Cranberries? Yes, please!
Cranberry Christmas Cake to be exact.
We were having a holiday potluck at book club and I signed up for sweets, no surprise there!
I've been wanting to make this cake ever since I saw on Pinterest, and this was the perfect time.
It's a very simple recipe, the hardest part was not tasting it before I left!
Not the best picture, but I thought it looked yummy and it smelled wonderful.
I guess it was, because this is what I came home with! Now this wasn't eaten all at once, some of it went home with the ladies.
You can find and print the recipe here - Barefeet in the Kitchen. The only thing I did differently was use orange extract instead of vanilla. The next time I'll add some orange zest to give it even more flavour. I normally use a bundt pan because I like the way it looks, I'll try that next time too.
Last year I made these two ornaments, using the Foxwood Crossing sleds. So simple, I love they way they look.
I bought these after Christmas thinking they would be a cute variation.
My question is, is it better to stain or paint these sleds? Will either one have an effect on the perforated paper being glued on there? Thoughts or suggestions?