
Saturday, September 28, 2013

I made 2 quilted clocks for my house...

one is in my craft room and the other is in the hallway.  So much fun to make!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

One more tote bag finished.
A Halloween wall hanging for my swap partner.
First block for my quilted clock. I am going to make a couple clocks at the same time and will finish up my next quilt block, a New York Beauty, soon.
Birds was the theme this month for my envelope swap. They left yesterday with the mailman so they are headed north and east now.

Friday, September 13, 2013

More tote bags...

three finished and 7 to go!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I loved having a long weekend to sew. I feel like I am really getting caught up! I made 2 sets of bittie quilt blocks (3 1/2") and 2 sets of polaroid blocks for swaps.

I also got caught up with my SkillBuilder blocks. This swap is over half way finished. I am looking forward to getting this quilt all put together. It's the first time I have made a quilt using only solids.

September blocks for the Granny Bee swap.

...and finally, the tote I made for the Nature theme Secret Tote Bag swap. This tote has a zip pocket and a slip pocket inside.