
Sunday, January 31, 2010

A 'card' for my swap partner using week 2 theme of "people". I also made a quilt square for the year long swap I'm participating in. This month the hostess wanted a scrappy star square. She send the fabric she wanted to use and instructions to make the star points.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A couple more Valentine cards. I made the brown card using another new SU punch. The other card is made from some of the "tuck-ins" Claudette enclosed in the last swap card she sent me. I love that heart border.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I made this card using the new SU bird punch. It is a wonderful punch...has the branch and bird on the same punch. The crocheted heart is one I bought on Etsy thinking I would make some once I saw them, but it's too tiny for me.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I saw this idea on a blog and since snowmen were on my swap pal's list of favorites, I made one for her.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Becky's birthday quilt

Another rag quilt finished. I bought a book of iron on quilt tags a few weeks ago and used on of them on this quilt. I ironed the transfer on to muslin, outlined it all using the Copic micro marker then colored it in with Copics. I wanted to make sure the colors wouldn't run so I washed the piece before I stitched it on the quilt. It turned out great! I also had some help at the sewing machine.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A few more cards

It rained all day here which put me in the mood to rearrange my craft room and stamp. I made a couple more cards. If it rains again tomorrow I am going to try and tackle cleaning out some closets.

Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm on a roll now....

I finished my Valentine cards with the exception of the ones I will be making through the online class I'm taking that starts today. I used Kelly's idea of putting flowers behind the owls' heads. That is the best idea! I also used a couple of my new Cuttlebug folders from the "romance" collection I bought at HSN. I made my January and February spinner cards and my January inchies.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A few more cards

A few more cards I made for various swaps. The template for the little cookie book was one of the weekly freebies from MyScrapChick. I thought I saved the template but guess I didn't since I can't find it anywhere. It was probably one of those things that I printed since I thought maybe I would use it but didn't save :( You can sign up to receive the free weekly paper piecing pattern, just head to the website and add your email to the list. The cookie book slides inside the card pouch on my project.

This swap round we are sending our swap partners stamped images that we use on our cards as "tuck-ins". The image on the front of the cookie card is one I received from my swap partner last week.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I haven't been doing much lately...been in a creative slump :( but I did get a couple rag heart magnets made and my February paper dolls.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I am going to try and do more card challenges this year. Here is my first one for the January Card Chain Challenge at the Society of Stamp & Scrap-aholics blog.

Another rag quilt finished and just one more to go..

I am making rag quilts for my daughter's friends. I finished another scrappy one last night and just have one more to go. I am out of scraps so the next one will be some sort of theme, just not sure what. I have got the process so streamlined that I can make a quilt in a day. The flannel I used on the back of this one gave some nice pastel hues to the fringes.

I also made a February hat for my granddaughter. She loves wearing hats!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The year of paperdolls

My inchie group is starting the new year with 12 months of paper dolls. Here are my January dolls reflecting our black/white theme.
I made another rag quilt which my husband called the "Good n' Plenty" quilt. I had been blistering my hands cutting the edges of these quilts and saw on another blog that there are spring-loaded scissors made for cutting rag quilts. I bought a pair at Joann's Crafts and they are wonderful. They cut thru the fabric like it's butter and I have no blisters! I cut this quilt in one evening. It is for one of Sumana's friends who loves pink and black.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more Hard to believe it is 2010. I can remember being in high school and thinking the year 2000 would never come and here we are a decade beyond that. I have been doing some crocheting and stamping to bring in the new year. I am so ready for new swaps to begin. I made a couple quick crochet hats and started my annual tradition of "re-making" my last year calendars into cards. My friend Becky gives me back her calendar at the end of the year so I have 2 to make into new cards. I finished January and February cards and will work on the rest of the year as motivated.