old khaki loafers that match the khaki lining on my navy blue top perfectly!
2 OF YOUR FAVORITE THINGS TO DO: Take a nap at the beach. Read a book under a blanket with my puppy curled up at my feet.
2 THINGS YOU WANT VERY BADLY AT THE MOMENT: A place of my own and a car wash!
2 FAVORITE PETS YOU EVER HAD: My last puppy, Teak. He was the most precious little teacup poodle ever. And definitely the puppy we have now. Her name is Kasey, but we call her Pooh cuz shes all fat and snuggly like a Pooh Bear.
2 THINGS YOU ATE LAST: A homemade spinach salad with Catalina dressing and a bowl of Trader Joe's Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato soup. Mmmm!
2 PEOPLE YOU LAST TALKED TO: My boss Errol and my co-worker/girlfriend Jason Maughan (sorry J, its kind of an on-going joke at the office.)
2 THINGS YOU ARE DOING TOMORROW: Attending the funeral of a close family friend in Hemet and then an Art Walk in Long Beach with one of my co-workers.
2 LONGEST CAR RIDES: Probably CA to UT and the Road to Hanna on Maui....a beautiful drive but waaaay to much confinement in a slow moving vehicle!
I now tag all the friends I knew in High School. You all know who you are...I'll be checking blogs.
2 NAMES YOU GO BY: Aubrey, Aubs
2 THINGS YOU ARE WEARING RIGHT NOW: A white linen skirt from Anthro and a pair of old khaki loafers that match the khaki lining on my navy blue top perfectly!
2 OF YOUR FAVORITE THINGS TO DO: Take a nap at the beach. Read a book under a blanket with my puppy curled up at my feet.
2 THINGS YOU WANT VERY BADLY AT THE MOMENT: A place of my own and a car wash!
2 FAVORITE PETS YOU EVER HAD: My last puppy, Teak. He was the most precious little teacup poodle ever. And definitely the puppy we have now. Her name is Kasey, but we call her Pooh cuz shes all fat and snuggly like a Pooh Bear.
2 THINGS YOU ATE LAST: A homemade spinach salad with Catalina dressing and a bowl of Trader Joe's Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato soup. Mmmm!
2 PEOPLE YOU LAST TALKED TO: My boss Errol and my co-worker/girlfriend Jason Maughan (sorry J, its kind of an on-going joke at the office.)
2 THINGS YOU ARE DOING TOMORROW: Attending the funeral of a close family friend in Hemet and then an Art Walk in Long Beach with one of my co-workers.
2 LONGEST CAR RIDES: Probably CA to UT and the Road to Hanna on Maui....a beautiful drive but waaaay to much confinement in a slow moving vehicle!
I now tag all the friends I knew in High School. You all know who you are...I'll be checking blogs.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
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