Showing posts with label Graphic 45. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graphic 45. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Post Bound Albums

 Hi Everyone I'm sharing today another kit I did for Clare at My Creative Spirit.  Check out the bottom of the post for links to her store and social media, my social media and the two videos I made sharing the finished project.  Enjoy!

I'm just going to share a few teasers here so you can get a feel for the book
You'll want to check out the videos
to really get a feel for it!

This is a post bound kit, meaning you can replace or
extend the posts to give you all the 
expandable room you want
to add more and more

My mini has 9 pages 
plus the front/back covers
I used black cardstock that
Clare had sent me for the
inside pages.

narrated walk through

photos only

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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Using My Scraps for a Valentine's Tag/Card

I'm back again today with a tag or card, whichever you prefer to call it, using more of my crafty room scraps.  I used several different paper collections in this tag, both sizes of the Graphic 45 Alphabet tags and other embellishments from my stash.  As always check the video link at the end of this post to get the complete process of how I made my tag along with tips and ideas for using your own crafty scrap stash.

I store my 6x6 and 8x8 paper pads in a bin on my shelves and leftovers from paper collections either by themes or manufactures in 13x13" art bins in my wire shelving unit.  For this card/tag I pulled Websters Pages papers and a Victorian Valentine pad my friend Paula had gifted me from the 6x6's and then looked in my art bin labeled Love/Marriage.  In here I toss remnants of paper lines that pertain to love and romance. I found an old Basic Grey sticker sheet from the Bittersweet Collection (circa 2008!) I found great cut aparts from Authentiques Adore collection, I think that's a couple years back.  The jist of it is if you group things together you can pull them out and begin seeing what piece from this will go with what piece from that.  It's amazing how you can cross over manufactures and collections for your project.

I had some white doily paper hearts in my stash and I lightly shaded them to dull down the white and let the color scheme flow better with the natural tones of the paper.  By backing the thin doily with paper you can form a pocket while strengthening the paper.  I also slit the paper (upper left) along the curved line to create a second pocket on the front for the tuck in tag you see in the first photo.  I love slitting through the paper when I'm trying to preserve the image.  You don't loose any of the picture part but you can create an additional useable accent.

One of my favorite parts of this project was running across this die from Creative Expression by Sue Wilson, I love her dies.  This one was perfect to create an addition pocket on the back side to slip the cut apart in.  I used a tinted glassine bag (gifted from Manuela) to slide the cut apart into. 

Come and spend a few minutes with me on the video where  I can share more of what I've created here and inspire you to dig into those crafty scraps you have in your own art space. Thanks for stopping by, Patti

Visit me at A Soul’s Heartbeat on BloggerFacebookYouTubePinterest and Instagram.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Club Graphic 45 Imagine Kit - Scraps to Cards

Here is the last of the bits and bobs from the Club Graphic 45 Imagine Kit that Tammy Merrill from Country Craft Creations sent me to play with.  I've used it all, every sticker, all the papers there's nothing left to store away and gather dust!  Woot Woot!

Now the process of cutting, piecing and gluing has yielded eleven cards for my card stash.  Not a bad deal considering the bag of scraps would probably have stayed hidden for eons and purged by who knows who!

Check out the video below if you'd like some ideas of how to use up your leftovers and create some cards in the process.

Supplies can be found at
Country Craft Creations store
Inspiration can be found at
Scrapbookers of Country Craft Creations
you can also join the Facebook groups

Visit me at A Soul's Heartbeat on

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Club Graphic 45's Imagine Kit made into a Cinch Flip Mini

a Country Craft Creations design project

Today I'm sharing a top flip mini album with a Cinch coil closing.  I so rarely use my Cinch and have always liked the idea of mini's that stand on a table.  I hope you'll like it as well.  I've used the Club Graphic 45 Kit Imagine.  It included the 12x12" Patterns and Solids, Journaling and Ephemera Cards, a stamp set, and some Keyhole embellishments along with a pad of Color Box ink in Cashmere.  I can tell you I really liked the ink.

There are 4 page flips and the front and back of the easel available to place photos. The pages measure 7 3/4" x 8 3/4". I used one inch coils in black for the top closure. If you don't have a Cinch you can always punch your holes and add the individual rings to achieve the same effect.  There is an attached bottom hinge which allows the mini to stand freely by itself.  You have your choice of whichever pages you'd like to display while it's standing.  I had originally planned to have six pages but I realized that when all the pages are on one side it makes the easel too top heavy to stand correctly.  If you wanted to eliminate the easel bottom flange you could just stand the book on the front and bottom outside covers.  

I intend this to be a gift so I was delighted to see the Dear Friend and For You stickers on the sticker sheet.  Most everything has been backed and edged in the Artisan black cardstock available from Country Craft Creations.  This is fantastic paper it won't crack when folded, a true necessity when you shaping paper to your needs.  I did strengthen the bottom flange/easel portion with several coats (inside and out) of Aleene's Collage Podge, any Mod Podge type solution would be fine.  You DEFINITELY need to do this other wise with the constant folding and unfolding of the easel it's not going to be long before whatever type of paper you use begins to wear.

