This weeks Arty Girlz challenge has been set by
Anna koziarek AKA
Fryne who is our guest designer for this week. Fryne has choosen the theme SMILE...
As always you decide the format so you may decide to do a scrapbook layout, card, atc...anything that you like.
To join in with this challenge please post an image of your creation on your blog or website with a link to Arty Girlz and then leave a comment here with a link so that we can come and see what you have made.
So without further ado here is a short bio from
Anna or as most of us know her by her nick name Fryne.
My name's Anna. I'm Polish, 32, mother of two sons (George 3,5 & Jeremy 1,2) and wife. I started scrapbooking when I was pregnant with my second baby and suddenly fell in love with it.
I tend to use one colour in my works (usually it's brown :D ) and lots of embellishments (the more the better :) ). I adore Tim Holtz's products and ornamental, baroque papers like Blue Awning by K&Company, Cavalier by Prima Marketing or BG kits. I collect stamps (especially rubber ones) but rarely use them :D I prefer making albums than LO's even if it takes much more time (I usually work about a week or two on an album).My favourite theme: my kids of course, maybe because the only photos I have are those of George and Jeremy, but most probably because they're so adorable...
My LO I prepared for this challenge shows the theme in a surprising, a little bit opposite way than expected. With those dark colours I simply wanted to show how a mother feels when she sees her child worried or blog: are
Anna's wonderful creations

You can see more of Anna's beautiful work on her blog Here
Thank you Anna for being our Guest Designer this week and sharing your beautiful work with us crissi & Julie xx