Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Fully Finished Gallery ~ April 2023 🖼

Welcome to Rachel's Fully Finished Gallery SAL for April. Be sure to have a look and see what others have finished this time!

This is the Joyful World SAL for April from Maja at The Snowflower Diaries. Finally finished and in my little shelf.

I've had this little sweet kitty stitched since last summer, but finally placed it on the box. It's a Margaret Sherry kitty, I changed the mug colour and made him look like Mr Finn. This is our future daughter-in-law C's graduation gift from getting her Masters, she can use it as a pen/pencil box at work or maybe even candy?!

The back of it, with some MORE purple!

You probably saw this for the blog hop, but it's another finish. I stitched the mini peeps on perforated paper and then added them to the white bunny I had stitched before. I guess I should have outlined that one, it's a little hard to see. Using light pink fabric might not have been a good idea.

Not cross stitch, but I did finish this for Gman1 and C - although this C is for our last name!
It's a hodgepodge of black and white photos of them, the engagement one too.

Not too bad, let's see what I can finish next time.
Now to catch up on some blog reading...

Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Love that PEEP Show!🐥

Another fun time at the PEEP Show! And thankfully this year... we didn't have to wear masks!

Nathan came with me again this year, and let's just say he wasn't as excited as he used to be about it. I guess being 16 and hanging out with your Mom at this show isn't cool. I guess might be going solo next time?!

Ready? Here we go...

There didn't seem to be as many big characters this year, but did you see the vending machine and the milk carton?! There were several that I liked, the orangutan, the octopus, and especially the pup eating Peeps!
Which one was your favourite?

Here's my "baby", hopefully not the last time he comes with me?

Friday, 7 April 2023

Easter Blog Hop 2023🐇

Welcome to the Easter Bunny Blog Hop from Jo @ Serendipitous Stitching!
Be sure to head there and start collecting letters from the participating blogs to figure out the seasonal Easter phrase.

I decided to add some little Peeps to my Peep collection. They certainly are multiplying!
(Give me a day or so and I'll be posting my visit to the Peep Show this year.)

Here's the letter you're looking for...

And the next blog to visit is back to where you started - Jo's blog!

Now I'm off to start the hop, I hope you've enjoyed it. Thanks, Jo, this is always something to look forward to!