We would like to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year. We'd also like to say a BIG thank you to you all for joining in with our challenges over this past year, we enjoy visiting your blogs and seeing all of your lovely creations
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONEThis challenge will run for 2 weeks so you have until the 6th of January to post your creation ~ that is when we will be starting the new year off with a new challenge.
The challenge is to create something that you can display in your home...so it could be an altered frame, a canvas, a picture, even a Christmas ornament, anything you like as always the theme is open to interpretation.
To join in you just have to post an image of your creation on your blog or website and link to Arty Girlz, then come here and leave a comment so that we can come and see what you've made
Here are our creations