Showing posts with label freehand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freehand. Show all posts
artistique-meg Monday, August 29, 2011

I come with three designs today, two on myself (to which I am sporting now) and another on one of my lovely friends, Aly. So, without further ado, here we go!

artistique-meg Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I know it's been a while again but things have been a bit hectic so here's another huge update. I'm not going to list what I used again this time because I'm too lazy right now, lol, but if there is a product you want to know about ask and I'll see if I can remember it! So, on with the show. Click the images for a bigger size.

Nail Art Wheel One

artistique-meg Monday, May 16, 2011

Yay, pun in my title :D

As a horror fan, Friday the 13th was an awesome day and super cool night :D My lovely girlfriend, Tina and I went to the cinema to see Scream 4 on this devilish night with super goth make-up and fake blood dripping down our chins. It was great seeing people's reactions, I can't wait for the Adelaide Zombie Walk!

So anywho, I painted my nails for this event too. I will say before I share the photo that any fan of horror- wait, any fan of 90's movies go see Scream 4! It had the excellent element of the 90's tongue in cheek and cheese and had today's super gory styled killings too. It was really fun to watch, I totally recommend it. Now.. on to the point of this blog.. the nails!

The are really simply but all the posters for the film were so I thought I'd go with that... I splashed in a bit of red just so it wasn't too boring.
What I used: Sally Hansen in Black Out, nail art striper in white and a generic red that I got in a make-up pack.

Thanks for looking :D Have a great day!

artistique-meg Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Alrighty so a few weeks ago (maybe) a fellow nail blogger and geek Diana was selling some nail polishes and I of course had to grab a few. One being Eyeko's Vintage Polish. It's a very cute green. I also grabbed Orly Space Cadet and China Glaze Ick-A-Bod-y. I'm having a bit of a green binge so I've just been playing with the Vintage Polish mostly. Not that the other polishes aren't divine!

First off I came up with this minty leopard which I loved. This is two coats of the Vintage Polish, I also used my nail striper in while and Sportsgirl's Oasis

Then in between my friend, Jade offered to do some acrylic nails for me. These are probably the longest I've had acrylics and I've never really had glitter tips so this was all very exciting. If you follow the link you can check out the nails she did for me, they are freaking gorgeous!

Anyway, after a few days of 'bare' nails the need to paint them became to strong and it took me ages to decide what to do because I didn't want to cover up the pretty! I decided on some cute bows and used the Vintage Polish again. This time one coat over a white base so it looks a lot more blue. Also used for this were nail stripers in white, black and green. 

All in all I have fun playing with Eyeko's Vintage Polish. Now with the new bottles (which are nowhere near as cute as the originals) the polish doesn't dry up or go gooey, which is kinda a plus. I'm sure you all know this already anyway!

So thanks for looking, check out my friends; you won't regret it! Also.. 56 followers now! I need to do some kind of giveaway!! Suggestions?

artistique-meg Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I know, it's been far too long. I've been procrastinating and trying to get a-hold of life again. Things are good once more which is pretty awesome. I don't want to fill up your time with a lot of my personal rubbish so I'm just going to get straight on with it. I've got a bunch of designs to share with you over my absence, unfortunately I don't really remember what I used for each design so if there is something you really want to know just ask and I'll do my best to remember/figure it out.

Without further ado I share the random designs;

Kawaii Skulls 

Follow the jump for the rest!

artistique-meg Sunday, December 5, 2010

So, why these nails? Not for the Ashes!! My Dad is from England, my Mum is from Wales and a friend who's currently living in London (so damn jealous of you, Matt) suggested the flag for the design. At first I was hesitant, I wanted to do some more complicated nail art but these turned out really well and they are nowhere near as difficult as they look. I'd attempt the Australian flag but I don't think I could logically fit it in without it being tiny!

What I used: Beautiful Nails in White, nail art strippers in red and blue. Simple!

As always click the photo for a bigger image and thanks for looking!

artistique-meg Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tonight I did some nails for my friend, Tina. She wanted acrylics but had no idea what kind of nail art she wanted to top it off with. So, I of course suggested The Mighty Boosh themed nails for her :) I'm pleased how they came out, they're really cute/rad.