Only having the Patterns and Solids to work with is interesting.  The original kit has some fantastic images and this is really the filler paper but I think with the use of the stickers and the journaling and ephemera pieces it worked out ok.  I did haul out a lot of my old punches to add interest here and there and of course I couldn't do a book without some fussy cut images like the one on the right in the above photo.

Using the Journal spots as focal points really captures your eye.  Here I used a couple of large magnets so the doors stay shut when not open for viewing.  Magnets can be a crafters best friend.

Included in this kit is the set of Key Holes.  I used this one as a stopper for the flap of my oversized envelope.  Large enough to tuck some pretty good sized photos or some personal journaling you don't want out for everyone's eyes.

 My challenge to myself this time was to use some of my staples from my stash that gather dust and not a whole lot more.  Like the Cinch machine and the punches.  Here I found this fantastic Martha Stewart punch called Flourish Lace.  I cut a teeny tiny strip of black and wove it through the openings like you would ribbon, then I cut a second strip in black and added it behind like a shadow.  I love this effect.

I'm a big fan of Glossy Accents, I love the look you get with it.  Often though I forget that you can get a similar effect by using clear embossing powder like I show here.  It dries as soon as the heat gun hits it and if it's not enough you have the option of adding another layer.  I've got to try and remember to do this more often.  The lady is from the sticker sheet.  She was a two-part sticker the frame and the lady.  I backed the lady with a small circle of back and put 3 or 4 cardstock spacers behind her so she sits up nicely above the frame.  You can always use your littles bits of cardstock or chipboard to pop your elements up.  They usually go into the garbage can so it's a real win win.  You're not throwing anything away and you're not spending your crafty dollars on foam squares for height.

I have many more things to share with you but I'm going to stop here and let you join me on the video. I did film this as I was making it so shortly during the week I'll be adding a new playlist of tutorials in case you want to try a Cinch Flip Book yourself.

Thanks for joining me and have a super crafty day!  Patti

The Video Tutorial Playlist
If not all videos are there check back I will be updating as I get them edited!

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you can also join the Facebook groups

Visit me at A Soul's Heartbeat on

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Crafty Retreat at Simp Lee Memories

Hello everyone.  I was so fortunate to be able to attend a Design Team Retreat for Country Craft Creations at Simp Lee Memories, Medical Lake, Washington.  This is a Bed and Breakfast type home that caters to crafters like me.  It's owned and operated by Karen Oliphant who just happens to be Ginger Ropp's Sister, hmm perhaps that's why her crafty name is My Sister's Scrapper.

Ginger taught a class using the fabulous Graphic 45 collection Tropical Travelogue.  Oh my goodness do I love everything about this collection.  This was a super special folio she taught because it was designed for us.  Loved it, loved learning from her.  What a fantastic personality this woman has!

On today's video I'll walk you through the whole folio.  It's just gorgeous and it's so fun to learn from someone else, glean information first hand from them on how they do things.  As you all know we each have our own way of crafting but it's always nice to peek inside another's brain and see how they do it.  I thoroughly enjoyed peeking inside Gingers!

Tammy Merrill, owner of Country Craft Creations store made sure each and every one of us had a fabulous time.  I was fortunate to share a room with her and long gab sessions, something I'll treasure forever.  That she left Godiva chocolates on our pillows the first night was certainly not a bad thing either!

We all did a project. the Fan Fold Box, that Tammy had taught on the Authentique Facebook page.  After ours was constructed we blindly exchanged them with one another, I have Rosa Kelly's.  My goodness is that lady a sweetheart!

I enjoyed meeting Karen, Ginger, Angela, Bonnie, Rosa, Cathy, Tiffany, Ann Marie and Kim and of course our fearless leader Tammy.  What a great bunch of crafters to call my friends!

See you on the video --- 

Please visit Country Craft Creations here -
you can also join the Facebook groups

Visit me at A Soul's Heartbeat on

Friday, November 25, 2016

A Baker's Dozen created with Cafe Parisian Scraps!

a Country Crafts Creations design team project

What to do, what to do. Is that your mantra after creating a project and looking at all those usable scraps of paper all over your crafty spaces?  Well do I have a solution for you.  After creating my Cafe Parisian Mini Album I kept looking at all these bits and bobs of paper and decided it was time to make a few cards with the scraps.  Well a few turned into a Baker's Dozen, thirteen to be exact!  But that's not all, after the cards were done I still had a little of this and a little of that so I decided to take plain white envelopes and decorate the flaps and fronts.  Let's have a look at what all those left overs turned into.

