Thursday, January 31, 2008
Beginning an experiment
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Make your own cartoon
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Don't forget Bernie!
If you're a dog lover like I am, you're in awe of artist Bernie Berlin and A Place to Bark, her full-time dog rescue, Bernie takes in abused and abandoned dogs, nurses them back to health and then places them with loving families. Each $10 donation from a unique donor gives Bernie at shot at winning a grant of $50,000. But hurry! The deadline is Thursday, January 31st at 3 p.m. EST. To find out more about Bernie, visit her blog, or just click the orange "donate" button below.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Apparently Mozart is the best music to listen to if you want to increase the power of your intellect and experience well-being. So I think I’ll take a tea break now and crank up the Mozart.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Our Club Challenge
As usual, we all rose to the challenge. The vase was transformed into everything from a fertility figure, to a mask and a lamp. If you want to see pictures of what everyone did, you can visit Carmi’s website. (While you’re there, you might want to check out her store as well. Carmi has some truly gorgeous ribbons and embellishments from France—just to mention a couple of the products she carries).
I debated about posting my own take on the vase because I’m not finished with it yet. For example, the head fell off and needs to be put back on. And the flashing light thing on the top of my doll’s head is precarious too. Beverly’s husband Michael suggested 2-part epoxy, so I guess I’ll be making a visit to Lowe’s soon.
We always have a demo at our club meetings, and last night Carmi showed us how to do felting. Then we all gave it a go (see mine above). Felting is very low tech and therapeutic. It reminds me of painting and is definitely something I’d like to do again.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Procrastinating as Usual
Even though I’ve been looking at the vase for weeks—and knew how I wanted to alter it—I procrastinated as usual. Then everything went wrong. This always happens when I don’t make an early start. I could give the excuse of being busy (which is true enough), but who isn’t when you really think about it?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Unfortunately I don’t seem to have an aptitude for languages. But I’m certain I’d learn one in a hurry if I relocated to another country because I sure like to talk!
What really interests me, though, are pictorial languages like hieroglyphics. The other day I came across a site, which you might enjoy because it lets you create your own custom cartouche.
I played around with different words, and “love” (shown here) appealed to me the most. Shorter words with no repetition of letters seem to work best from a graphic point of view.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Stick with it
Actually I’d pretty much given up hope this assemblage would ever come together—that is until Mary made a couple of comments on it recently that set me on the right track. (Thanks girlfriend!) So when John asked me this morning again if I was done yet, I was able to say, “Yes,” although I'm not sure if he believes me.
The moral to this story is that you can reach resolution with a problem piece—even if it takes you almost six years…i.e. Just stick with it! But now that I think about it, maybe there is no moral. It could just be more proof of how self-absorbed I really am.
Monday, January 21, 2008
I think the word “celebrate” comes to mind because I had a great weekend. It started on Friday night when I had a long, intense conversation about art with David. On Saturday, I went to Yvonne’s house in Guelph to hang out with my stamping buddies for the day. Beverly and I figured out our ATCs for the next exchange at The Hive, and I actually started putting mine together.
Emma and Bryan were staying overnight, and when I got home they took us out for dinner. The next day we went shopping to Michaels where Emma bought a bowl for her fish Fred, and I scored some nifty stamps on clearance for my journal. Then I worked on this digital ATC and my club challenge—although I’ll admit I had to keep reminding myself to celebrate because I’m struggling with the latter.
P.S. Do you have a word for 2008 that appeals to you? (I’m curious).
Friday, January 18, 2008
The chaos downstairs
In the last few days I’ve discovered a Gocco Printer, papermaking equipment, a box of old printing plates, at least two hundred rubber stamps, pictures of Paul Molitor, dozens of writing magazines, broken china, a box of weathered wood, a day timer from 1988…oh, and did I mention that I’m still in the furnace room?
I thought about posting a photo of the chaos today as a feel-good gesture because I guarantee that looking at my mess would automatically make you feel better about yours. But I decided against it. (Just too embarrassing).
On a positive note, I have started and already recycled a ton of paper. In fact, I felt so virtuous tonight that I knocked off early and played with my amaryllis in Photoshop.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
On the other hand...
On the other hand, it isn’t a job. And I have to admit I’m bored with striving to accomplish certain things. When you feel you always have to be succeeding in one way or another, then life degenerates into a process of proving yourself. Success means you’re worthwhile, and failure you're not. Yes, I think I’ve finally had enough of that way of thinking. There’s so much more to life than setting goals, and trying to meet them.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Writers and Aging
Wesley went on to publish nine more—the last of which when she was eight five. Even though Wesley had terrible problems with gout, she still managed to work. That’s the great thing about writing. You can do it at any age, and you don’t have to feel good while you’re doing it.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Free PC Photoshop Filters
There are 50 presets that give you all sorts of effects, which are particularly useful if you’re a scrapbooker. I tried it with a photo of David’s girlfriend Leigh and had a blast. Fast and free is always a good combination in my opinion!
Monday, January 14, 2008
100 Things
Of course I had to start compiling my own list too, and it’s harder to do than I thought it would be. The first thing that came to mind was going back in time to the 18th century and visiting William Blake’s solo art show in London. He didn’t sell a single thing, so if I could, I’d buy a ton of his stuff. And I wouldn't mind going back to New York in the 1940s when Joseph Cornell’s assemblages were going for only $12.95 each!
