Well I actually do have four finishes for this month's update...they are all small, but at least I can put one more old WIP in the pile of finished pieces. I bored with the unsullied white fabric and recently acquired some walnut crystals, so this is the finished result. When I took this out of the hoop I noticed that the border was off a bit on one side and I pondered frogging (for about a fraction of a second) but *&*^ that, I'll just call it "primitive" instead.

It's been another busy month--a rough month, as we lost a family friend to cancer at age 44. Between that ordeal and the usual work-kids-school nonsense, stitching smalls has been all I have had the time or energy to do. This was a freebie from the Ravenelle blog.
And another Christmas ornie--Ho Ho Ho in a Row by Lizzie Kate. I may actually be ready for Christmas this year.
My last small finish. I have no idea why Blogger does this...I have tried a dozen times to get this to load correctly! Anyhow this is May Love by Primitive Hare, one of my new favorite designers. I made this piece for a contest she held (which I didn't win) but it was fun anyway!

As I am close to 200 followers and I have not done anything like this for a long time, I thought I would have a slightly premature 200-follower giveaway for the sideways pillow here and a few other items as well. Just leave a comment on this post. No need to advertise on your blog, I would just as soon have one of my regular visitors win.
And finally, here is the one slightly larger piece that
has been occupying my time--Raven Bewitched
by Blackbird Designs. I love the colors in this one,
and the ravens too of course :)
Carol of Carol's Stitching very kindly chose my blog
for the Liebster award which has been making the rounds lately, but as it is about time to rouse the kiddies for school I will have to post about that next time..
**Yikes. forgot to mention that I will draw a winner for the giveway in about a week on the 21st. Thanks!***