Showing posts with label ceramic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ceramic. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2012

February Artisan Clay Design Team Reveal!

Can you feel the spring coming?  I can feel it on my skin and in the light and in the mud. The kids and I visited my Dad and family in Kansas City last weekend.  The travel is on.  I catch it every spring.

My birthday was last week. I usually make a point to have a February picnic and announce the ending of winter and pronounce it officially spring.  Some years I have found myself at a frozen lake, clearing snow from picnic tables and allowing the strengthening sun to warm the bits of my face that peek out between my hood and scarf.  This year, winter never seemed to come.  I usually enjoy a few "snow ins" with my work.... I was looking for it.  I suppose we did get a few "flood ins" in the late summer and early fall though... I enjoy the times that mother nature holds me in from my wondering.  I need it sometimes. Left on my own, I think I could blow anywhere the wind will take me.... following the breeze and the season...

The past year has been a crazy ride.  Many of you have told me how happy you find me. I have been happy.  I seem to be on some kind of high, and I hope to not fall too hard when I come down.  I have found myself wondering how I could possibly be so lucky.  Job, family, friends, support, challenge, comfort... I feel like I have it all. Sometimes I don't want to believe it and I arm myself for the fall... but it hasn't come yet.  I choose my reality. ?Right?  I choose happy.  I want to remember to keep choosing happy.....I seems "unhappy" got more beads made :-)  But the priority had to be mine and my children's mental health, so bead business slacker, happy Kristie, happy babies, it has been.

Having recently separated from my husband, (I don't think I have said those words here before-I know my husband reads the blog as well as members of his family) my family was been amazing at showing me love on my birthday this year. My brother made sure that I had company to go out dancing on the weekend and then took me and the kids, my parents and his girlfriend and her son out to Hibachi Show. The kids love that place.... their laughs warmed me so much...the egg tricks and the onion mountain get them rolling every time.... I felt so warm throughout the whole weekend.

Enough with my annual, birthday, life flashing before me, post.(which historically has had it's very own entry--did I mention the slacking?)..
it's design team day..... 
The picture above shows my necklace project. As soon as I went to photograph it, I realized that it matched one of the new dresses I picked up for myself for my birthday... I am pushing summer along and a $20 bill got me a few new sundresses at the Salvation Amy... I will wear them with cardigans and tights until the temperature in my super heated office allows me to wear dresses everyday.

Here is the necklace long.  I intended to make a long necklace, one to play with....dangle in my hands when I talk and swing from side to side....don't you play with your jewelry?  Isn't that the point of wearing it?.... anyway, most of the jewelry I make these days is for myself and I tend to wear really short @15"necklaces... so I made this one so that I can pinch it short close to my neck or wear it long.  I am always doing that... making things with dual purpose....
The frosted glass ring is from Glass Garden Beads and I picked it up at Bead Fest Philly last August.  I really love them!  I have a few more and I can't get enough.  I love how they are glass colored, bright candy colors yet frosted and slightly mis-shapen which to me takes the manufactured edge off and gives me a more natural feeling.  I love how the colors and the circle shapes work with the glass fused beads that I make.

I used a jumbo chain link, a flower cap and a upwards flying bird to make a simple and playful piece.  Every part moves and I can turn the glass ring around the chain link and admire the bird and the flower as I wear it....
I forgot to take a picture of the charm sets before I sent them out to the design team, but here are some examples of charm sets made into simple earrings.  I really love the versatility of the two sizes of charms that I make. 

I am only 4 sales away from my 800th etsy sale... wow!  I am always shocked at the awesomeness of ----->  YOU!  my wonderful customers and friends... How do we do this?  I love it.  I make the things, you like the things, I mail them to you, I make more.  It's a great deal.  I certainly can't stop making them, and I am so glad that you like them and take them and love them.... So  THANK YOU!  yet again for another 100 sales and as always, whomever purchases the item that makes my little counter hit the even 100, will get a super special surprise of my choice in the mail... and those of you who have received super special surprises from me in the past, know that it could be nearly anything... but typically something I have made myself.

I am participating in the Bead Soup Blog week?  so stop back for that!

And now----- Drum roll please!!!!
Follow the links below to check out what the design team has made with their challenge beads!

Monday, January 9, 2012

It's Back!!! Artisan Clay Design team.....The beads

Happy New Year!
I hope 2011 was good to you!   Here's to an even better 2012!
These little treats are being mailed out to the Artisan Clay Design team today.....  no one knows which piece they are getting.... and I still didn't pick one for myself.