What I used: Beautiful nails in Black, Hawley Nail Art in White.

Very simple but I love them. Thanks for looking!
Also, 47 followers for my blog!! Thanks guys! I should do a giveaway at 50! I'll have to think of what I can use as 'prizes'

artistique-meg Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Orange is my absolute favourite colour and I love anything orange flavoured so I decided to do another orange inspired mani :) This is super simple and anyone can try it!

My nails are super short now because I wanted a change. I'm loving having short nails but I still miss having lovely long feminine nails. I also accidentally broke half of my pinkie nail off a few weeks back so that's why it's teeny tiny. Anyway, on to the nails.

What I used: Rimmel 050 Tangerine Queen and Sure Promise nail pens in dark green, black and white.

I also wanted to share a photo from Halloween. Myself and my friend Tina had a 90s horror binge on Halloween and I decorated accordingly :)

Thanks for looking :)

artistique-meg Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hey guys, sorry I've been away for such a long time, I've had a few major life changes. At first I had difficulty coping but things are getting better.

Anyway, Halloween is my favourite holiday and I always experiment with nails and make-up so I figured I'd do a Halloween post to get me back into the swing of things!

Count Dracula Nails!
What I used: Mode Cosmetics in VIP and Super Promise nail art stripers in red, black and white. 

Frankenstein's Monster Nails!
What I used: Moss (unnamed) BYS in Flash Dance, Super Promise nail art stripers in black, white and dark green.

Follow the jump for the make-up looks

artistique-meg Saturday, August 21, 2010

My boyfriend, David, took me to the Tim Burton Exhibition as a surprise and of course it was incredibly inspiring. I mean, seeing all his artwork was amazing. The shapes he creates in his drawings and sculptures are intriguing and sometimes disturbing. Still buzzing from the inspiration days later I tried to use the famous Burton swirl in my changed from where I thought I was going with it but I still love it nonetheless and got a lot of compliments! :)

Here's a better photo, you can see the details;

What I used: Sportsgirl Nail It in Strike A Posie, Ultra3 in Wild Berry, Inglot in 540 (the sparkle black/grey), Hawley Nail Art Pen and simple rhinestones.

I'm only just starting to use rhinestones and whatnot on myself (got some from ebay) and I'm loving it-- I want more!
Thanks for looking!

artistique-meg Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I painted these nails for when I went over to Melbourne to see my lovely David, he likes him some Gloomy Bear :D So this photo was taken after I'd worn it for two weeks. Yes, two weeks, that's what to wonder of a layer of acrylic can do for your nails! It keeps them strong, helps them grow and your nail polish never chips.

I only recommend it if you're up for the maintenance though, I get lazy with it, as you can see these are in need of a refill but a lot of the time I just file them slightly and paint over it. LAZY! Anyway, to the point, the nails!

I love how they turned out and so did David, hurrah!

What I used: Beautiful Nails in White, Glossyblossom in  Mat Rose, Orly in Fair Godmother and Hawley Nail Art Pen in Black.

Nice and simple design that looks great in the end. Thanks for looking!

artistique-meg Saturday, July 31, 2010

Now I can't take credit for this design as it was the clients idea haha, I really liked how it turned out. I did these for my friend Meg's birthday night out. Cute little Hello Kitty faces on the ring finger and Hello Kitty bows on all the others. I'm really keen to try this one out on myself!

What I used: Beautiful Nails in White, Ultra3 in Honolulu, Maybelline Salon Expert in Cutie Pink and another Maybelline in a different pink shade that was hers and I can't remember the name of it! Hawley Manicure Pen in Black and some cute little rhinestones.

Thanks for looking, let me know what you think!

artistique-meg Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cute little cupcakes and donuts for today's design. I'm really liking these, they're all girly and pretty hehe. I like the background as it is too but I thought it was too simple to post on here because of the other stuff I've uploaded in the past. 

Left Hand

Right Hand

That cupcake is a bit messed up but I really like the donuts on this hand so I had to share.

