Tuesday, 19 June 2018

St. Michaels Fun! 🐳

It was that time of year last month, the annual St. Michaels stitching retreat with the girls! 

Alice and I got there a little early so we were able to do a some shopping... 
Ah, my favourite mermaid shop!

Fun sculptures and who knew, an glassware shop!
(I didn't notice it until I looked at it later)

It stopped raining for a bit and the sun came out for a tease.

And now for the fun stuff! This year we did a patriotic exchange and this is what the other ladies made. They are all amazing!

This is what I opened, isn't it fantastic? It's a project bag, made by Wendy, but I'm displaying it because I don't want it messed up. And the strawberry is adorable!

This is what I made.
It's Paws and Stripes Furever from Stitchy Kitty, I just added some fireworks.

It's a wooden box that I painted and then decoupaged. The "ribbons" on top are from a pen I found at a dollar store. I like the way it turned out and I think I'll be doing it again.

These were the goodies from the White Elephant game. My first one was DJ's biscornu, and it was ripped from my hands stolen!

So I opened the last gift and this is what it was. Pat made it, I love it! And luckily it wasn't stolen!

I worked on this while I was there. I designed it, but I need to redo some of the stars because I don't like the way some of them look.

I also worked on these little guys from Joyful World by The Snowflower Diaries.

When I got home, I decided to play with the ground.

And came out with this colourful piece.
Now I need to figure out October.

This is what I found while shopping in St. Michaels, it was only $25! A previous display case, it only needs a touch up here and there, I'll get a light to put in the back, and it's been Ming approved.
Is it too early to start decorating for Halloween?!

I left early on Sunday to celebrate an anniversary with this guy, 23 years and counting!

Thank you for all the comments from my previous post about my Mom. I need to reply the hard way since we're still not getting notifications like before, sorry for the delay.

Next time... birthday fun!

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Another Mom update 💖

May 18th 2018, from my Dad

Five months ago Ulrike was rushed into Cumberland Hospital where she almost died, underwent a tracheotomy and other than a few weeks at home has spent the rest of the time in hospital and Lions Manor.
Her determination and sheer will power has amazed everyone she has come in contact with and on Wednesday, May 23rd, this remarkable lady is coming home. As Ulrike said today, "just five more sleeps!"
It has been a rocky road but God willing all will be well. Summer is almost upon us and Ulrike's garden house will soon be completed, where she can entertain her friends and enjoy life. Also, Ulrike may worship once more in her beloved chapel and with darling Tennessee in constant attendance.
On behalf of Ulrike I wish to thank you for all the cards, good wishes, love and prayers which have been sent, for which she is most appreciative and also very humbled you should care.
We are especially grateful to the staff at Lions Manor who have taken Ulrike into their hearts and given her care unrivalled anywhere. Their love and support has been paramount towards Ulrike's return home and for which we are most thankful.
Thank you each and every one. Let the good times roll and may God Bless us ~ every one.

But shortly after this Mom was readmitted to the hospital on May 29th, due to pneumonia. Turned out she had aspiration pneumonia. Ugh! It looks like she will be on pureed foods and thickened liquids indefinitely. And she has an infection in her other foot, but she was discharged on June 5th and it's being treated at home.

Here's the recent card list.

From growing up - Lisa, Kim
And from my stitchy friends - Tiffany

Once again, thanks to ALL of you!

We've been trying to visit her, but between our schedule and her schedule of dr's visits, it hasn't happened yet. But Gman2 was able to drop by on Friday on his way home from registering at college. She was thrilled!

On a doggy note, this is what Karen stitched her Mom while she's taking care of her dogs. Henry has a thyroid issue and needs his meds 2x/day. He also has a little butt wiping issue! Too cute!