Showing posts with label Organizing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Organizing. Show all posts

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Birthday Fun! 🎉

A pre-celebration movie time!
It was good! Nathan liked this one over the 1st one.

My cake with LEMON filling!

The singing!

The gathering...

Family photo after a great birthday!

The next day we celebrated Father's Day with this wonderful family. Love these Dads!

After that fun-filled weekend, we headed to Oma and Opa's for a visit.
Mom is doing great, she still has Dr's appts, but also has a parade of nurses and therapists come visit.

My nephew and his girlfriend came to visit too.

The perfect gift from my parents!

The following week, Nathan went to Scout camp for the week.

Memories of the Gmen on their first Scout camp.

DH went on a Homebrew Beer trip while Nathan was gone, so the three of us had a nice dinner out.

Not a lot of stitching was done, but I thought I needed to organize my hodgepodge of beads.

I bought an organizer from Wish, I love it! I think I should have bought two, but wanted to make sure I liked it.

The week flew by and he's back, happy to be home and sleeping in! Waking up at 6:30am every morning for a wake-up swim wore him out.

 Next time, actual stitchy stuff!

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Rhona's Stitching Log

This is way overdue, I meant to post this a while ago and forgot. 😖

Rhona's Stitching Log 

I have this printed out, but hate to say I haven't used it yet. I've been working on little projects, or ones I started a long time ago, so I wasn't too pressed to log them. I do have some big ones I hope to be starting soon and I'm planning on using it then.

Thanks for sharing, Rhona! 

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Organizing the mess!

Oh joy, this is how I started the new year. I had two bags of floss for two HAED patterns, and then some.

I ran out of floss bobbins and don't really like the plastic ones I have. I didn't feel like going to the store for just that so I thought I would improvise. Instead of tossing last year's calendar away, I "recycled" it. I know you can't see the pictures when the floss is wound on, but that's okay, it's pretty sturdy.

When I ran out of those, I made more from card stock that I had. I just had to cut the sides to fit it in the boxes and chose not to punch holes in them, I don't use them anyway. They're not quite as sturdy as the bought ones, but much better than some others I've used.

I also worked on getting two sets of HAED ready.

Then came winding time. It only took me about 2 days!

Any fun ideas for what to do with these?

The first one I'm starting with is a mini. 

And the big one.

The big double box holds all the DMC colours and the three boxes behind it holds all the duplicates, almost another full set. The floss on the left is extra, extra, and I'm not doing those.

Then I have my variegated stash. I group them by colour so it's easier for me to find what I'm trying to match. I know it isn't the prettiest way to store them, but it works.

And taking care of that mess showed me I do have a table in my room!

The only thing left is cleaning this out... again. I feel like I'm forever trying to straighten this up, although when the doors are shut I really don't care!

But that's another post...