
Showing posts with the label England

Ice Cream Across the Atlantic

Last year I completed 2 ice cream cone collages and posted the process on this blog. Since then, I was contacted by Joanne Cole in Bristol, England. She is a school art teacher and her students were beginning an assignment using collage to create ice cream sundaes. She was asking permission to use my collages and information with her students. I readily agreed and asked that she send photos of her students' work. I emailed photos of the different stages on the ice cream cone collages I had done. I had posted them here previously, but for some reason, several of the photos couldn't be viewed later on. Today, I am sharing with you a photo of my new international friend, Jo and the work of her younger students. This first set of collages was done by 11 year olds with the main focus on tone. On my next blog post I will show the sundaes done by the older students, so stay tuned! It is such fun that the internet enables us to connect with people of similar interests all over the wor...