These two doors are in the Master Bedroom the door straight ahead of you leads to the hallway and the door off to the left is our Master Bathroom or better known as the "necessary room" Paul ran the trim beautifully together to form summitry since the two doors are so close together.
Opening the door into the necessary room (this is the BEFORE) this photo was taken the day we had our home inspection. Notice the walls are white and the windows have no casings. Also the vanity is very small with little space to put things on.
Also see the extra space beside the vanity, I had to put something there for towels. The vanity did not have room for towels. This bathroom was in need of help, so I called my cabinet maker and showed him pictures of what I wanted for a vanity and he came through with this lovely white mission style vanity with plenty of drawers and even room for towels.
Paul added the molding around the window, what a big difference it made the window looks bigger (I heart this window). I made the curtains out of linen fabric, the walls are painted in Cozy Cottage by Sherwin Williams this is the color I have used primarily throughout our home and all the doors and trim are Swiss Coffee by Kelly Moore
The vanity has two large deep drawers see them on the right, we now have room for bath towels.
I love how the vanity turned out it really brighten up the room and made use of the extra space by the door, we also have more counter space too and Gary and I aren't running into each other while trying to brush our teeth... We had to call an electrician to move the electrical socket to the right to make room for the mirror and the extra large back splash we wanted. Paul did all the finish work for the wall repair (there is nothing he can't do) and he has the biggest brightest smile ever.
I have shown you this mirror before, we have had it for many years it used to be very dark walnut and I painted it white, its diffidently showing its age and wear but I still love it and keep moving it from room to room, but I think its staying in the bathroom now. I don't think Gary wants to lift it again it's very heavy.
Looking from the window to the door that leads into the Master Bedroom..see the trim so pretty! I just can't say enough how much all the crown, moldings and casings have changed the look and feel of our home, it just brings a big old smile to my face.
Off to the left of the door is our walk in shower no doors needed. It wraps around into the wall. The little wood rack that we hang our shower towel on, Gary made for me (I saw the idea on a blog and darn if I can remember who's) I am so sorry. I do like to give credit where credit is due so if you know where I saw this creative idea please let me know.
Behind the wall is the necessary part of the room. Just a little space but hey what else do we need right. Our bathrooms are simple no fuss. I could dream of many things like a huge window with a view out into a meadow while enjoying a jacuzzi tub but our home is not in a meadow and our bathrooms are small. So you just make the best of what you have right.
Now onto the Hall Bath, walking through this door leads you to the Hall Bathroom or you can call it the Guest Bathroom or the Necessary Room. Its also very cozy, tiny, peitie OK lets just say its "Small".
Both bathrooms have the same tile and this bathroom (still has) the same vanity and sink as the Master Bathroom had. We have not replaced it yet since it was new when we purchased the house, so we are making use of it. Eventually we will replace the vanity with a white one and a new counter top also I would like to have a small wall I think it's call a ( kneewall) I bet I spelled that wrong anyway, to hide the potty so you don't see it as you walk in..
I really love the trim. The walls are painted in a Light French Blue by Sherwin Williams.
Guest Bath window trim casing. I didn't want to put any screws into the wood so I used spring rods for the curtains in both bathrooms.
Now for the Guest Bedroom moldings, the closet all trimmed out Paul used the same design he created throughout in every room
Guestroom door leading into the hall all dressed up in fine molding.. The guest room is painted in Sea Salt by Sherwin Williams.
So there you have it. I think I have shown you all the crown and moldings now...there are two rooms you have not seen yet the laundry room and Gary's office that we share...
We have nick named it the (Situation Room #1) you can only guess why! LOL one day I will take you were no camera has been before.
Enjoy your week and I can't wait to visit and see what you have been up to.
Joining in with the following Link Parties;
Mary-Boogieboard Cottage Masterpiece Monday
Susan-Between Naps on the Porch metamorphosis Monday
Kathryn-The Dedicated House Make it Pretty Monday
Alderberry Hill Make the Scene Monday
Kim-Savvy Southern Style WOW us Wednesday
Honey-2805 A Potpourri Party every Friday
Courtney- French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday
Sherry-The Charm of Home Home Sweet Home Party Fridays