
Monday, April 27, 2009

Finished my last swap card

I finished the last swap card I needed for a current swap round I'm in. I was supposed to use "jewels" but figure the hearts will suffice.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

ATCs and spinners

I made my ATCs for a "Feathered Friends" swap and decided to go ahead and stamp some extra images for my May spinner card swap.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

4 months worth of inchies

I am home alone today and loving it. I made 4 months of inchies for Trish's swap and the mail lady has already picked them up and they're on their way. Amazing what I can get done with no interruptions! The themes are birthday, aliens, safari and birds. I didn't have any alien stamps so I drew my alien using the Copic multiliner marker I got in my class package. I love the is copic ink so you can draw with it and color with the markers and it doesn't bleed.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I've fallen in luv with Ketto

Earlier this week at the Copic certification class, my tablemate Liane, had some stamped images of the cutest little girls. I just checked out the Stamping Bella website and have fallen in luv with these cute stamps. There is even a bird! Check out the link on the right side of the page, then when you get to the website, click on Ketto stamps in the left sidebar.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Copic certification....

I had a question regarding copic online classes....I learned so much in the class yesterday that I just didn't learn from online resources. I am a visual learner so I suppose that is why. There is an excellent blog if you are an online learner that the gal that taught my class yesterday moderates. The blog is I Like Markers. Scan through that and see if there are tricks you can pick up. Some of the things on her blog are things she showed us yesterday and I swear there was no way I figured it out from her blog.

One thing I learned yesterday that I can share with you...the caio markers have little slots in the caps. The reason for this is that if the cap is swallowed, not that any of us are going to do that, you can still breathe. The caio markers are considered the beginning package and are used by children in Japan. They are still air-tight, even with those little slots. 144 colors is a great start! It's the same ink throughout the whole Copic line. I started my set with all the caio markers and am adding sketch markers now (sketch have 366 colors!) Good luck.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm Copic Certified!

It was a wonderful day in San Francisco with Marrianne Walker teaching and Cambria assisting her. Kelly and I both learned several new tricks and techniques and it was well worth the money. Now I can teach copic classes. YEA!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

One sketch card then some scrappy ones

I made a sketch card for the Happy_Stampers yahoo group swap and it turned out much bigger than cards I usually make. I guess I should have started with a smaller image but that bird has been sitting uninked for several weeks now. Then with the scraps I had left and some of my new Hero Arts stamps I made 3 cards.

I am signed up for the Copic certification class in San Francisco next week after much debate back and forth with myself. Now that I'm signed up, I'm thrilled and I will be able to teach some copic classes...probably in my home.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Itty bitty stamps

I just posted a link for Bon-Ton stamps on the side bar under "Places I like to Shop"...the site I get my itty bitty stamps from. There is quite a variety of words. When you get to the main website page, just clinkc on "bon-bons" for all the tiny word stamps.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's an "inchie-a-thon!"

I finished my black and white inchies for a May swap. I stamped some frog images for a friend and decided to stamp a few for myself so I could make frog inchies.

More inchies...for a swap-bot swap

I just received my swap bot partners and need to make 4 red inchies for each of them. I also made some extra inchies since I had the stamps inked up.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I smell the coffee!

I made a purple and green card for a swap I'm in and while I had the coffee stamp out, I stamped a few inchies. The tiny stamps on the inchies are made by Bon Ton stamps.

A little stamping while watching AI

I watched American Idol and got in a little stamping. I just don't enjoy this season as much as I have the past seasons :( My daughter's friend asked me to make a card for her husband's birthday so this is what I came up with.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A few more inchies

Letter D inchies for a swap.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April inchies complete

After receiving Jerri Sue's "fly" inchies I decided to get mine made and on the way. Making inchies and spinner cards are 2 of my favorite projects.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I finished up my Easter cards

I made a batch of Easter cards yesterday using 3 different backgrounds and the cutest sizzix die!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I made lots of cards this morning

I had a very productive morning stamping cards.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Check out this new toy...

I ordered the new Tim Holtz stapler from Frantic Stamper and it arrived yesterday. It is just as wonderful as shown on Tim's blog. It is easy to use and staples a 1/4" staple. I can't wait to use it on my projects.

Another part of my Frantic order was some paper from Creative Impressions that I wanted to use to make my April spinners. I saw an idea using this paper in a recent issue of Cards. My spinners didn't turn out as well as I wanted but they're finished, drying and will soon be on their way.

I made a TY gift for my swap partner (no names mentioned). This project is one of my favorites to make using inchies. I was so happy I bought several of these frames last year when Kohls had them on sale. The coffee card is for the Happy_Stampers letter "J" swap which equals Java for my card. It is a card I made several months ago. For anyone wanting to join a card swap group that is pretty low key, Happy_Stampers is a great one. You pick and choose which swaps you want to join each month. You can find the group on yahoo groups by doing a search for Happy_Stampers.

Check out my other blog to see some great art. The link is on the right side bar, Art From My Friends.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A special order card

My job share partner emailed and asked me to make a card for a church student of hers that will be leaving. I chose a ladybug image and made 2 cards so I had one ready to use for an upcoming swap theme. I made a fold out panel inside the card since there will be 15 students writing messages inside the card.

More inchies...

I made inchies last night for two separate swaps. One of the swaps had a number theme and the other swap was anything goes so I just made a big batch.

I received my first Easter card of the season from Linda and it's posted on my other blog.