Showing posts with label Our Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our Home. Show all posts

Monday, August 12, 2013

Blue Picket Fence

 Were BACK!! Wow was it a busy summer (did you wonder where I was) I missed you all very much.
 Our summer was spent enjoying three beautiful happy weddings that Gary officiated at, our niece and two dear friends.
We had a sad farewell to the passing of a dear Uncle, spending time and watching after our 8 year old grandson, my little brother was in the hospital for 16 days  having emergency surgery. My Mom also having hand  surgery.
Did I tell you that our youngest daughter is engaged? we have been  helping her and fiance' Seth plan their wedding.
We also have been spending time with our mini Astralian Shepared Shiloh he is now 7 months old.
In between all that we managed to have a cute  little picket fence built around our front entry to our door. Gary found the fencing at a garage sale and what do you know we now have a new fence.
Paul who  is our oldest daughters boyfriend built and desinged it for us.
Gary and I did all the painting (we wanted to help do something so it was painting)
You know us we love color so we said  to each other "go bold or go home...LOL LOL" so we choose to paint the gate blue to match the front door , the picket fence color is swiss coffee it matches the trim around on the house. Yellow, blue and white just a few of my favorite colors.

 What's a gate without flowers, I love flowers!

 Since we live on the corner we seem to get a lot of people trying to sell us "stuff" we really don't want and they seem to always knock during on our door during my favorite shows.
We wanted to keep our home friendly without saying "keep-out" so we thought the fence would do the trick. We keep it locked at night so it acts as an extra safety measure.
 Our next on the  Gary and Elizabeth To Do List is shutters on the outside of the windows and to  brick the porch.

 This gate is on the side of the driveway we kept it white as to blend into the rest of the fence.

 On the porch we have our basket swing a fun place to curl up in.
 'Grow trumpet vine grow' big and strong pleaseeeeezz.

 Hello Mrs Bee don't sting me please.
 We really love how the little white and blue picket fence  added so much charm (we think) and our little dog Shiloh loves it too, he can poke his tiny nose out  between the slats.

The before photo.

How was your summer?.

Sending you all a really tight hug and hoping and praying you are all happy and well.

Elizabeth and Gary XO

Joining in with the following link partys;

Jan-Have Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson Share you Cup Thursday

Courtney-French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday

Sherry-TheCharm of Home Home Sweet Home Party Fridays

Sunday, June 9, 2013

HGTV Wallpaper in the Entry

 Hello!  its been so long...please forgive my absence, retirement has been keeping me really busy!!. I just don't know where the time has gone. Thank you all so very much for all the sweet wishes on my retirement.
Way back in the late 70's and 80's Gary and "loved" wallpaper and wallpapered almost every room in our home! yep we sure did...LOL
I felt so sorry for the ones that had to rip it all off the walls when wallpaper went out of fashion.
I have always loved wallpaper and wanted to use it again but not on every wall.
While watching HGTV I saw a commercial about the new wallpaper line HGTV was sponsoring with Sherman Williams.
I began dreaming of wallpaper in the entry and of course my curiosity got the better of me and I just had to go see for myself all the patterns of wallpaper.
I fell in love with the bold red rose pattern when I first laied eyes on it and knew it was the one I wanted for the entry.
Gary also liked the pattern and agreed it was the right choice for our home.
So we ordered a double roll (that is how it was sold only in double rolls) we only needed one double roll it was enough to complete our entry and only papered 2/3 way up the wall.

 The wallpaper was unpasted so we had to paste. I must say at first I was a bit worried about the process of pasting but to my surprise it was so easy and went up nicely, not much waste at all.
Gary put the chair-rail up for me  (thank you honey XO)
 It was a bit hard to get good pictures for you since our front door has so much light coming through. We kept the door green, I think its OK, what do you think?.

This picture is a bit dark (sorry) but I wanted to show you more of the entry.  I'm  not very good at fixing the color on my photos. I guess I should take a photo class now that I am retired...( but I don't have time) hehehehehe.

So what have you all been up too?.

Joining in this week with the following blog parties.

