Showing posts with label Fossils. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fossils. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2011

Steampunk Ammonite

Tonight I felt like doing something steampunkish. I haven't actually sat down and done a piece of artwork in a while. I seem to be going and doing so much lately. In fact, there could be big changes in my life. We will just have to wait and see. In the meanwhile, enjoy my steampunk creation!

"Steampunk Ammonite"
Digital Artwork by Andrea
All Rights Reserved

Elements used are by Finecrafted Designs and Marta Van Eck. Fossil provided by Art-e-ology. Textures by Kim Klassen and Tumblefish Studio.

Friday, December 31, 2010

A Blessed New Year!!

Wishing everyone in my blogging world a Happy and Blessed New Year in 2011!!
"Happy New Year"
Digtial Artwork by Andrea

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Help! I need a new printer!!...and info about me!

My work holds a craft fair each year. I was hoping to be a part this year, but due to my right arm, it didn't come about. But, I did try to print some of my images, re-saving them as 300 dpi. What I found out, is the little scanner printer that I have, although it works great for printing off information, is not making the cut for my artwork. So, does anyone have a suggestion on a really good printer? I'm going to need to replace this one if I'm looking to open my etsy shop soon. So, thank you for your suggestions!!
I don't normally share information about myself, actually starting the blog as a way of inspiration and to get my digital artwork off the ground. But, I thought I might share a few tidbits today. I work full time and try to do my artwork in the evenings and on weekends. I don't have a lot of spare time, so that is why I chose to explore the digital end of creativity. My grandfather liked to draw pictures, so that is where I received my love of art. In fact, I wanted to be an artist when I grew up, but soon realized, in a high school creative art class, that you would be told what you had to draw and frankly, razors etc, were pretty boring to me. Who knew where art would be heading then! So, I did the reasonable thing, and studied accounting courses and took a job in the office of a retail store. I did that for a few years, until it was suggested I work at an Oil and Gas company. Now you have to understand, only men worked for these companies, sometimes even in the offices, but women were making their way, so I applied for the job, never thinking it would happen. Low and behold, I soon was the receptionist, and after two years I had moved on to be the only Geological Technician for the company. And, I'm the fourth generation to work in the business! My great-grandfather, grandfather and uncle all worked in some capacity in the oilfields. So, that is the reason I love to use fossils and rigs in my art work and the reason for the name "Art Legacy," as I have a legacy in art, coming from my grandfather and a legacy in my job.
I have two boys! The oldest, Samson, is 5 years old and weighs usually between 5-6 lbs. The youngest, Gideon, is 4 years old and weighs around 7 lbs. They are the love of my life and extremely spoiled. I have to say, I truly love my furry babies.
So, I hope I haven't shared more than anyone would like to know. I'm off to the doctor on Thursday, so I'm hoping to have a remedy for my arm soon. Here is more of my iPhone artwork and pictures of my boys!


"Fossil Fairy"
Digital iPhone Artwork by Andrea

Saturday, September 18, 2010

5 Cents Oilpatch!

This piece was created for the Grayscale challenge on Marsha's blog, TumbleFish Studio. She is celebrating two years of blogging! Congratulations, Marsha!!
"5 Cents Oilpatch!"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

Monday, September 13, 2010

Les Soeurs Francaises!!....and To Etsy or Not to Etsy...That is the Question!

This week I have two different versions of the same piece of artwork. The first, I did for my mother who just recently had her 65th birthday. She wanted me to stop at this point and I did just for her. Afterwards, of course, I had to go back and add my fossils. I hope you enjoy them both!
The beautiful sisters came from MirrorImages on Flickr. I can't thank him enough for letting me use the girls! To me they just spoke "French!" I used textures from Playing with Brushes - Flickr and Anji from Distractions Flickr. And of course, thanks to Jamie for the Ammonites! I have used them over and over!! And I've used some flower and french writing brushes.

"Les Soeurs Francaises"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

"Les Seours De Fossiles Francais"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

So, here is my delimma. I've been thinking about starting an Etsy shop, but is it worth it? Would it be worth my while, or should I just keep creating and sharing? Would love everyone's feedback! So, please take my poll at the side of my blog!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Fossil Collector!

I've been working on this piece for a week. It's another digital art piece using a PaperWhimsy image. I really love this image! But, what I can't decide, is if I have added too many elements. So, I've just decided to post it and see. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
"The Fossil Collector"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Garden Fairy!

I've always loved Gale Blair's collage sheets of her children. In fact, I have ordered quite a few. But, not really being a paper artist, they are in a box with my other paper scrapbooking supplies. But, recently, Gale has added a new category called "Hybrid Images." These images you can use in your digital artwork. I was so excited to buy a few and try them! I really love them, because, the images are already colored so beautifully, so all you have to do is use your magnetic lasso tool in Photoshop and cut them out, and get to making your digital art. So, this week, I've used one of Gale's images. I'm also having a great time using Photoshop brushes in my artwork as well. I truly hope you enjoy it! Be sure and check out PaperWhimsy to see the great images that Gale has available!
"The Garden Fairy"
Digital Artwork by Andrea
Also, please keep my mother in your thoughts and prayers! Last Wednesday, I had to take her to the emergency room for chest pains. Come to find out, she had a major heart attack in what the Doctor's call the "Widow Maker" area of the heart. They were surprised she survived the attack! A stent was put in, and she is back home now. We also learned, at the same time, that she is Diabetic and has High Blood Pressure. It's going to be a daily walk with us, but we are so glad that she is here today! The power of prayer is truly marvelous!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Fossil Beauty!

It's been a tough few weeks lately. First, my uncle passed away a couple of weeks ago. And then last week, I had a friend pass away from cancer. It's been tough, but deep in my heart, I know that they are both in a better place, and no longer do they suffer. It's comforting to know, they are in the hands of our Lord!
I've also been finishing up a class on Photoshop. To be honest, my heart wasn't in this second course, although it had a lot of the elements I wanted to use in Photoshop. Just not as in depth as I would like to go, and that could be due to the fact the class was written for photography. So, I was excited upon visiting Diane's blog to see she had taken an online Digital Layers class from Susan Tuttle. And when the registration opened this past Sunday, I signed up! I'm getting excited to learn some new techniques, specifically geared to digital artists using Photoshop.
But, of course, I couldn't stop creating. So, here is my latest art piece. I hope you enjoy!
"Fossil Beauty"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

Sunday, May 2, 2010

By the Fossil Sea!

I can't express how much I have enjoyed the comments from my last piece of artwork! When I saw Marsha's comment, I kept saying, "She likes it! She likes it!" There is nothing like the elation you feel when the artist who has perfected a certain style, likes your attempt at their style.
This week I wanted to create a piece that spoke of summertime. When I think of summertime, I think of going on a vacation, perhaps visiting somewhere I haven't been before. But, the thought of vacation, for me, has always been the ocean. I don't know why, perhaps because I don't live by the ocean and some of the best vacations have been trips to Galvaston, although I haven't been in years. Also this week the song, "By the Sea, By the Sea", kept coming to my mind. So, I hope this piece of artwork makes you think of fun times by the sea!
"By the Fossil Sea"
Digital Artwork by Andrea
The little girls came from FrenchKissed, fossils from Art-e-ology, Sea Pixie from Lisa Kettrel, background from Playing With Brushes, texture from Shadowhouse Creations, and the crowns, wings, words, boat and pixie dust from Nicole Young. I hope you enjoy and think of pleasant summertime memories!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Okie Roughneck

First, I want to thank everyone for their encouragement! This week I have once again, "stepped out of the box" and tried something new. I love the artwork of Marsha at Tumble Fish Studio. Her colors are vivid and I love how she takes different elements to create a piece of art. So, this week, I've tried my hand at her style, but of course, toning down the colors.

"Okie Roughneck"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

Head is from Suzee Que, body from FrenchKissed, Background from Tumble Fish Studio - Flickr, Texture by Playing with Brushes, Tags from The Vintage Moth, Ammonites from Art-e-ology and I created the crown from a piece of emphera by Art-e-ology, Wings from Cemerony, Sneakers from a magazine, Rigs and Truck are free images. I hope you enjoy!  

Monday, April 12, 2010

The GeoTech Fairy!

If any of you have read my complete profile, you know I'm a Sr. Geological Technician. GeoTech's (as we are called) work in the Oil and Gas business. Our jobs are to help our Geologists and Geophyisicts create maps, print logs and keep up the databases in the software we use to create our maps. I wanted to create a digital art piece this week that honored my job. To be honest, I've worked on this piece the last couple of days, not really pleased with the results. And so, after finishing, I'm still not sure if I am pleased. The reason I've called it the GeoTech Fairy, is often I have joked that I will have to get out my GeoTech fairy dust when doing a project. If you haven't noticed by now, I love neutral tones. In fact, my mother and my grandmother (when she was alive) often told me I did not have enough color in my wardrobe. I can't help it. I love browns, grays and blacks. What I see as colors for me , would be copper, bronze, taupe, mustard yellow and aubergine. Although, I do like teal and soft pink. But, for me these are out of the ordinary. So, again, another art piece in earth tones. Actually though, I'm really in awe of artists who are not afraid to use color. Having said this, here is my latest piece. The background is from Playing with Brushes, the Ballerina is from FrenchKissed, Ammonites are from Art-e-ology, Letters, hat, compass and watch are from Scrapbookgraphics, and the rest of the elements are free images. Hope you enjoy!!

"The GeoTech Fairy"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Fossil Butterfly

Snow, snow, go away and come again some other winter! I am beginning to wonder if Spring will get here and stay! I am so ready to see the trees budding and flowers blooming. This was the inspiration for my new art piece, Spring and the flowers I love!  Also, I've been reading the current issue of Somerset Digital Studio and really enjoyed the tutorial by Angi Sullins and Silas Toball and I think their artwork may have had an influence on me. What do you think?

"The Fossil Butterfly"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

Background is from Playing with Brushes. The beautiful lady and the ammonites are from Jamie at Art-e-ology. The butterfly wings are from Mudbay Images. The oil rig is a free image. Hope you all enjoy!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Finally! My second post!

So sorry it has taken me this long, but I am finally posting again! I want to thank Jamie for being my first follower! And Diane for being my second! It was truly exciting to come home from a long day at work and see the wonderful comments. From now on, I'm going to try and post once a week.

"The Ammonite Queen"
Digital Artwork by Andrea

Here is a new piece of artwork from Photoshop. The lady and the ammonites came from Jamie. Thank you so much! The writing from Graphics Fairy and the background from Playing with Brushes. Hope you all enjoy!