Showing posts with label danny mansmith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label danny mansmith. Show all posts

June 27, 2008

Fields Project - Danny Mansmith and Cathi Bouzide

Today I got a wonderful email complete with photos from the one and only Danny Mansmith. His latest work involves the midwest, corn bins and friend Cathi Bouzide. Check it out here at the site.
I love public art and I love the way this piece changes the landscape so subtly. More on other public art later today!

September 25, 2007

Danny Mansmith -Landscape

Found over at his Flickr account - a new landscape by Danny Mansmith. What can I say about this except that I love it! It just says "Good Morning World" to me and well, that is always a good feeling.

August 11, 2007

Interview with Danny Mansmith

Over at Cutout and Keep inside "Snippets" there is an interview I did with Danny Mansmith. He continues to amaze me and well, I think the interview was fun too. Check it out here.

March 22, 2007

front window

front window, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.
Remember! Friday, March 23rd is the opening - due to last week's storm...
Hope to see you all here!

looking in at the tree which is just like the tree outside,
except with danny's scarves. which i am wearing one of the many we have...which are growing on the tree! I am partial to this pinky one... when I get a more appropriate model - I will show you some more!

March 14, 2007

Street Angel

by Danny Mansmith 10 inches square

This piece is just so perfect in every way. The color, composition and lines inspire me! The distressed frame fits the work well. Just another wonderment at the Extreme Textile show...

February 27, 2007

Exhibition preview

one more photo for now - This is called "Strong". It is!
specs: 13.5 by 13.5 inches - $190
it's stunning. All the work from this show will be in the shop later this week.

Extreme Textiles

danny mansmith "the gods" textile painting
So many boxes, so much to do! Lovely work is pouring into the studio. Here is a "peek" at what's inside! Will be pulling down the old show tomorrow and designing the space to accomadate the new exhibit, so keepin' it short here. Scoot on over to the lovely hearts area of the shop - last day is tomorrow for purchases and doing good for the BCRF.

The word for the day is ... count ... your blessings, your chickens, your inventory!