Not very much time out in the studio today, but I received a book I'd ordered from Amazon and it really inspired me. The book is
Digital Art Studio: Techniques for Combining Inkjet Printing with Traditional Art Materials, by Karen Schminke et al.
Some of the techniques in the book I've already done, such as wet and matte medium transfers from Jet Print glossy photo paper, or gessoing a page from a book and then running it through my printer, like I did with yesterday's postcard with the eyes. But some will require more preparation before I can attempt them. So tonight I will read and make notes, and tomorrow I'll experiment. Thursday the girls start school, and Friday Joel has a freshman orientation, so by next week I should be operating on a more workmanlike schedule out in the studio.
Mini-tutorial on inkjet transfers (note: top images are the gesso transfer and its release sheet, middle images are the gel medium transfer and its release sheet, and the bottom images are water transfers onto rice paper):
Print reversed image on Jet Print Glossy Multi Purpose paper, available at WalMart. The paper is important, because this paper will release the inks, even from a pigment ink printer like my little Epson.
Water transfer:
thoroughly wet the receiving paper and blot. Place the glossy inkjet image face down, and rub firmly with a brayer or the back of a spoon. Peel up the corner to see if it needs more burnishing. When it appears that the image has transferred, lift paper off. This is great for putting images into diaries and journals, or onto cool papers like rice paper.
Gesso transfer: (which didn't work that well here)
brush gesso onto receiving paper/canvas, then burnish as above.
Gel Medium transfer:
Brush Golden Semi Gloss Gel Medium onto paper/canvas and follow directions as above. (You can use other acrylic mediums, but I always seem to have the best luck with this brand and type).
A few notes: The IMPERFECTION of the resulting image is part of its appeal. Don't expect a perfect image. This is a hit and miss transfer method, at its best. Also, the brand/type of paper is important, although you can always try others. This brand is cheap and readily available here in the U.S. You can try the water transfers with any gloss paper with inkjet prints that will smear when wet, such as HP. I love my Epson printers with their waterproof pigment ink. Wouldn't trade them for the world.
Hmmm. I'm sure I've left things out, but it's time to go make dinner for the kids. I'll add more later after I've thought about it.
I also made some Photoshop brushes, which I'll post later for anyone who wants to grab them...