We had a rain storm today that was "crazy". I ran out side, I mean I ran to the front door with my trusty camera in hand and took some pictures for you all.. The rain was just coming down in sheets! you know the saying "its raining cats and dogs"LOL. I didn't see any cats or dogs falling from the sky LOL. You can click on any photo to enlarge if you like..
The rain was washing away all the new mulch Gary and I just put down a few weeks ago...
The earth was getting a good bath today. Who upset "Mother Nature" I want to know...LOL
I was so worried about my Camellia's..they were just blooming so pretty..The rain was coming down so hard it was flooding our front porch and all the flower beds. I couldn't go over to the side of house to check the other flower beds, unless I had a boat or fishing overalls... LOL...
Rain was just pouring out everywhere and thank goodness we had new gutters installed just about a month ago! Oh my sweet Camella's..they looked like they were drowning..
The rain had ceased for a while and the streets had flooded over the sidewalks and up to the lawns. Do you think anyone would like to buy some lake front property...HeHeHe :)
The white pipe sticking out is for the lamp post that Gary and I are going have put in..but now I think we better move it back further away from the sidewalk.
Our neighbors home was flooded up to the driveway.
Anyone have a broom I can borrow?...
Awe at least this pink beauty's made it. I was so surprised.
My poor drowned Camellia's..I hope they perk up...
I took this picture from the back doors looking out to the pool area. The other side of the back yard where the grass and patio are, was flooded as well! I didn't get a picture of that because the rain was coming into the living room when I opened the door...
So how's the weather in your part of the word! I thought it was suppose to be spring....LOL.
Stay warm and curl up by the fire. That's what I going to do and watch "Off the Map" I love that show..we tape it every week because it comes on so late for us.

Have a sweet weekend my friends.