Tuesday, 1 May 2018

April fun

Wow, April was LAST month!
Easter, after church.

Gman1 and his gf, our first time meeting her. 💕

After the egg and beer hunt, three happy guys!

Snuggle bunnies

Happy 20th, Gman2!

Happy 20th, Gman1!

These guys 💗💗

And they thought because we were in Baltimore that they wouldn't get their picture taken with the bday flag... silly boys!

G and C!

My Mom with them, soon after coming home from the hospital.

And in stitching news, Karen finished Cupid! Isn't he adorable? I'm not sure which one she's going to work on next.

I decided to frog the Kreinik in my lighthouse piece, I'm now using Treasure Braid as a tent stitch instead. So much easier already. 

Mom news later, but she's still receiving cards! 😁


Barb said...

You have some wonderful family pictures. Hope you liked the GF. The boys look a lot like Dad in the photos. Is that true?

Vickie said...

What a beautiful post!!

Faith... said...

What a happy post! Great seeing your family photos and Happy Birthday to your handsome gentlemen! Hope your Mom is doing better.

Katie said...

Great photos. Thanks for sharing.

Linda said...

Great family pics Astrid.


Julie said...

Very belated birthday wishes to the boys. Is the new girlfriend a stitcher??

Tiffstitch said...

What a great birthday! How can it be 20 years already? Love Karen's finish and the lighthouse!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Lovely family photos, especially the new addition!

Great stitching too.