But since time travel doesn’t seem to be an option, I’d have to say that number one on my list would be spending two weeks in Florence touring the sights—the Uffizi gallery in particular. I mentioned this to Debbie the other day and she said I should start saving money every week. Sounds like a plan.
P.S. What’s on your list?
Friday, January 11, 2008
The Isolation Lifts
The good thing about not having Internet access is that I automatically turn to reading instead of online cruising when I have downtime. What I realized when I was looking through my bookcases last night is that I have a pile of books I’ve never finished or even started. How could I have forgotten them? I guess it's the same old thing. I seem to pay attention to what's right underneath my nose.
Somehow I think this year will be all about finishing stuff off—like art projects that have stalled, and cleaning and sorting the basement. Now I think I’m going to add books to the list.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Back to Reality
On Monday night Bruce and I had a long talk, and he told me he’s been keeping a journal since January 1st 2007. I’m always surprised when a man keeps one and I shouldn’t be because David, my dad and my brother Robin do too.
Bruce explained that he was inspired to start journaling after a friend of his had passed away, and he discovered the guy had been keeping a journal for almost fifty years! I’ve never let anyone take a peek at mine before, but I showed it to Bruce and he thought it was “cool.”
P.S. The amaryllis John bought me in December is doing well. Now it has a baby, so I’m hoping it will flower too.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Skin Color
Then the woman opened her handbag and pulled out the ornament. She looked at me and I looked at her, and we both burst out laughing. The plastic bride and groom had bubble gum pink skin and impossibly blond hair—and the mother of the bride? She was black! Because she didn’t have enough time to order an ornament online, she’d picked this one up and decided to paint it.
I immediately thought of my doll Selina (see the ATC above). I’d used Lumieres for her skin, but Michaels doesn’t seem to carry them anymore. So we poked around looking at different things until I realized that the paints used on model cars might work. I matched the mother of the bride’s skin to a nice bronze color and then we got some black for the hair.
I’d love to see how it turned out…i.e. I really hope it worked! I’ll tell you one thing though. It’s started me thinking about couples and ungeneric they actually are. Why wasn’t that woman in Michaels able to buy what she wanted? After all, couples come in all sizes, shapes, colors, ages and sexual persuasions. In my experience, I can only think of one bride and groom who both had blond hair—and they’re now divorced!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
The Cardinal
When I was at Dollarama with Mary a couple of days ago, I bought the cardinal for John as a joke since he always asks me if I got him anything while I was out. (Apparently that twelve-year-old boy that lives inside him is good to go for 2008).
This practical joke reminded me of a story I read about Vita Sackville-West, the English poet, novelist and gardener. Vita was renowned for her fabulous gardens at Sissinghurst Castle in Kent, and her mother Victoria was jealous of her daughter’s success. One day during the 1920s Victoria invited Vita for lunch. As Vita walked up the path to her mother’s front door, she noticed flowers everywhere. It didn’t take a gardener to recognize they were all fake, and some of them even had black velvet petals embellished with rhinestones!
Friday, January 04, 2008
The Fleet
Normally I don’t go shopping with other people because I find it hard to concentrate on looking at things. But I had a ball with Mary at Michaels and the dollar store. She is a very methodical shopper going aisle by aisle with focus and intention. For example: who knew that the cake-decorating aisle in Michaels could be so interesting? They sell pillars for wedding cakes that would be perfect in assemblage.
Before we left on our shopping spree, I had Mary look at a couple of assemblages I’m having trouble with, and the advice she gave me was spot on. A fresh pair of eyes can make all the difference, so thanks Mary—I know what I’m going to do now.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Your Birthday Color
“You have enormous creativity and an eye for detail. Highly principled, you are a good person that takes your work and behavior seriously. You love to learn and acquire information. You are constantly analyzing and assimilating the psychological aspects of life. You can be hard on yourself and need to be surrounded by people who remind you of your greatness and caring nature.”
Cool, huh? I’m going to go upstairs now and find out if John is in the mood to remind me of my “greatness!”
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
The Color for 2008
Pantone describes the color as “a beautifully balanced blue-purple…combining the stable and calming aspects of blue with the mystical and spiritual qualities of purple. Blue Iris satisfies the need for reassurance in a complex world, while adding a hint of mystery and excitement.”
Don’t you just love it when a company waxes poetic over something like color? But wait, there’s more! Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute adds: “As a reflection of the times, Blue Iris brings together the dependable aspect of blue, underscored by a strong, soul-searching purple cast. Emotionally, it is anchoring and meditative with a touch of magic. Look for it artfully combined with deeper plums, red-browns, yellow-greens, grapes and grays.”
Doesn’t this make you want to do lots and lots of art?
If you want to find more about color forecasting, check out a recent article on this subject published by The New York Times.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
For this reason, I’ve decided to concentrate on one main thing this year—letting go of fear. If I could reduce the challenges of 2007 to a single point of reference, it would be wresting with fear—particularly fear of the future. Since the human solutions to this problem didn’t work, my goal is to spend more time praying, meditating and studying metaphysics this year.
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