What a wonderful week last week was! Do you mind if I tell you a bit about it? First off, I received these darling mini clips in the mail from Rhonda at "A little bit French" .... They are gorgeous beyond belief... And can you see those little card stock images behind the clips? Rhonda was so sweet to add them to my order...
So I used them to embellish a couple of my little gift bags like this....
and this....
The last Sunday of June I had the pleasure of "pickin" with two of the loveliest souls you'll ever want to meet. None other than Susan from "Evelyn and Rose" and Michelle from "Petite Michelle Louise".
I met up at Michelle's house, which is about an hours drive from me. From there we drove to Todds Farm Flea Market, which is approx. another 45 minute drive...and there we met up with Susan. (oh and can I tell you that Michelle graciously gave me a tour of her home first?? There are no words to describe the beauty, detail and pure style of this woman's home...truly!!!)
Here we are holding some new found treasures from dollar row...
Susan, Michelle and I
This was one of my favorite finds at Todds Farm. Chippy and Shabby in all the right places. I used a magic eraser when I got home to clean off the coat of dirt she was hidden under...and just look at her now!!
I scored this print at Todd's Farm also...very Jeanne D'Arc in style!
An old standing fruit scale was also begging to come home with me...but not without a little haggling, hemming and hawing for just the right price. :)
Just couldn't resist this vintage evening clutch with rhinestone clasp...along with the softest pair of leather gloves.... Thanks for showing this to me girls...
But this is what totally sold me on the clutch...look at the inside!!! sigh!
The next stop was at The White Elephant in Essex, MA. Another treasure trove of fun and excitement for all three of us. Michelle and Susan couldn't wait to show me the one dollar and five dollar sections. (my personal favorites)
On Michelle and Susan's first visit to the White Elephant, they thought it would be fitting to hold old rakes and pitchforks for the camera since after all...they were "pickin". We thought it would be good fun to keep up the "tradition".
Michelle and Susan ~ aren't they adorable?
Michelle and I
Susan and I
Here they are looking over some "possibilities"Unearthing discarded treasures is such a thrill! And so much more fun with like minded friends!!
I was so amazed by Michelle's uncanny ability to have a "vision" for every piece we picked up. And right away...she doesn't miss a beat! I came home inspired by her creativity for sure!
This old wheel come home with me...
And I was lucky enough to find yet another Jeanne D'Arc style print.... woo hoo! But this was at our third stop.... Pettingill Farm's Vintage Bazaar. They hold a show twice a year, and we just happened to hit it that day.
You'll have to stop by Michelle's blog to see pics soon of Pettingill Farm. I was too busy with my jaw on the ground...and running from vendor to vendor to take my camera back out.
And if all that excitement wasn't enough, I was humbled to be gifted with this sweet bathing beauties candle created by Michelle. Thank you dear friend... I love it!
And sweet Susan totally surprised me by gifting me with this beautiful copy of Somerset Life, that BOTH SHE and MICHELLE are published in. Thank you so much Susan!! It went on sale July 1st so be sure to grab a copy. These remarkable ladies blew me away with their writing style AND creativity inside these pages. ( I should have thought to have them autograph it for me... hee hee)
And are you ready for this?? ... the very next day after this incredible excursion, I found that I won the Vintage by Nina giveaway at Burlap Luxe. An autographed copy is on it's way to me as I write this. I'm so thrilled! Thank you Dore!
I know this has been a long post...but I couldn't help it!! Just had so many blessings to share. I hope to show you soon where all the treasures land... (and also the ones that I haven't shared here yet) Be sure to check out Susan and Michelle's blog to see all their sweet treasures too.
I'm linking this week with: