This month our task was to alter a dollar store wallet, and I really enjoyed the project—mainly because I treated it as a journal. First, I decorated the “cover” with one of Carmi’s fab French embellishments from her online store. Then, for a two-week period, I filled the wallet with mini collages, ATCs and the digital work I was doing at the time. Come to think of it, I did a similar thing in June of 2006 when I turned a CD case into a painting journal, so I guess I’m repeating myself.
Anyway, last night my friend Susan Wilkie came by for tea, and it was fun to be able to show her the wallet because she’s such an avid journaler herself. Susan reminded me that we met when she came to an ATC workshop I was giving at Great Impressions back in 2000 (and we’ve been fast friends ever since). Really, I can’t help but be grateful for all the wonderful friends I’ve made—and continue to make—through art.
Susan brought me a Moleskine Watercolor Notebook which I’m really excited about because I love the landscape format. This gives me the incentive to finish my present journal so I can get started on Susan’s. Thanks girlfriend!