Showing posts with label westies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label westies. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Westie's

Last week I went to West Springfield Mass.  to work in the Sparkle N Sprinkle booth at the Heirloom Rubber Stamp Show. In my travels, I saw some really cute dogs on display in the town of West Springfield. So I thought you might like to see these cute little guys. And they really aren't so little. They are probably at least knee high or so.

These guys look like little guard dogs. These were all decorated by different people and organizations. So each one has a different "personality" so to speak.

As we drove thru the area where these cute little guys were sitting, we also passed an area that was set aside for the Taste of West Springfield. Looked like a lot of good food was available. And they had a great crowd.

It's time to get back to the straightening up of my studio.
Well, that is it for now, thanks for stopping by and see you soon,

Have a great day!
