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Saturday, November 28, 2020

let's go!

 we can dream of when we can travel again!

for sunday postcard art: luggage/suitcases

woman from designs by aymara; luggage and plane from pixabay; background from tumblefish studios (retred); remaining images by itKuPiLLi imagenarium (fantastical steampunk and butterflies).

love to all.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

a girl's best friend

 coming in just under the wire -- the latest challenge at tag tuesday "pets" closes this coming monday. life got busy and i didn't get a tag done until now. here is my digital rendition of a girl's best friend: 

images: dog by dezainworld (retired); sky, grass, and butterfly by tumblefish studios (retired); woman from
designs by aymara; border by cryztal rain (overlays kit).

love to all, human and animal!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

an unfortunate turn of events...

for sunday postcard art: caged

images from retired miles beyond the moon.

be nice to the birds!

love to all.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Monday, November 9, 2020

textural tag

our latest tag tuesday challenge (started last week, goes until next monday) is TEXTURE, thank you DT member Wendy for the great idea! here is what i've made.

central female image is from gecko galz "brilliant photos". the texture here comes from a chipboard "doily" from gina's designs precison laser cuts (store appears to be closed), magic mesh (repositionable mesh product available at craft stores everywhere!), clock stickers, and the painted background.

enjoy; love to all.