What I used: Glossyblosso in Mat Rose and Hawley Manicure Pen in Hot Pink for the background. Ultra3 in Spring Fling, Honolulu, and Bo Peep, Rossburn in Lilac, Satin in Shade 15, and 2 and Hawley Manicure Pen in Black.

Thanks for looking! Let me know what you think!

artistique-meg Saturday, July 24, 2010

For the graduation of my Cert II in Make-Up and Nails (which was a while ago now lol) I had to do a full look, I chose to do GaGa because I adore her. I did a pink and purple circa 2008 GaGa look and these are the nails I "designed" to go with the lightning bolt make-up.

What I used: ChiChi (the name has worn off) as a base, white, pink and black acrylic paint, Ultra3 in Purple Passion as well as a lovely Roseburn unnamed shimmer pink. Various rhinestones in all shapes and sizes were thrown on too!

I hope you like it, thanks for looking!

artistique-meg Monday, July 19, 2010

I'm really very pleased on how this came out, I started out doing something different then changed my mind and I'm glad I did. I really love the colours of this design. I love pink roses with a blue backdrop. I know they don't really look like roses but at least they look like a flower haha.

What I used (I used a lot for this one): BYS in Sunny Girl, Ultra3 in Honolulu, Sirray in 109 and Revlon in Pure Pearl for the yellow nails.
SportsGirl in Curiouser, Revlon in Magical and Pure Pearl for the blue nails.
Flowers: White acrylic paint for a base, Ultra3 in Bo Peep, Sally Hansen Hard as Nails in Platinum, an old unnamed, unknown brand in a light pink. Moss (unnamed) and Ultra3 in Lagoon.

All in all, 12 polishes for this one!
Let me know what you think!

artistique-meg Sunday, July 18, 2010

At the suggestion of my man-friend I painted some Spider-Man nails. I think they're okay...the thumb/spider is good but I'm not too sure about the rest. Oh well, it was some good practice anyways.

What I used: Orly in Fairy Godmother for the base, Sirray #48 for the tips and Hawley Nail Art Pen & Brush for the spider and webbing.

Thanks for looking!

artistique-meg Friday, July 16, 2010

I love these nails, I think this will soon be my go to design when I can't think of anything else. It looks super cute and it's super easy! Just a few stripes and a Konad stamp and you're done!

What I used: Orly in Fairy Godmother, BYS in Tempt Me Tangerine, Ultra3 in Honolulu, Moss (unnamed), SportsGirl in Blue Lagoon, Roseburn (unnamed) and Maybelline New York in Cutie Pink. Over all that I used the Konad image plate m57 with the Special Black Polish.

I really do love this design. I'll have to try out a pastel rainbow next time!

artistique-meg Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I love Nintendo and Mario and I've wanted to do some kind of design like this for a long while but I've been too chicken. Last night I bit the bullet and just did it. I'm really pleased with the outcome of these nails. I think they came out great! I can't wait to do more like them in the future!

What I used; SportsGirl Nail It in Curiouser, Unnamed Moss colour and Revlon 020 Pure Pearl sponged lightly over the blue. For all the items I used acrylic paints. Topped it off with a few top coats to seal it up.

Thanks or looking!

artistique-meg Monday, July 5, 2010

Another quick design, I didn't want to do too much to it with this holographic polish as a base. It would just look too much!

What I used: Unnumbered Sirray Holographic polish and acrylic paints.

Wow this was a lazy/super quick update!

artistique-meg Sunday, July 4, 2010

I really loved this here mani, I think it's way cute. I'll totally do it again, or at least some oranges! It was fun to paint and quite simple too :)

What I used: Sally Hansen Hard as Nails in Platinum with an old un-numbered Beautiful Nails coral orange sponges over it. BYS in Tempt Me Tangerine and Ultra3 in Honolulu and white acrylic paint for the oranges and lemons.

I have a question for you too! Do any of you have any suggestions for some designs? I had a list of what I wanted to do but I can't find it now. Besides, I'd like some fresh ideas.

Also, I have 24 followers, when the heck did that happen!?! Thanks so much everyone!!!