You know once you put all the leftovers away seldom do you take them all out again and start fresh, It's much easier, when everythings all over your crafty space to cut, tear, paste and create right then and there. That's what I decided after I finished my mini.  Well actually I thought why not make a few cards and then it just grew and grew to the point I wanted to see how much I could actually squeeze out of what was left.  When you check out my video you'll see what was left over, not much a couple of sheets of 6x6" paper and a few chipboard pieces.\

Because there are thirteen cards I'm not going to share multiple photos of all of them, just this first one to give you an idea of what I've done.

The following cards will show only the fronts and envelopes but you can see more view and the insides of all of the cards on the video below.


 I hope you've enjoyed this little glimpse at my pieced together cards.  As you watch the video you'll see lots more views of each card and envelopes.  Thanks so much for stopping by.  Comments are most welcome.  You'll find links to Country Craft Creations and the supplies I've used directly below the video.

Please visit Country Craft Creations here -
Country Craft Creations shoppe -
you can also join the Facebook group
Scrapbookers of Country Craft Creations here -

Visit me at A Soul's Heartbeat on

Supplies from Country Craft Creations
Graphic 45 Cafe Parisian -
8x8 pad,  6x6 pad, Journaling Chipboards, Decorative Chipboards, Ephemera Cards
Art Glitter Glue/Scor Tape 1/8" -
Bo Bunny Pearlescents -
Hug Snug Seam Binding -
Flat Crochet Heart Lace -
Artisan Cardstock -

Thursday, March 10, 2016

It's a Staple, Graphic 45 that is!

a Cut at Home Design Team Share

Today over on the Cut at Home blog I'm doing a segment on Graphic 45 Staples.  I hope you'll pop over to see the whole blog post here. There are so many oldies but goodies and brand new Graphic 45 Staples to choose from, I'll touch on some I have in my stash to give you a feel for what's coming and what's available now.  Anything marked 'Preorder' is the new stuff, order it right now and it will be shipped to you as soon as it arrives.  

Check out today's video where I'll share a more in depth look at Graphic 45's Staples collection.  Oh yes and I'll even give you a sneak peek at a mini I made using the Graphic 45 Tag & Pocket Album. I'll be sharing that video next week so keep a watch out.

Supplies shown in the video:

4501265: Graphic 45 Alphabet Banners – Red ATC
4501269: Graphic 45 Alphabet Banners – Black
4501022: Graphic 45 Mixed Media Album – Black
4500541: Graphic 45 Easel Album 8×8″
4501163: Graphic 45 Book Box – Black
4501285: Graphic 45 Tag & Pocket Album – Butterfly
4501295: Graphic 45 Metal Door Plates & Knobs
4501293: Graphic 45 Metal Clock Keys
4500842: Graphic 45 Shabby Chic Door Pull
4501275: Graphic 45 To & From Kraft Artist Trading Tags
4501280: Graphic 45 Inspire, Create, Imagine Ivory Tags
4501283: Graphic 45 Square Black Tag Album
4501261: Graphic 45 ATC Red Policy Envelopes
4501299: Graphic 45 Regular Black Policy Envelopes
4501264: Graphic 45 Large Red Policy Envelopes
4501289: Graphic 45 DIY Craft Paper Numbers & Stripes
4501290: Graphic 45 DIY Craft Paper Quotes & Newsprint

Thursday, February 25, 2016

His and Hers Shaker Cards

a Cut at Home Design Team Project

Today I'm sharing a duo of  Shaker cards.  The one above is more feminine and created with Marianne Design Craftables Punch Star die. This is a single bar die that cuts out multiple sizes of stars and what I've used for the inside of my shaker spot.  I used Graphic 45's new collection Enchanted Forest with a 5" x 7" card base.

The second card, the one I'll make on camera, uses Marianne Design Craftables Punch Nuts and Bolts Die.  Again this is a strip die that punches out various sizes and shapes of nuts and bolts.  So fun!  I think this is a must die for anyone that makes masculine cards or projects.  It's always harder to find things with that manly flair.  For  this card I used a Kraft card base for a standard A2 sized card (4 1/4" x 5 1/2").  I used an older collection from Heartfelt Creations, All Geared Up, for this card. The paper is no longer available in the store but any masculine themed paper line would work.  Check out Tim Holtz idea-ology papers they have that grungy manly feel to them.

Come join me on the video, we'll do the masculine card together and then I'll have more photos of the feminine card to give you a taste of what these dies can do.  Presently there are seven of these punch dies available in the Cut at Home store so be sure to check them out to see which ones you should add to your crafty stash.

Supplies from the Store:
 Marianne Design Craftables Nut and Bolts Punch die set
CR1321: Marianne Design Craftables Stars Punch die set 
: Graphic 45 Enchanted Forest 12×12 Paper Pad
GBCC811: Heartfelt Creations Clear Cardstock
TIM43270: Tim Holtz Distress Ink – Ground Espresso
6604256: Sizzix Big Shot and in White and Gray
T-001: Spellbinders Tool  ‘n One
SCP-014: Spellbinders Celebra’tions Cuddle Cream cardstock