Saturday, 16 November 2024

Fully Finished Gallery - November 2024 🖼

This time I've actually been very productive!

I used the same frame that I made for September, although now I see the fabric really needs to be ironed. Oops!

I stitched these three Mill Hill ornaments as Models for the shop. These are the ones Amy picked out.

The Snowman ornament from Mill Hill.
I chose to omit the beads on the edge and used a candy cane S hook to hang it with.

The Christmas Tree from Mill Hill.
This one was stitched as shown.

Ugly Sweater from Mill Hill.
The only thing I changed was using a red bead that I already had.
This is my favourite!

Fall Fun from Mill Hill - altered to fit Amy's New Cross Stitch Shop - Born to Stitch!
More on her shop on the next post.

Be sure to check out what others have finished, I plan to look this week!