You just never know what you'll find here at Ariemoon Designs & Enchanted Arts because I'm always busy crafting a variety of spellbinding knick-knackery!

Here you'll not only find photos of new work like one of a kind, handcrafted jewelry, fiber arts, meditation tools, shrines, wands, Totems, and my specialty Faeries and Goddesses, but hopefully friendship, inspiration and a healthy dose of enchantment!

I love to create ceremonial medicine tools for the Healer...evocative adornments for the Priestess...and an array of fine accoutrements for the Mystically Minded Community.

Thank you for being here and I hope you enjoy the Magick!

Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Oh Goodness! What a summer it has been, between festivals, CD release parties, celebrations and major tweaks to the the cottage- which was all just in June!- to ankle surgery in July which literally knocked me off my dancing feet for two months,

I am finally feeling a resurgence of creativity and that in-my-bones happiness that is inherent to a healthy Gypsy Soul...(that's me with Juliette my newest addition, I'll share more about her later!)

Rather than list all the things I *didn't* get to in the past few months, I'm wiping the slate clean of all the outstanding pressures of *should haves* and *wish I woulda's* and pulling the Fool card from my Tarot deck once again. On to new adventures with a free heart...I invite you to do the same. Today. Right Now. Hop in the wagon and let's go!

Being so incapacitate with the surgery tossed me, not completely unwittingly, into some shadowy spots in the landscape of my heart, who would have thought that my ankle had a direct line to my soul? In truth, I had an inkling something bigger than mundane ankle surgery was about to happen, we don't know what we don't know- even if we thing we do! Ha! Well, luckily our bodies are so wise that when we are injured in one place we have an opportunity to heal in all places, on all levels (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual). And that is just what occurred...
I went into a place where forgiveness was being held captive and battled with the tentacled beast guarding the gate. I traveled through narrow and rocky passages, into a valley where a piece of my heart had fallen out and retrieved it. I swam to the depths of an ancient grotto and faced my Self in the mirror of a MurMaiden. And I cried and I remembered; I healed and I cried some more, until the ocean was once again full...

And here we have it, after an almost complete 40 years "around the Wheel", looking gloriously tattered and stitched and mis-shapened, well worn from use, scarred from those old wounds I waited a bit longer than necessary to heal, but still pumping, still loving- deeper, wider, higher and with just the right color red...

There's so much more to share if you'll listen because we all tell each other's stories...I'll meet you round the fire. BLESSINGS of the most ENCHANTING variety....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Companions at the Cottage...

While the wagon is hitched I thought I'd introduce you to some of the Folk and Friends that reside in the Ohi Cottage, and share some of my artwork too!
Hexalene & Twyla-Fey will be your guides today, as with anything in Faerie,
don't let their size fool you, they are very old souls..

This is Lynx, an Elven Medicine Woman. She travelled back through the bramble of Fae via a sculpting class I took with the venerable Wendy Froud. She is handsculpted polymer clay on a wire armature. Her outfit is woven from the forest floor and her apron, traditional to the healers of her class and stature, is made of deerskin donated in the most sacred and honored manner. The fox fur at her side was gifted to her by an honored member of the fox community prior to her traveling from Faerie. As anyone knows Fox is an ambassador between the worlds.
Her snakeskin underdressing is symbolic of healing and regeneration. Lynx is ready at a moments notice to provide her medicine. She wears her healing tools around her waist, magickal scissors for herb collecting, a medicine bag filled with mysterious contents, a feather for aura dusting (and perking up those wilted wings), an ancient healing stone from her land of birth, a little bottle of falling stars and the obligatory faeriedust- of course! Her crown is raw pearl and glittering crystal, as I understand it, it is to keep her thoughts always connected to the healing waters of her homeland...
The copper Goddess amulet Lynx wears at her neck was bestowed upon her when she was first initiated into her long lineage of healers. I've tried many tricks to get her to divulge exactly when that was, but all she will say is "Long, long ago..."

She loves to climb trees and has the perfect feet for it!
Caught Lynx chatting with a sunbeam...
She has so many wonderful tales to tell,
I believe this is the one about a hummingbird, a dragonfly and a mischievious flower faerie named Bluebell (it's hil-ARI-ous by the way...!)
Time to fly...but come back again for more time with friends!
In Enchanted Love & Magick... Ariemoon

Love & Magick,