Mary-Boogieboard Cottage Masterpiece Monday

Susan-Between Naps on the Porch metamorphosis Monday

Alderberry Hill Make the Scene Monday

Kathryn-The Dedicated House Make it Pretty Monday

Judy-DIY by Design Winter Blues Wednesday

Kim-Savvy Southern Style WOW us Wednesday

Courtney- French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday

Sherry-The Charm of Home Home Sweet Home Party Fridays

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hutch in the Entryway

 Happy first week of March everyone. Thank you so much for all your wonderfully sweet comments on our headboard and the lampshades. You all bring such joy to my heart.
Its time for spring cleaning and re-arranging the furniture.
 The hutch  top you are seeing was sitting out in the garage, I didn't know where to put it and then I thought why not try it in the entryway. I wasn't sure if would look to big for the space and at first we just had the bottom half of the hutch  in the entry. But then there was the hutch top just sitting out in the garage collecting dust and truly it was in the way for Gary in the garage.
 So while my sister n law and brother n law were visiting, my brother n law asked me what he could do to help me and  I said "do you think you and Gary could bring in the top half of the hutch so we could see what it would look like in the entry"
well I knew this baby was not light and would take some muscle to lift it. But he said sure he would help so the guys brought the top in  and us girls even lent a hand lifting it up high.
I think I like it, and even if I didn't I don't think the boys would want to lift it down again LOL LOL.

 Around the corner from the entry is our kitchen it faces the street. Does your kitchen face the street? It took me a while to get use the kitchen facing out to the street, but I really like it now. I can see all the pretty neighborhood trees blooming. Gary loves looking out at the trees and what is going on up front and sits down for his breakfast everyday for a view of the world.
 In the corner we have a vintage bucket that was used for holding chicken seed for feeding the birds. We are using it to hold walking sticks and umbrella's when its been raining.

 Inside the hutch we have a few sentimental pieces that we enjoying using.

Now the front entry has been spring cleaned, I can now move on to the next room. Have you began any spring cleaning?.

Today is a very dear friends might her Ana from A Petite Cottage  
Happy Happy Birthday Ana, the world became a sweeter palace the day you were born.

Enjoy your week everyone, the weekends sure do fly by and then its back to work. I need more time in my days, I bet you do too.  I hope your week is blessed with everthing that makes you happy.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Chocolate Tree Leave Lampshade

 Happy Monday to you the last Monday of the Month. Where did February go! 
Thank you so much everyone for all your kind and sweet comments on our headboard. It was overwhelming and really touched my heart.
This week I would like to share our new lampshades with you. While browsing one of our favorite lighting stores in town, Gary and I saw these green lampshades that caught our eye, the green was so beautiful to us.
While reading the tag we saw that the shade was made my hand with real cocoa (chocolate tree) leaves and was eco-friendly.
Wow! we had never seen anything like it before.  So what do I do?, well I smell the shade of course, the tag did say made with real cocoa. LOL, LOL.
We had been wanting to find new colorful lampshades and when we saw these well you know (we had to buy them) and here they are in all their glory.
 Light bulb off.
 The lampshades that came with the lamp base were a basic white shade, nice but not us. We bought the lamps knowing that one day we would re-placed the shades.
 You can see the cocoa leaves, I love the texture of the shade and the way it changes color with the light on and at night. I took these pictures this morning when the light was good.
 Closer look at the lamp base.
 Light bulb on.
 We purchased two shades, look way in corner where the second lamp is.

 We had a lovely day today, the house was filled with light!

Enjoy your week everyone, may it bring  peace to your heart and joy in your smile. 

Joining in with the following blog parties.

Mary-Boogieboard Cottage Masterpiece Monday

Kathryn-The Dedicated House Make it Pretty Monday

Susan-Between Naps on the Porch metamorphosis Monday

Alderberry Hill Make the Scene Monday

Judy-DIY by Design Winter Blues Wednesday

Kim-Savvy Southern Style WOW us Wednesday

Jan-Have Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson Share you Cup Thursday

Courtney- French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday

Sherry-The Charm of Home Home Sweet Home Party Fridays