Showing posts with label leather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leather. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2010

Talmadge Art Show in the rain!

Yesterday was another great Talmadge Art Show here in San Diego. In spite of the threatening weather, we had a fantastic turn out. The growing reputation of this show, in it's 20th year, brought lots of new people and old friends out on a rainy day to see the best in art and quality craft items around.

New this show, for me, were my new art batts. A specialty item for sure, or so I thought. But, as I commented to a fellow felter, the soft almost magical quality of the carded wool was so compelling, that I sold many to people who were not felters or even crafters, but just wanted to take one home! They were the first batts I made on my new drum carder, and I discovered that everyone found them as delicious as I do!

Set up is always a challenge.

I love the mixing and blending of my felted pieces with Burt's leather.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Spring Talmadge Show

My husband and I have been doing the Talmadge Art Show, twice a year, for the past five years. This time instead of individual displays we decided to mix it up. With our felt and leather pieces complimenting one another, we created our own little wearable art boutique!

You can click on the picture below, for a closer look.
This was the debut show for my new gauze shawls. It was wonderful to see people wearing and draping them in so many creative ways.
I think Susan looks smashing in this shawl with the big medallions.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas in Fallbrook

We really appreciate being a part of the Art Of The Holiday show at the Fallbrook Art Center
for this our 4th year. Being able to show and sell our work for a whole month gives lots of people the opportunity to see it and learn a bit about us and all the other talented artists in the show. Every artist presents, along with the work, information about themselves and their process.

With lots of space in the gallery my scarf display is visible from all sides

Gauze Nuno Felt shawl

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Burt Watson Original

My husband Burt makes the most beautiful  beaded leather handbags.  We went to an art show and he found these faux bakelite handles.  I couldn't wait to see what he was going to create with them.  The handles are so outstanding that he decided he didn't want to compete with them by adding beads, instead he put his creative efforts into the stitching.   

You can see more of this unique work in Burt's Etsy Shop.  

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Talmadge Art Show

Is always "the" place to find quality hand made art and crafts.  Burt and I have been doing this show, both in the spring and fall for 5 years now.  The work I have shown at Talmadge has evolved from beaded jewelry, to my present and always focus on FELT!  It was, as always,  a good show for both of us.  My display is simple, as I show pillows and scarves/shawls only.  We were  in "our corner" by the French doors.  The splashes of wool, leather and silk colors draw folks into our space and we had lots of great talks and happy customers checking us out. 

No bag or tissue for this woman who insisted she wear her new scarf, and as I watched her walk away, I admired for the last time the soft gauzy piece of Nuno Felt gracefully draped around her neck. Oh yes, that one was called Mangos and Peaches. There was great interest in my Nuno Felt Workshops.  I passed out a lot of fliers for my May 11 & 12 and June 1 & 2 dates.  My friend Susan who owns the Grove, the coolest place to knit in San Diego, stopped by, very excited about my felt pillows, she blogged about the show including very nice photos. 

Burt enjoys a good chat with a customer.  
His beaded leather is so unique.  The guy has a bit of a following , 
in fact, two previous customers came back, on Sunday, 
Tracey loved the belt she bought from Burt.  Tracey's company Razmajette, makes beautiful handbags with vintage elements and wonderful fabrics, so she has a keen eye for fine fashion accessories.