Showing posts with label What to Do?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What to Do?. Show all posts

Sunday, August 5, 2012

~What to do Wallpaper or Beadboard ?~

 Decisions Decisions, what's a girl to do when she can't make up her mind between wallpaper and Bead Board or both in the Master Bedroom. I'll tell ya, She goes to a decorating pro  Betsy Speert
that's who, with her decorating question's ! Every first Tuesday of the month Betsy has a "oy vey! g&a!"
I have admired Betsy's work for years ever since I picked up her book
'Great Color & Pattern  Collection.' I have read and looked at every page a million times, just dreaming of one day having a room as pretty as in the pages I was looking at.
So when I discovered Betsy had a blog and would answer your decorating questions I was ecstatic. I had to muster  up the nerve to ask her for help. Betsy has an amazing sense of humor and will hold nothing back, she will tell you like it is (so Betsy I'm ready) I have put on my 1990's shoulder padded jacket and I am ready of ya hehehe. I love Betsy she is so funny and a kick in the pants,  and her decorating style touches home with me..
Recently she wrote a post called (How to Create Design with Color and Pattern) I fell in L-O-V-E with her wallpaper! the whole room is so beautiful it really gave me the kick in the old fanny to finally decide on Wallpaper or Bead Board for the bedroom. Betsy asked for photo's so here you go, I have tried to show you all walls and spaces in the room.

The entry into the room is  3 ft wide. Directly when entering the room the master bath is off to the right.
 A vintage 1940 chandelier is hanging in the entry, the walls are painted Cozy Cottage by Sherman Williams. Carpet is spanking new just had it installed, my last post I talked about the color of it "Pineapple". Off to the left is a small, cozy, tiny, itsy bittsy sitting room and off to the right is the sleeping area.

 The curtains are floral and I do love floral but these can be changed out if need be.
 The closet you are seeing to the right is part of my husbands wardrobe closet  and it wraps around to the other side of the wall.

 We do not have a head board, our bed is new and is a king, since we were not sure about a head board we decied  just to purchase the bed, what I thought about was having my husband make us a white  Bead Board headboard. I know the shelve is a bit small above the bed, but it fills in the open space of not having an headboard. I love having home made things around me.  So many of the linens and pillows were hand made for us and or inherited. The king size quilt on the bed I made.

 During the summer we have the quilt just laying on the foot of our bed for color. We are not afraid of color.

 Here is a photo of what the quilt looks like open on the bed as a bedspread.
 Here is a picture of the quilt ingnore the old carpet... so ugly...
 The quilt is reversible we can use either side.
 I love wallpaper and have been wanting to use it again, back in the 70's I think my husband and I must have wallpapered every room in the house LOL (poor people that had to remove all that)
 There is wallpaper Bead Board now that I think is really cool looking and I love the wallpaper in you your book Great Color & Pattern Collection on page 242.
 The sleeping area is 13" x 13' wall to wall.
 Husbands huge wardrobe it is built in.

 The sitting room measures 6 ft x 10ft.

 So if we were to wallpaper or Bead Board or both should be do every wall or do something different for the sitting room?
 Off to the left I cut the photo off because hubby has to re-hang the door into the walk in closet that is mine. The new carpet is higher than the old one and the door was dragging.

So Betsy can you "Help" ?
What kind of head board to you see for the room?
Should we wallpaper or use Bead Board through out the entire room or just on a few walls?
Should we change the curtains to binds or plantation shutters?
Is the furniture arrangement right for the room?
Our style is comfortable and casual, vintage and cottage. We love the colors blue, red, yellow, green. Ticking  and floral fabric. 

So girls please chime on in with any of your suggetions. I can't wait to see what Betsy has to say!


Sunday, January 15, 2012

~Looking for a New Look~

Happy Monday !
Guess what happened to me ? I was trying to re-design my blog all by myself...and I must tell you I am not very good at blog design.
I had my blog designed by a gal who is no longer designing, so I thought I could try and read tutorials and change things up all by my little old self...soooo wrong was I...
I deleted all the blogs I had on my side bar. I know they are listed on my dashboard but I was trying to list them under a header with a roll up..boy did I mess up then I deleted a title under my header.
So this leads me to my all important question, can anyone recommend a blog designer they have used, my little blog needs a new look. I would love to hear from you maybe you are a blog designer and would like to work with me on giving this little old blog a face lift.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Friday, January 6, 2012

~All Fixed~

Thank you "Ron" "you'd the man" you fixed my blog...I owe you big time!
To fix the background from the photobucket pics...I found a free background I liked and installed it.
Ron fixed my sign off signature and divider between posts by going into Edit HTML and reading the "language". Thank goodness Ron is a computer wiz, cuz I'm sure not...Ron saved my blog! I love you!
I will post on Sunday night. We have a lot to catch up on. I hope you all have a sweet and restful weekend.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

~OH NO~ I've lost my Background~

Happy New Year everyone!
I have missed you all. More illness in our family so I have not been able to post much.
I just opened my blog to post and saw my background "GONE". It seems others have lost there's too.. Becky, Cindy and Tina just to name a few girls. If anyone can "HELP" please let me know.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

~Blog Interupted~

 Laying on the couch and thinking what shall I do......
 How can a blogging girl blog without her camera...
 Ho Hum....My camera has been set to Canada for repair and  it won't be back for six weeks....    
I was starring at the walls and then it came to me...I'll ask my blogging friends...What would you do?
I had so many fun photos to share with you and could not down load any of them.
Ho Hummmmmm...............whats a blogging girl to do......

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

~Embrace Life~

Please wear your seat belt, WHY? because I LOVE YOU