Showing posts with label portfolio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label portfolio. Show all posts

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Portfolio

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for stopping back in today.Recently I posted about the two classes that I took up in Circleville Ohio. The first project I shared earlier was the Tea Box Class. If you missed it, click here to check it out.The other class was a date book portfolio and I am sharing that class project today. The class was taught by Terri Sproul, a talented artist from California. These two projects were fabulous.

All of the papers in this project are Graphic 45 except for one, which you will see in a minute.

Here is a front view of the portfolio, closed. It has a belly band with a card attached to the front of the band. The band stays shut with the aid of magnets.

Here is the back view closed. These G45 papers are spectacular they are from the By The Sea line!!!

Here is a full view of the portfolio on the outside.

Lets peek inside. This portfolio houses a perpetual calendar of sorts. You can make note of birthdays and anniversaries and whatever dates are important to you on the sheets for the different months, which are stored here in the portfolio. This calendar is not year specific which makes it good forever.
The first 6 months sheets are on the left and the last 6 months reside on the right side of the portfolio.
Let me share with you the January card as it comes out of the portfolio. The bottom portion is folded up and decorated with a stamp image and a little paper strip all from the G45 papers. The cards are printed with the lines, the numbers  that coincide with the days in the month and the month name but are not from the G45 line. Terri made these. These would be easy to replicate on the computer.

Here is the January card opened all the way.You can see the back of the card is attached to something

Here is the other side of the January card.That gorgeous card is another piece we cut from the G45's  By The Sea line. Terri had rubber stamps for each the months, to identify the month on the  top of the backside of each months card.
This project is adorable and I can see other themes for a portfolio besides a date keeper.You can too I'm sure.The portfolio shape was made using a template from it was so easy to use and fit right on a 12X12 piece of the G45 DP.

That's the portfolio and I am so happy you stopped in so I could share it with you.

I am submitting this project in the following challenges:

See you soon