July 23, 2009

Susan Schwake : : distance

distance, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

The work is as always a composite of places I've seen rendered into a place I have only visited within my head.

another one of my paintings for my upcoming show at Kimball Jenkins Estate
this one is one of three 12x12x1.5 inch canvases in this theme.
sort of a mix of our travels around Provence with an impression of lower Switzerland.

July 20, 2009

My new machine called Singer

my new machine, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

My old sewing machine broke last week. It finally bit the dust. With my birthday coming up and my daughter's quilt half finished, we found this beauty in perfect working condition complete with a lovely little cabinet available at a house two streets over from ours. Too funny and too good for my mom to pass up for my present. Hooray for birthdays! hooray for real heavy metal sewing machines!

July 17, 2009

Ana Ventura beautiful new print!

Ana Ventura sent over a new print of hers as seen above. I love ana's work so much. We still have a few pieces of hers in the shop. Hand silkscreened on beautiful heavypaper. An original beauty.
Here is the link to the new one above in her shop too!

Natalie Chanin for Alabama Chanin Vogue Fashion Finalist!

Kudos to Natalie Chanin for being chosen as one of the Vogue Fashion Fund Finalsits!
“The ten finalists we selected are a talented, diverse group, who are building healthy independent businesses in challenging times.” One winner and two runners-up will be announced at a gala on November 16 in New York City.
Whoo hoo!

July 16, 2009

Detailed look at "Deep South"

1. Natalie Chanin for Alabama Chanin, 2. Natalie Chanin for Alabama Chanin, 3. Natalie Chanin for Alabama Chanin, 4. Natalie Chanin for Alabama Chanin, 5. Natalie Chanin for Alabama Chanin, 6. Natalie Chanin for Alabama Chanin, 7. Lillian Farag, 8. Stephanie Howard, 9. Stephanie Howard, 10. Katie Runnels, 11. Denise Falk, 12. close up Tim Wirth "cannonballs", 13. Katie Runnels, 14. Emily Marie Cox, 15. Emily Marie Cox, 16. Emily Marie Cox

Alabama Chanin

Natalie Chanin is a remarkable woman. Her company Alabama Chanin does what companies should do - and she does it with style. Here is an excerpt from her website:

Alabama Chanin is a lifestyle company that focuses on creating an array of products through focusing on slow design and sustainability.We craft limited-edition products for the individual and the home. Our products are made-by-hand using a combination of new, organic and recycled materials. Each piece is constructed with care by talented artisans who live and work in communities in and around Florence, Alabama. Our products come numbered in one-of-a-kind or limited edition series and signed by the artisan that made it. We dedicate ourselves to producing quality products that become a part of daily life in this generation and beyond. From farmer to fiber to artisan to home, our products are “grown-to-sewn” in USA. 
We are so thrilled to have her pieces here on display and for sale, right here in the shop!


July 13, 2009

My illustrations in ON magazine

I was so happy today when the ON magazine arrived in my mailbox. I had sent a group of tiny watercolors to them for use in this article and set of recipes by Carolyn Dille and wasn't sure how they would use them.
I like what they did and now can exhale. Today must have been the most perfect day of days in the summer here. Big blue skies, dry air and when arriving home poking around the basil patch of my garden I spied a hummingbird at rest on our tomato cages. How did your day go?

About last night ...

There is nothing finer in New England than a warm summer night under the stars. That is what Rainer and I enjoyed last night out in our garden. The fireflies were flying high and the stars were bright. It is very quiet where we live and quite dark. This year I bought a couple of solar powered LED lanterns made from a silky fabric mounted on traditional chinese lantern style wire forms. They have the tiniest little LED in them which cast a lovely glow that doesn't interfere with star gazing or firefly enjoyment. What was your weekend like?

July 10, 2009

Through Katie Runnels work

Another sneak peek at the show! By Katie Runnels ... Still workin on it, so have to run ... check out more work as it goes up over at our flickr. And a full blast too by the show's curator Grace Bonney over at design*sponge! It's available for sale online in our shop right here!

July 08, 2009

Haylie Waring Sew Things Up

Just another little peek at some of the pieces for the deep south -- check out our flickr to see more beautiful pieces! Busy today getting the work up and arranged! More later!

