Showing posts with label Architectural fence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Architectural fence. Show all posts

April 26, 2011

What does a purse, a fan, a fence, and a Dad have in common?

Well, for's my new spring handbag! Isn't it luscious? I looked over a lot of different purses with roses on them and then I found this ... I just knew it was the "ONE". 

The roses are very generous and I receive compliments on it wherever I go.  Very roomy too, but not so huge that it overtakes me.
 Here's a little off -white vintage fan that I scored on ebay (or was it etsy?) My mind is drawing a blank right now.  Anyway, it's in great condition and I can't wait to decide which little corner of my world it will "work" in to cool us off.  The base of it is sort of a pinkish flesh color.
 Next I wanted to show you an up close shot of my vintage cast iron architectural fence. (are you finding a theme yet?) This came to me from Canada several years ago. It's very heavy and is over 2 feet long and about a foot high.
 Perfectly rusty in all the right places...
 This pic was taken last year standing guard with my cherubs
For now it's hanging out with some little "greenery" on an old white window frame.  Well, you must have guessed by now what all these sweeties have in common... they are all white and hopefully worthy of White Wednesday.
 Last but NOT least...I just had to show this pic of my Dad.  He was standing in my kitchen after doing some work at my house, had taken off his outer shirt (after the manual labor) and was enjoying a cup of my coffee, when all of a sudden I looked at him.....................

There he was standing there with his beautiful white hair, holding the white coffee mug, wearing his white t-shirt with my off white kitchen in the background and I said "Dad, hold on...I have to take your're the perfect shot for a White Wednesday Post".  (even tho' Dad had no idea what a "White Wednesday" was, he was a willing candidate)   :o)

So as unusual as this may seem, I'm most proud to show you my Dad for White Wednesday. I'm linking up with Kathleen at Faded Charm .  Be sure to visit to see all the beautiful posts.  Till next time,

karens sig 2