Stop back on the last Friday of the month to see what everyone comes up with!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

September Design team reveal-- Better late than never

It's been a while, hasn't it?  My life is changing.....hopefully for the better.
I just moved.... and man!  my schedule is crazy.  I went from working at my day job 3 days a week to 5 and school starting and moving and yikes!  it is really a tricky time for me. 
This month the design team worked with buttons.  I had been sewing recently and I really wanted to work on a few things that were not jewelry.  I found this great beaded bag at the thrift store and I found a fun fabric/lace/feather flower at the farmer's market.  At first I tried a bronze button....  but it blended a bit to much for my taste.
So.... I took it apart and tried it with a large size turquoise button.
I like it much better. 
I hope to get back in the swing of things around blogland... and etsy.... but I know I shouldn't make any promises.  I miss you guys and I will soon share my days with you once again.  One day I plan to  add mixed lots of older style beads to the etsy shop at quite a deal..... because upon moving them, I realize what a hoarder I have become.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall Fashion Show with Artisan Clay

Guest post by Staci L. Smith

Kristie's life is busy right now, like, really busy.  Like, so busy, she let me guest blog.... (thanks Kristie, I am truly honored that you trust me with your bloggers). 

So, October is flying by, and I thought perhaps, instead of doing a design team challenge this month, which would be more work for Kristie, we could thank her by doing a Fall Fashion Show of all the wonderful pieces we have made with Artisan Clay components.  It would be the last Friday of the month, October 28th, and EVERYONE can play!!!!!  Just add your inlinks that morning to Artisan Clay's blog, and we will have an Artisan Clay Fall Fashion Show Blog Hop!  Sound good?  I think it would be fun to see some of Kristie's work (and ours) through the if you have old stuff, dig that out too.
Just to kick it's one of her wonderful and addicting smoke fire donuts in a silver bezel and surrounded by baroque pearls. 

So share this, and spread the word, so we can see LOTS and LOTS of new people joining in the fun this month.  Its a party people, so bring a friend!!!!!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Artisan Clay Trunk Show and Staci Louise Originals Drilling Demo this weekend! Be there!

Look at us!  Aren't we cute?
We are wearing each other's work :-)  Staci is wearing a necklace that she made as one of the Artisan Clay Design team challenges and I am wearing a necklace that Staci made for me YEARS ago!

Today was the day that I set up my Trunk Show at Bead of a Feather in East Greenville, PA..... That is just a 20 minute drive from my home and just a few miles from Staci's. 

Staci is doing a couple of demonstrations at the shop tomorrow.  I love the subject, drilling your beach finds, sea glass, shells.... for your jewelry making.  So.... be there!  Staci is your girl for tips on making jewelry that will LAST!  BE WEARABLE!  Hang straight!  Not be junk!..... which we happened to discuss while setting up the show ;-)

Thanks for coming by and setting up the show with me today Staci!   You rock!
After this weekend my work will travel to Beads of a Feather's Kutztown location..... SO..... if you are in the area, this is YOUR chance to see a larger selection of my work than is available online.... after this, my work heads to New Jersey before stopping in Virginia :-)

In other news.... I am super famous now  ;-)  .... My bead is featured in a new E-Mag put out by Interweave called Live Wire..... I downloaded my copy last night and I am really impressed!  I hope to work up the project and show it off soon!  So there you go!  I'll say I knew you when ;-)

Don't miss our Artisan Clay Design team reveal next Friday!  This month we are working with my glass fused donuts.... It should be fun. 

I hope you are having a great summer!  Mine has been a blur of choices and people and hope for the future...... and this weekend.... camping with my girl scout 100 degree weather.... but I think we will figure it out.
(and I even get to hang out with my Clay Bead and metal buddy Melinda Orr at THE BEACH on Monday!  OH my gosh!  What fun!)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What's new?

