Thank you all for the wonderful comments on Gary and I new retro appliances we really are enjoying them.
Did you all have a heat wave like we did over the weekend?. We had over 100 degree weather and our air conditioner pooped out! I'm melting......
Anyway I wanted to share with you a fun and easy quilt I made for my niece Amber, she is having a boy next month. I love bright colors for babies and the pinwheel block seems to be so colorful and happy for a little one. I also like to use primary colors. Amber's theme for her nursery is owls as you will see.
Look close and you will see owls quilted on the blanket.
A closer look.
The back of the quilt all happy little owls with their big eyes just staring at ya...
I used orange fabric for the binding.
I always make a softy blanket its crib size and easy to take along for baby to sleep on or play on for the babies.
I love the turquoise blue fabric both sides are wonderfully soft and so cozy for babies to cuddle up with, Mommy too.
I saw a pattern for crochet diaper covers and I thought how fun are these! so I whipped up a few for our new nephew. I made a few different sizes so Amber can check out the sizes as he grows..
Another quick crochet project is this little lavender pillow I made for my grand-daughter, I enjoy crocheting while I'm watching TV. I found this pattern and the pillow below
in the Goose Berry Patch Farmhouse Crochet book.
This afghan I made for a dear friend in the theme colors of our local football team the Oakland Raiders...So these are a few of the projects I have completed lately. So tell me what have you been making to keep your little hands busy?
Joining in with the following blog parties;
Mary-Boogieboard Cottage Masterpiece Monday
Susan-Between Naps on the Porch metamorphosis Monday
Shannon-Cozy home Your Cozy Home Party Tuesday
Kim-Savvy Southern Style WOW us Wednesday
Bunny Jean -Bunny Jean Decor and More Bunny Hob Wednesday
Cindy- My Romantic Home Show and Tell Friday
Courtney- French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday
Sherry-The Charm of Home Home Sweet Home Party Fridays