Showing posts with label Valentine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 February 2023

Fully Finished Gallery ~ February 2023 🖼

Not as productive as last month, but I have joined Rachel and her Fully Finished Gallery SAL for February. 

I know I've shown this already, but this is all I've got this time.

The mermaids had been stitched and waiting to be finished for about two years, oops. This was my first biscornu finish and won't be my last.
At least I framed the Moon straight away.

 I have plenty ready to be fully finished, I really need to set a date every month for finishing.

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Happy Heart Day 🥰

Did you get to see all the love yesterday at Jo's Secret Stitching Sweetheart blog hop?! So many lovely pieces to see.
This is the stitching I shared. I made this for my DH, the "rocket scientist" for Valentine's Day. Very appropriate for him!

My Valentine display this year.

Roses, baked goods, and stitching, you can't go wrong.

I picked up this Bee my Valentine Box from Kupcakes & Co. They always make wonderful desserts and what we've had so far has been delicious.

That evening, we went to Father Leo's Valentine Dinner. This time it was at our church, which was much closer than last year's.

It was a lovely evening, we had friends join us this year so that was nice. I especially like the couples blessing, a mini vow renewal.

This time we were able to get the book we wanted before they sold out. Dining with the Saints is a brand new one, we got it as an early release. I got that one for Gman2, I thought he would appreciate it being in youth ministry. Hopefully he'll make us something... soon! 

On Wednesday, it was a lovely 66° so I sat outside with company.

And had a February finish, in February, amazing!

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop❣

It's that time of year to share the love with Jo @Serendipitous Stitching and her annual Valentine Hop.
To see all the Secret Sweetheart Stitching, start at Jo's blog, follow the hop, then try to figure out who sent what stitched piece and leave a little love note. 💕

How precious is this, a Valentine Stocking! I wonder if it gets filled with sweet treats?!
I have no idea who stitched this, are you my Secret Sweetheart Stitcher?

And now it's time for kids' thoughts on love.

Love is a cookie ~ Tuana, age 3

Love is being nice even when you don't feel like it ~ Jack, age 4

Love ~ Ella, age 3
(although it really could be Vickie who says that?!)❤

Love is a heart. Love is a puppy dog and love is a cat. Love is a hug and love is a kiss. And love is a great big goodnight hug and hiss. That is all ~ Isabella, age 4

Thursday, 24 February 2022

Feeling the Valentine Love 💕

DH and I had lunch with friends the day before Valentine's Day and I received a lovely gift from my gf, Shana. I had gifted her a similar mug when she was going through something, and she gave me these lovely gifts just because.

That evening was spent with Cori, my chosen sister, and we both got chocolate to share with each other! It was the Super Bowl, so the tin was appropriate.

Here is her baby, Squirt, looking for love pats!

For the Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop, (Jo @Serendipitous Stitching's annual hop) my Valentine piece was sent to Cathy @The Stitching Grandma.

This is from Bent Creek. I got it from the giveaway table at a retreat, but I can't remember which one!

This is the Valentine piece that I received from Barbara @The Flashing Scissors, so sweet!

I also participated in Needlecraft Haven's Valentine Exchange and this is what I received. It was a non-stitching one and we were to give a compact reusable bag and some floss. This is the bag opened, I like to think the flamingos are enjoying themselves and having a drink or two!

This is what I sent my partner and this is her photo since I forgot to take one before I sent it!
Next up with the group, an Easter exchange!

Normally on Valentine's Day, DH and I really don't do much except flowers for me, a dinner I know he likes, and cards for each other, that's our norm.
This year I thought we'd do something different and join Father Leo for his Valentine dinner. He used to be a seminarian at our church years ago, so we knew him way back when!

He even has a food truck, which I've enjoyed too!

I didn't take any photos of what we had, but it was a four course meal that started with a salad with berry vinaigrette, then a creamy caper penne pasta, followed by a long braised beef rib with garlic mashed potatoes and sea salt roasted broccoli. I enjoyed every bite, it was delicious! As for dessert... tres leches tropical style cake with an edible orchid, yum. Oh, and there was wine too!🍷🍷🍷

We had a great table sitting with couples we didn't know and Father Leo asked each table to talk about our engagements, our spouses favourite meal, and we were all blessed after reciting our vows again. It was a truly lovely evening together. 
I wonder if this will be a yearly event?!

An oldie but a goodie, our sweet boys 15 years ago!

And that's a beautiful end to a memorable Valentine's Day!

Monday, 14 February 2022

Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop 💖

It's time to feel the love with Jo @Serendipitous Stitching and her annual Valentine Hop.
To see the exchange between the participants, start there to follow the love and try to figure out who sent what.

Home is where the heart is. And it looks like this sweet stitched heart is near the water!❤
think I know who stitched this, but I'll wait until she reveals herself to see if I'm correct.

Here are some Valentine quotes, maybe ones you've haven't heard before?

They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything. ~ Bill Keane

All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. ~ Charles M. Schulz

Valentine's Day means giving valentines, hugs, kisses, and remembering St. Valentine.
My Valentine will be my dog Skippy this year. ~ Emmy, 8

One Valentine's Day, a needle minder said to another needle minder - You are very attractive!

Thanks to Jo for another year of having us share the love! Wishing you a beautiful day, filled with love, laughter, and friendship. 🥰

Sunday, 14 February 2021

Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop 💝

It looks like there is lots of love out there to be found, please take a look at all the stitching love by heading to her post.
Can you figure out who stitched what before they reveal themselves?

This is the sweet piece I received, did you happen to stitch this LOVELY piece?

Just in case you needed some advise on love, here's what some kids have to say about it...

My Mother says to look for a man who is kind. That's what I'll do. I'll find somebody who's kinda tall and handsome. ~ Carolyn, age 8
(Worked for me!!!)

If it's your Mother, you can kiss her anytime But if it's a new person, you have to ask permission. ~ Roger, age 6

It isn't always how you look. Look at me. I'm handsome like anything and I haven't got anybody to marry me yet. ~ Brian, age 7

Love will find you, even if you're trying to hide from it. I've been trying to hide from it since I was five, but the girls keep finding me. ~ Dave, age 8

And if all else fails...
Shake your hips and hope for the best. ~ Camille, age 9

Friday, 14 February 2020

Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop 💘

Is your heart fluttering for the Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop with Jo @Serendipitous Stitching?!
It looks like there is lots of love out there to be found, please take a look at all the sweet stitching. Can you figure out who stitched what before they reveal themselves?

This is what I received, did you happen to stitch this LOVELY piece?

"Friendship is like a rainbow between two hearts." -Author Unknown.

So is this from a blog friend, or maybe a new one I haven't met yet?

Wishing you love and friendship on this Valentine's Day, and remember that you are able to make someone smile today... will you?