this blog is to chart my creative evolution with stamping, paper-crafting, mixed media and some other stuff i haven't figured out yet... on the theory that challenging myself to try new things and post them to the "world" will be good for me. and might also be good for others. my blog title is inspired by julia cameron's "the artist's way" and her admonition to fill the well.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
queen of the car repair shoppe
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
gomez and morticia
for my soul's dark imagination: dark love with gomez and morticia. another fun "dark valentine" challenge at kym's blog, this time featuring the super lovey-dovey romantic couple from the addams family television show! thanks kym for the free images to help us create!
additional images from gecko galz, retired mischief circus kits, and arthouse whimsy.
love to all.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
kissed by a frog
for digital whisper: kissed by a frog
images from retired mischief circus kits and designs by MandN.
love to all.
one of many heroes
for sunday postcard art: childhood hero this was a lovely challenge invitation, but truthfully, at 1st, i couldn't think of any childhood heroes. but the more i thought, the more heroes emerged into my mind -- family members, treasured teachers, local community and national, international leaders, and so on. but then i was stumped again -- how to represent any of those folk? so i looked to what images i own and ended up picking someone who was not a childhood hero, necessarily, but who is very, very important and whom i admire very much: Albert Einstein -- obviously a major and renowned contributor to modern science and also a significant advocate for world peace. enjoy!
images from retired mischief circus kits and from pixabay.
love to all.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
star-crossed lovers
for my soul's dark imagination: romeo and juliet.
images from ameria design studios, mischief circus, pixabay.
love to all.
faces at tag tuesday
i'm the host for the latest two week challenge at tag tuesday: faces. participants are invited to create tags with faces -- human faces, animal faces, collage, stamped, digital. here are a few examples to get this started and i'll add more next week.
images from lots of companies, designs by MandN, wendy lynn's paper whims, gecko galz, mischief circus.
love to all.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Friday, February 14, 2025
wishing love to all
hey friends, 2 valentines i made this year and a card i gave for a birthday. images from various artists and kits.
linking to digital whisper: valentine.
love to all.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
hearts and flowers
for our midweek muse: hearts and flowers
images from designs by MANDN and retired mischief circus.
love to all.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
to my dark valentine
for my soul's dark imagination: dark valentine
"he loves his goth princess"
"we're all mad here"
images are from retired kits from dezinaworld and mischief circus.
dark and delightful love to all.
Sunday, February 9, 2025
on the runway
image from designs by MANDN primarily with a touch of retired mischief circus.
love to all.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
guts, glitz, and lipstick
gecko galz has a fun challenge for this february: guts, glitz, and lipstick. here's a tag i made for this challenge.
and since i used some pink, i'm also linking to the "in the pink" challenge at tag tuesday!
background paper and woman are gecko galz images.
love to all.
grunge postcard
for sunday postcard art: grunge
our theme host Aimeslee did some research on the meaning of grunge and stated that grunge "in visual art, it means many things. Street graffiti, scribbling, messy, dark, smokey edges, layers of peeling paint, splatters, water spots, etc." i think i got the basic gist in my piece!
images from ameria design studio, designs by MANDN, and some retired mischief circus kit items.
love to all.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
tainted love
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
just our standard morning commute
for our midweek muse: "this and that collage" challenge theme. it's just another day in this magical world...
images from designs by MANDN and retired mischief circus kits.
love to all.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
pink dreamer
here is something for tag tuesday: "in the pink." hosted by our lovely DT sister Pinky, we are invited to use some pink in our tags for this challenge.
images from designs by MANDN and gecko galz.
love to all.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
fish for dinner
for digital whisper: fish out of water
images from MANDN (giggly graphics); and retired mischief circus kits, mostly retired tumblefish studios.
love to all.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
frogs in love
it is valentine's month and the sunday postcard art theme is: frogs. so here you go.
images from designs by MANDN, mischief circus (retired), gecko galz, and my artistic adventures.
love to all.