July 07, 2009

Upcoming show:: Deep South

meryl truett

tim wirth

denise falk

Here are a few images to get you going today... coming up this Saturday at artstream ... Deep South an exhibition of nine artists curated by Grace Bonney of design*sponge. The work is diverse and absolutely wonderful. It's very exciting to unpack it all!

I'll let the photos do the talking. The exhibition will be online on Saturday for purchase. Here's the line up:
Tim Wirth, Katie Runnels, Meryl Truett, Lillian Farag, Denise Falk, Stephanie Howard, Haylie Waring, Emily Marie Cox and Natalie Chanin for Alabama Chanin!

July 06, 2009


Opportunity, it's a word full of anxiety, anticipation and questions. It's like a garden in the early springtime, full of seeds and tiny plants just waiting for the right combination of sun, water and fertilizer to help it grow. (shot of our weedbed which we finally are getting around to dry weather now to actually care for!)
I stumbled across this artistic opportunity which could be fun for some of you out there -- "The Untitled Artist Project" The deadline is approaching so click over there now to read more! It could be quite exciting. From the people who brought you Project Runway, comes this wonderful looking opportunity! Go for it I say!
Here is an excerpt from their website:

Magical Elves (Peabody Award-winning Project Runway, Emmy Award-winning Top Chef) and Sarah Jessica Parker (Golden Globe- and Emmy Award-winner) and her production company, Pretty Matches, are teaming up for an hour-long creative competition series among aspiring contemporary artists who will create and compete to conquer the art world!
If you’re an emerging or mid-career artist with a unique, powerful voice that demands a bigger stage – well. . . Here. It. Is.

We want contemporary artists. Your medium could be one of many (or several of many) – painting, sculpture, installation, video, photography, mixed-media – we want voices that believe in their art and want the world to know. Attend one of our four regional casting calls around the country and we will consider you for participation in this groundbreaking show.

July 03, 2009

Glue Prints :: a mini tutorial

Hello all! It's been a fun week at the studio with the printmaking camp in progress. Looking at all the beautiful prints in the gallery has been inspiring to the students as well as thinking up their own ideas!
One of the most free form styles of printmaking - glue prints - something we enjoyed making yesterday. I thought I would share a little mini tutorial with you on this fun process.
First get out the white liquid glue and a piece of cardboard a little or a lot smaller than your paper.
Enjoy the flow of the glue and don't worry about any real details.
Let it dry overnight
In the morning, using a brayer, spread ink over the dried glue
Place your paper on top of the inked glue and cardboard
Rub like mad with your fingertips!
Pull off the paper and admire your work.
Add color or collage pieces if you like
Of course you can do so much more printing with the glue
"plate" ... I will let you think up some on your own - let me know what you come up with!

June 30, 2009

grafitti :: something special

Can't find any credits to this, but it is a rather lovely image for this morning...

June 29, 2009

Hello Monday!

north window allegedly summer ...
Hello!  I hope your weekend was as lovely as ours was. We had beautiful weather Friday and Saturday - just right for taking  Chloe to  Camp Bernadette (her last year) and a Saturday night with friends over having dinner in the garden with us. Raining (yet again)here today, but that doesn't dampen my spirits -- it's Rainer's birthday and we are going to have some fun. 
delphinium 6.29 - about two weeks late
Earlier this morning I had to dash out to the garden to cut the blue delphinium which had fallen over with the weight of the rain. Sad to bring them inside, but better than letting the mud and the slugs (one came in on a blossom... oh ew!) get at them!
So, off to the art camps for the morning and on to the festivities later... 

June 24, 2009

IPS:: Heather Smith Jones happy ending

Oh did you know that you can still pick up some beautiful printmaking based work here at artstream? This is just one of four originals Heather Smith Jones created for our show. Beautifully framed by her husband, it is a jaw dropping piece. Go here to see the other three pieces!

Incredible Print Show :: did you see these?

Anke Weckmann simply rocks!
Stacey Durand has a way with houses...

Megan Bogonovich ... for the motorcycle lover in you ... how about planting some succulents in one of these?

Plenty of prints left to snap up right here in the shop!

June 22, 2009

love this poster

GO TO THIS, originally uploaded by bienworld.

Ty Williams posted this on his flickr and well, I just love it... don't you?

danny mansmith :: studio sale time!!!

Danny Mansmith is having a sale, so I suggest you scoot on over to check it out! Now!