
Friday, December 25, 2009

I finished another rag quilt, this one if for Sumana's boyfriend who loves dragons. I had some fabric left and made a pillow case too. Cheeto loved the quilt!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I had a few of the stick on calendars left so I started making foldable calendar cards and got on a roll.....I still have a few more I want to make but you can see from the pictures that I need more calendars. I found some online last night at Sky Blue Pink so hope to have them next week.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Here is my 2010 calendar. I only made one set this year for my co-worker :( Just didn't have the time to make them with our vacation scheduled smack in the middle of December.

Friday, December 18, 2009

One more quilt that needs to be wrapped. I put it on the chair to take a picture and my cat decided it was a great place for a nap. One quick thank you card. I saw this idea when I was going through blogs today.
A couple more quilts finished that need to be wrapped for gifts. Couldn't get the dog out of the way. Both quilts are made using squares from swaps I joined thru Flickr groups.

Friday, December 4, 2009

We're getting ready for vacation and I've been finishing up some projects. This is my first attempt at making a "rag" quilt and I loved making it. So easy!!! I used fabrics I had on hand except buying the flannel backing and batting. Here is a picture of the before washing and after washing. I have heard the more it's washed the softer the cut edges around the squares become. My husband loves it and it's big enough for him to wrap up in. I am definitely going to make another one of these quilts once I have time to figure out how much fabric it actually takes if I don't use scraps.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I was reading blogs using the "next blog" button at the top of my blog and found this great FREE pattern to make rag quilt letters. It was quick to make the set and fun. how often do you get to sew and not have to turn things inside out to hide seams? I used white flannel for the back of the letters.

When you click on the link to get to the website, go to tutorials and then you'll find the free download. After I printed the letters I glued them to thin chipboard and made templates.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

More owl daughter called and asked if I could make her 30 Christmas cards. I decided to use the pattern I had been using and made her a stack of owl cards. I still need to make her a few guy and gal birthday cards. Also made one more Thanksgiving card.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We have beautiful Fall weather today and it put me in the mood to make some Fall cards/spinners.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Here's my November quilt square for the Hip To Be Square swap. It is a disappearing 9 patch. We have the month of December off from swapping.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A couple guy birthday cards I made this afternoon.

Introducing Ink Girl...

I got an idea to mail out Ink Girl for a sort of "Flat Stanley" type project. It will be called the Travels of Ink girl. I have created a Shutterfly digital blog and will be making a book of Ink Girl's travels. I'll post pictures occasionally on this blog of her travels. Here she is...her bags are packed and she's ready to go once I get her laminted! The laminating will be sort of a rain coat for her during all her travels. Can't wait to see what adventures she'll encounter. If you haven't already been invited to host Ink Girl for a few days and are interested in participating in this project, send me an email.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Here's the first of my Christmas cards

I don't make all one design...just get tired of doing them that way. This is the first of several I will be making. Then to type the Christmas letter go to in them and I can leave on vacation.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

So far today I've made 2 pair of flannel PJ bottoms for my girls and a Pooh dress for my granddaughter. I need to stop sewing and get busy making Christmas cards!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'm almost caught up for the year

I finished a couple spinner cards and my November and December inchies for the year. The lighting on the pictures isn't great but you can get the idea.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

...I'm back to stamping

I needed to make some TY cards and wanted to use my new embossing folder. I love the way this folder looks! I had a wonderful birthday and still have lots of cards to post on my Art From My Friends blog.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Some more sewing...

I made identical dresses for my granddaughter and my co-worker's granddaughter. This pattern is so fun to sew.

Click over to my Arts From My Friends mailbox was full of birthday mail yesterday.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Another I Spy quilt finished

I finished an I spy quilt for my job share partner's granddaughter. I did a regular binding this time and I really like it better than the first one I made.

Monday, October 26, 2009

A couple dresses

I made a dress for my granddaughter and one for my co-worker's granddaughter. Christmas dresses are next on the list. The nice thing about this pattern is that the stras can be adjusted as the girls grow and they can wear them winter or summer.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's finished!

Once I got it pinned, the sewing was so quick. It's all quilted and I finished it with a self-binding. One more Christmas gift checked off the list.
I am beginning the "I Spy" quilt for my granddaughter. I Spy has been a meal time game we have played with our kids over the year as they "spy" different things on the hundreds of tins and coffee mugs I have displayed on shelves in the kitchen. The squares are stitched together and I am putting flannel on the back. Once I get some pins I can move to the next step of pinning it, then I will quilt it. I need to work on November birthday cards and hope to get that done tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A few more owls for November birthdays. I need to design a birthday card to tuck in the pocket on the back.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A few more flew into the parliament...

I tried out a pattern I had for an owl pillow. The owls are cute but they aren't as big as I thought they would be :( I thought they needed something more, so I just added some eyelashes to them and it really perked them up. So if you think the picture looks different than the one this does. I also made a birthday card for a friend who loves purple.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

2 of the parliament are flying.....

I decided to choose the top two numbers from and give away 2 owls. Here's a list of the #s generated -
1. 2
2. 5
3. 1
4. 8
5. 6
6. 3
7. 4
8. 7

Those 2 owls are flying to live with Joy and Roc, the #2 and #5 comments posted. Any color preference ladies...Anya decided she liked them too and ate one so the green one is deceased :(

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Check our this "Parliament"....

I stitched some owls this afternoon out of felt. I was going to post that I made a flock of owls but did an internet search and found out that a group of owls is a parliament. I will be giving away one of these owls. Just post a comment on this post and I'll use to choose someone on Sunday. The owls were originally going to be ornaments but I just liked them as they are. The single one is my favorite and is staying here in my stamp room. I know you'd think I would choose the red one but that purple one is calling out to me!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

What a great mail day!!!

My friends quilt is finished and I made quilt tags on my machine today. Not sure why I've never done these before but I will be doing them for all future quilts. I do need a little practice but by the time I fold the edges under and stitch the tags to the back of the quilt, they will look fine. Then the 2 quilts will be finished and they will be ready for delivery.

My first Shutterfly book arrived and it is AWESOME. I made it for my daughter and ordered a copy for me and a copy for her. I used pictures she has emailed me. I just love the cover! I can't wait til her book arrives to her. I am definitely going to use Shutterfly again. What a great way to scrapbook!