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Sonntag, 6. Juli 2014

we are back....

Sarah and I are finally back from our trip to the US. It was really great but the last 2 weeks sometimes so hot (120 Fahrenheit or 50 degress Celcius) that we both probably have shrunken some centimetres...
We just fell in love with all these cooling systems that made life tolerable for us. Not to speak about the hazelnut frappochino or the hazelnut macchiato from Starbucks :)

And look what I found in the mail- a free copy ot the current Stampers´sampler with my cards - 3 pages - yeeppiehhhh

Wishing you all a great week. Now I am off to get some sleep (too many hours time difference and the fact that I am not really able to sleep in a plane


Samstag, 25. Januar 2014

good news

Hey friends,

I wanted so share with you some good news. Guess who got published in the current Stampers´ Sampler...

I had so much fun with this stamp from 100 proof press.

Have a great weekend

Freitag, 5. Juli 2013

published in the stampers´sampler , Volume 20, Issue 3

Yeepieh, I got mail today, the current issue of the stampers´sampler

(just in case you are wondering: as all the links were broken lately I have decided to do it that way)

 and look what I found:

and thanks to the octopode factory for her thank you  gift for getting published using her stamps - love my new digital stamps - can´t wait to make something with them

(1 and 3  with G45)
what a great day. And I really do wish you all the same.

Dienstag, 4. Juni 2013

simply surrealism - published in Somerset Studio Gallery

I got happy mail today from Stampington.The new Somerset Studio Gallery Summer 2013.
I was quite surprised and went searching through the magazine as I hadn´t sent anything to them and did not remember of any open projects. And here´s what I found

from me are the 2 Symphony cards.
Stamps I used are from:
above the mark
Stampfrancisco and Cherry Pie/de Stempelwinkel
I cannot remember when I made them, quite a while ago....but you never know...:)
Have a great day

Samstag, 18. Mai 2013

published in the stampers´sampler 400 more ideas

When I opened my post box today I found a stampinton magazine in it. As I had not ordered it ( I prefer to "work" for it instead of buying it) I went through it and here´s what I found

I had completly forgotten about my junior vampire -  so what a surprise

This one you have already seen - guess I had been too impatient.
Wish you all great holidays

Mittwoch, 10. April 2013


I am so happy. I was published again. Joy told me on flickr so I made a short visit to the Stampington webside and that´s what I saw

Still waiting for my own issue Jetske was so kind to make some scans I want to show you now

Needless to say that I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy. 3 pages - I´m speachless

If you want to know which stamps I used, go to

Sonntag, 20. Januar 2013

love portion

Inspired by some chipboard bottles on the internet and having laying around some chipboard perfume bottles I just knew what to do with one of these


The label was done with a spellbinder die.

Come and visit us
every day a new project

participating at:

I also would like to share with you a journaling page, published in RSM

the journaling page is participating at:

Donnerstag, 2. August 2012


Before becoming a permanent member of the de stempelwinkel DT I had the chance to be once again guest designer for them. This is the first project as guest designer and was also published in craft stampers - yeah! You can find it in the current August issue, so take a look

I hope you get not bored by seeing so many projects of me this month.

Information concerning stamps can be found at