Sunday, May 4, 2008

black and white

I love black and white. Here is a card made as a RAK.
The background is a napkin I found in a $2 shop. I just love it.
The stamp is from Oxford impressions. There is a challenge on Trish Bee's Arty Buzz blog to use virgin rubber. So this is the first time I have used this stamp. Now usually I have problems with lots of solid areas on stamps especially when I use it for the first time but Angela Sargeant published a great tip. She suggested using the xyron adhesive eraser to clean photo stamps and stamps with lots of solid areas. Well it worked brilliantly as you can see. Hope this tip helps someone else.


Carol said...

Welcome to the art blog world. This card is gorgeous! Love all the projects you have posted.

Adrienne Wood said...

Absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing, and you should use that virgin gal more often!!!

Artlab said...

Awesome job!!! I love black and white too- it looks Parisian!!!

Rosie said...

Martina... your work is wonderful! You use so many different elements that make each project special. It's an absolute pleasure to read your bloG!

Susan said...

Martina - this card is stunning - can I ask how you attached the napkin? I can't resist picking up patterened napkins but when I try attaching them to cardstock, it buckles a lot and doesn't lay flat. Any hints?

artymarty said...

Hi Susan
I use decoupage paste as it is quite cheap and runny so easy to spread. It is a little buckled which I don't mind. I use a brayer to flatten it out when wet. Other ways of attaching them to avoid buckles would be to iron onto the back of the napkin a sewing product known here in Australia as Vliesofix. It is a paper backed fusible film. Then you peel off the paper and iron the napkin to the receiving card. Alternatively you could use jac paper.
Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Truly beautiful! I love the whole design! Gorgeous!

~Banjo said...

I like yr art, & its good to read about the tekniques you used to create ATCs...hmnn... getting a donkey to flatten cards sounds a bit extreme... *smiles*

Carol said...

Wow, you're photo stamp has worked wonderfully, great card. Thanks for the tip, I'll be trying that!