It has been a really long time since I've done a "what's new" blog post!
I don't know, maybe some of you came for the beads instead of the family pictures..?
Nah!  Anyway, I promise to share with you photos both of my current creative projects as well as beads actually available in my etsy shop!
     My friend Debra, picked up my trunk show at Azillion beads and spent 2! hours packing it up for me and mailed it back.  Seriously!  Where would I be without a friend like her. 
Not just for packing my beads.... but I feel so lucky to know such a kind, good person who actually understands the way I think. She listens and agrees or disagrees but she doesn't judge my crazy thoughts and she loves me for me. There is hope! It is possible! Now if only we didn't live across the country from eachother....anyway... things have been tricky around here and I am really thankful for the awesome people in my life :-)
 What's new? I put some work in my potter's group's saggar fire this weekend.  I probably threw 75 beads in the fire.  They won't be done for a while, but I'll post pictures as soon as I get them back.  This photo is my friend Kim's pot after it has been sprayed with a ferric cloride solution. 
I'm always reminded of the crazy chemists in all us potters of the group.
This fizzing concoction is called swamp juice and is made from ingredients found at the Farm store and Lowes.  It fizzes when first mixed and everyone dips or spoons their work into it while it is fizzing to get interesting sponging and bubbling designs on the fired pot. 
Circle 4

Copper wire makes reds and linear patterns when fired
Sawdust makes the much needed smoke for colorful chemical reactions....
Seaweed for salt and minerals along with smoke and linear patterning...
And pack it up like a baked potato and pack it in the kiln
I think I will be attending more Potter's Echange Events this year since I have decided to do trunk shows verses live shows.  This is a good thing, since our group is always hosting learning and sharing events and it really helps me to expand my work. :-)

And the hosts always seem to be giving from the garden too.  Last event everyone went home with tomato plants.
Air travel and taking off of my office job once a month for the past two months has taken a toll on my Etsy listing and my blogging frequency.    
I have a few neglected yet patient shop owners calling me (multiple times) and asking for more work. I get a little cranky with monkey's on my back,

So, after preparing my work for the saggar fire, I got to work throwing new Donuts and pendants.  I had a couple of requests for a donut similar to one that sold quickly earlier this month.  I also have been noticing the jewelry that I love to wear and I notice that quite a few of them are large, dramatic, pendants.  I made some really large and dramatic pieces.  Do what you love, right?

Sonya always needs to throw too.  She loves it.  I helped her a bit with this mini pitcher.

I filled all the bats in my studio on Saturday and came back and filled them all again on Sunday.  I even have one shop that sells my pottery.  I do this to keep me grounded though I don't think it could ever be my focus.  Pots aren't my natural love, but it is a really awesome skill that I would like to improve on.

   On Monday I made molds of a few of the large thrown pieces...and in order to do so, I had to clean the attic.... and in doing so , I found my tile molds..... and so then I was compelled to pour them... and the night before I was up til 3am getting to know a new friend...and since I was up and running at 7am.... I wanted to curl up in a ball a lot of the time.  But I still was compelled to do more. I cleaned the molds, I cleaned the tiles... I just didn't make it to making buttons yet.  
Sunshine art
Starshine's art-- watch out world
So-- all the beads shown here have been added to my etsy shop this week. 
What do you think?  What would you like me to make while I am in my production blitz?  

Friday, May 27, 2011

Design Team Reveal Blog Hop!

I am very excited to announce the second Artisan Clay Design Team Challenge Blog Hop!

This month I decided to send each member one of the styles that I have made quite frequently this past year. The photo above is what I sent. In making these pieces, it has been all about the color. I have been dying to see them in action.
 Now for the Reveal!
This is the necklace I made for this month's challenge.  I made it for my darling friend Debra's, Aunt Bonnie, who is letting me stay at her house during my trip to Oregon (today)
Bonnie likes blues and greens and I wanted to try to mix the smooth brightly colored glossy glass surface with the Matt wood and stone beads and natural fibers (waxed linen)
It was tricky for me.  I always want to pair the glass pieces in sleek contemporary designs apposed to my stoneware pieces which I use in rougher natural styles.
Here are a few more examples of how I have used this style of bead in the past...
It makes a really fun earring.
The pools of glass fracture light and can sometimes glow.
Clean and fresh
And feminine

So.... many of you know that I have been traveling.  I ended up being quite mixed up in my arrival.  I slept in Gate 78 at San Francisco Airport Wednesday night and arrived in Oregon 12 hours later than expected.  So.... I only just now was able to get this blog post up... A little late....

I am having such a wonderful time!  It turns out that a second friend of mine lives here too!   Our planned camping trip for the weekend is looking like it will be a big party.  I will post photos a little later.  There were actually photos taken of me yesterday that I will make disappear...
We'll talk about that later...
I am thinking of blogging my trip photos as a way of recording them for myself.  I hope you don't get too bored of it.

Check out all the goodies that the design team has come up with.